Now Even Dance-hall Is Saying (indecom) Is Bad: Hmm..

Well you can’t make this up!!!
Psalm 8:2

Out of the mouth of babes and suck­lings hast thou ordained strength because of thine ene­mies, that thou might­est still the ene­my and the avenger.

I was always of the view that if you keep chip­ping away at a moun­tain long enough, giv­en enough time you can chis­el out a tunnel .
A tun­nel leads to light.
For years I have made it a per­son­al cam­paign to speak out using every medi­um I can to bring atten­tion to the seri­ous and exis­ten­tial prob­lem of crime in our country.

I have received much blow-back over the years for stand­ing with the police.
Many dis­missed my unshak­en sup­port for the police as sim­ple loy­al­ty borne out of the fact that I served.
To those I have said repeat­ed­ly ‚” No“It’s not about the fact that I served, it’s because I under­stand that there is no oth­er sit­u­a­tion in which we can have a liv­able coun­try with­out the rue of law.
Which means no mat­ter how flawed our law enforce­ment agen­cies are we stick with them and fix the problems.


Desmond Ballentine (Ninjaman) and Rodney Price (Bounty Killer) are two foun­da­tion dance-hall artiste who came up through the grit­ty streets of Kingston .I do not know Bounty Killa but Ninjaman a prod­uct of the beau­ti­ful parish of saint Mary came to Kingston and resided in the Marl Road com­mu­ni­ty where I lived.
As a Young police offi­cer I met Ninja, I had a small bar on Plantain avenue behind the Old New Yorker fac­to­ry off Waltham Park and Bay Farm Roads.

Every Friday and Saturday I had a lit­tle sound sys­tem play­ing at my lit­tle spot . The sound sys­tem was owned by a Rastafarian gen­tle­man from the area. That is where Ninja cut his teeth as a disc jock­ey long before he became the don-gor­gon.
There is an old Jamaican proverb which says, if fish comes from the bot­tom of the ocean and tell you there are sharks down there you bet­ter believe the fish.,

On the issue of crime and how we deal with it effec­tive­ly Ballentine and Pryce are babies , though they are from the streets, and knows what goes on, these gen­er­al­ly aren’t the peo­ple as per con­ven­tion­al wis­dom, we would look to for advice, hence my “lit­tle child shall lead them scrip­ture verse..
Notwithstanding when peo­ple like the afore­men­tioned two tell us whats going on it behoove us to listen.

At a ses­sion organ­ised to moti­vate mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) yes­ter­day received crime-fight­ing instruc­tions from two of the most unlike­ly indi­vid­u­als that one would expect to see address­ing cops — dance­hall dee­jays Bounty Killer and Ninjaman.(source JamaicaObserver)

Ballentine, in his address, chid­ed the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) for putting what he described as unwar­rant­ed pres­sure on police seek­ing to uphold the law.


I’m com­ing from a bad man point of view. No bad man nuh inna Jamaica again; unuh have a set of crim­i­nals and mur­der­ers deal­ing with.

Some peo­ple just tek up gun and turn it on any­one they feel, and if the police catch one of dem and deal wid dem, INDECOM charge dem for it,” the artiste, who served three-and-a-half years behind bars, said before turn­ing on the Government.

He called for more resources for JCF mem­bers, whom he described as the country’s “slaves”, argu­ing that they are not ade­quate­ly paid for the work they do.
http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​B​o​u​nty – Ninja-lecture-cops_86875

Let’s start mak­ing the vil­lage raise the child again. Last year was a grue­some year with killings. The police, the sol­diers, the secu­ri­ty forces, they are play­ing their part; we as soci­ety have to play our part as well,” Pryce said.

I rest my case !
Dance-hall artiste are not fools, they know whats going on, they have their ears to the ground. The pow­ers that be in Kingston know that inde­com is bad for the coun­try, many peo­ple have come out and said so.
As some­one who has been ham­mer­ing this home since I first saw the minu­tia of the law, I under­stood it was going to increase crime.

At the risk of sound­ing like a bro­ken record I say again . The( inde­com )act serves the inter­est of a small cabal of pow­er­ful peo­ple on the Island.
It was a gift giv­en to them by Bruce Golding.
The act has many sup­port­ers, those sup­port­ers may be found in two groups. (1) Those who ben­e­fit from it and I have named them in mul­ti­ple pre­vi­ous articles.(2) And a bunch of know noth­ing vil­lage lawyers who can­not see beyond what they are told.
The abil­i­ty to crit­i­cal think was not giv­en to everyone .
Some swal­low every­thing they are told with­out the abil­i­ty to think things through for themselves.

Those sheeple[sic] have to be led , deci­sions have to be made for and despite them , not with them.
The harm the inde­com act con­tin­ue to do is being mea­sured in the blood of too many Jamaicans, some of them inno­cent and undeserving.
It’s time that this law and this creep who head the agency be shown the door.