Not Guilty ? NOT GUILTY!!!


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I can­not relate to what Tracey Martin and Sabrina Fulton feel for the loss of their child. As the father of four boys I can­not even begin to under­stand their pain. However even as I strug­gle to appre­ci­ate even some sem­blance of their agony.


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The jury humil­i­at­ed the Martin fam­i­ly, by rub­bing salt in their wounds. That’s jus­tice the American way, remem­ber OJ Simpson? he got off a mur­der rap yet he was sen­tenced for steal­ing his own prop­er­ty and sen­tenced for the mur­ders he was pre­vi­ous­ly acquit­ted of. Black peo­ple sim­ply can­not get any jus­tice in America, remem­ber the laws which says that a black man has no right a white man have to respect? What has changed? Remember Rosewood in the very state of Florida?

On January 1, 1923 a mas­sacre was car­ried out in the small, pre­dom­i­nate­ly black town of Rosewood in Central Florida. The mas­sacre was insti­gat­ed by the rumor that a white woman, Fanny Taylor, had been sex­u­al­ly assault­ed by a black man in her home in a near­by com­mu­ni­ty. A group of white men, believ­ing this rapist to be a recent­ly escaped con­vict named Jesse Hunter who was hid­ing in Rosewood, assem­bled to cap­ture this man.

Prior this event a series of inci­dents had stirred racial ten­sions with­in Rosewood. During the pre­vi­ous win­ter of 1922 a white school teacher from Perry had been mur­dered and on New Years Eve of 1922 there was a Ku Klux Klan ral­ly held in Gainesville, locat­ed not far away from Rosewood.

In response to the alle­ga­tion by Taylor, white men began to search for Jesse Hunter, Aaron Carrier and Sam Carter who were believed to be accom­plices. Carrier was cap­tured and incar­cer­at­ed while Carter was lynched. The white mob sus­pect­ed Aaron’s cousin, Sylvester Carrier, a Rosewood res­i­dent of har­bor­ing the fugi­tive, Jesse Hunter.

On January 4, 1923 a group of 20 to 30 white men approached the Carrier home and shot the fam­i­ly dog. When Sylvester’s moth­er Sarah came to the porch to con­front the mob they shot and killed her. Sylvester defend­ed his home, killing two men and wound­ing four in the ensu­ing bat­tle before he too was killed. The remain­ing sur­vivors fled to the swamps for refuge where many of the African American res­i­dents of Rosewood had already retreat­ed, hop­ing to avoid the ris­ing con­flict and increas­ing racial tension.

The next day the white mob burned the Carrier home before join­ing with a group of 200 men from sur­round­ing towns who had heard erro­neous­ly that a black man had killed two white men. As night descend­ed the mob attacked the town, slaugh­ter­ing ani­mals and burn­ing build­ings. An offi­cial report claims six blacks killed along with two whites. Other accounts sug­gest a larg­er total. At the end of the car­nage only two build­ings remained stand­ing, a house and the town gen­er­al store.

Many of the black res­i­dents of Rosewood who fled to the swamps were evac­u­at­ed on January 6 by two local train con­duc­tors, John and William Bryce. Many oth­ers were hid­den by John Wright, the own­er of the gen­er­al store. Other black res­i­dents of Rosewood fled to Gainesville and to north­ern cities. As a con­se­quence of the mas­sacre, Rosewood became deserted.

The ini­tial report of the Rosewood inci­dent pre­sent­ed less than a month after the mas­sacre claimed there was insuf­fi­cient evi­dence for pros­e­cu­tion. Thus no one was charged with any of the Rosewood mur­ders. In 1994, how­ev­er, as the result of new evi­dence and renewed inter­est in the event, the Florida Legislature passed the Rosewood Bill which enti­tled the nine sur­vivors to $150,000 dol­lars each in compensation.


Documented History of the Incident Which Occurred at Rosewood, Florida, In January 1923.” The Rosewood Report History, December 22, 1993. http://​www​.dis​playsforschools​.com/​r​o​s​e​w​o​o​d​r​p​.​h​tml; “Marking Rosewood History.” The Real Rosewood. 2007. http://​www​.rose​wood​flori​da​.com/;

Nothing has changed, until black peo­ple take their future into their own hands there will be many more instances of this. This is noth­ing new, it is just a con­tin­u­a­tion of the mil­lions of black peo­ple who have been slaugh­tered in this coun­try to this day.

Black peo­ple spend too much time enter­tain­ing and being enter­tained, there are almost 40 mil­lion black peo­ple in this coun­try and they are almost invis­i­ble. I hope those white women are hap­py with the despi­ca­ble and shame­ful deci­sion they made. I hope they are com­fort­able with the America they have con­tributed to with their shame­ful actions.