Not All Cops Are Bad, There Are Just Too Many Mongrels Among The Purebreds.…

No, I am not anti-police!!!
I was a police offi­cer for a decade; I know, it’s hard to imag­ine that some­one who does so much to high­light police mis­con­duct could have ever been asso­ci­at­ed with law enforcement.
That’s exact­ly the point. So Mike, ‘what is behind this change that appears to be a con­tra­dic­tion of sorts?
It real­ly is no great mys­tery. I served a decade as a law enforce­ment offi­cer in my native Jamaica, so I imme­di­ate­ly sup­port­ed the police when I arrived in the United States in 91. As I allud­ed to in a pre­vi­ous arti­cle linked below, the media brain­wash­ing did a num­ber on me. The avalanche of cop shows on tele­vi­sion took its toll on me as it may have impact­ed mil­lions of oth­ers; I was sucked in. https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​d​i​f​f​e​r​e​n​t​-​a​p​p​r​o​a​c​h​e​s​-​s​a​m​e​-​r​e​s​u​l​t​s​-​u​s​i​n​g​-​p​o​l​i​ce/

Mainstream media glo­ri­fi­ca­tion of police on the one hand and selec­tive report­ing on police mis­con­duct has solid­i­fied the idea into the pop­u­la­tion’s psy­che that the police are heroes who must be believed.
I also real­ized that pros­e­cu­tors and the judi­cia­ry had no prob­lem with cops lying to legit­imize arrests and even fal­si­fy­ing arrest reports, plant­i­ng drugs and weapons on African-American men to get them sent to prison.
I real­ized just how police offi­cers sum­mar­i­ly lied to cre­ate legit­i­ma­cy for uncon­sti­tu­tion­al and ille­gal actions they engage in, par­tic­u­lar­ly against Black Americans.
I was shocked that the Supreme Court opened the door even fur­ther for police to lie against the very cit­i­zens they are sworn to pro­tect. I have no respect for the police today because what pass­es for polic­ing is not what I signed up for decades ago.
If you were to ask me what exact­ly sep­a­rates me from the American pro­to­type cop? I would quick­ly answer that American police offi­cers kill when they do not need to.
American police have become robots who sum­mar­i­ly kill because they are legal­ly jus­ti­fied, even though they know their actions are moral­ly wrong.
That may explain the wide chasm between for­mer offi­cers like myself, say from Jamaica, and American police offi­cers. I will be the first to admit that there have been loose can­nons in the agency I was a part of; nev­er­the­less, the Police killings in the United States far exceed human decen­cy and moral­i­ty, yet they are con­sid­ered jus­ti­fi­able in law.
When a nation allows its agents that much lat­i­tude in sum­mar­i­ly end­ing the lives of its cit­i­zens, that nation has lost its soul.


In addi­tion to that, a large chunk of the pop­u­la­tion does not care that police mur­der oth­er Americans who do not look like them. Simply put, a large per­cent­age of white Americans are either out­right brazen big­ots or clos­et racists.
What does that have to do with polic­ing, you ask?
There are over 324,882 Police Officers cur­rent­ly employed in the United States. The most com­mon eth­nic­i­ty of Police Officers is White (62.4%).
For the big­ots clos­et­ed or open, police are a defense line against them and ‘those peo­ple. The’ those peo­ple’ char­ac­ter­i­za­tion is a step for­ward these days, I guess- pre­vi­ous­ly, Blacks were not seen as people.
To these peo­ple, it is unim­por­tant whether African-Americans live or die; in fact, they would soon­er have an America in which there are no peo­ple of color.
The 62.4 Percent of white men who work in the near­ly 18,000 police depart­ments across the nation come from the same peo­ple who have no care in the world for their fel­low Americans.

Before you tell me how much you dis­agree, please explain why racism is not dying out in America? In fact, Racism seemed to have tak­en on new life after Donald Trump was installed into the pres­i­den­cy and allowed to stir up the ran­cid morass of racism that laid sim­mer­ing, deceiv­ing some into speak­ing of a post-racial America.
Are all police offi­cers vio­lent racists?
Oh, Hell no!
I have met some won­der­ful human beings who just hap­pened to be police offi­cers. I have also seen some that I real­ly don’t care for. But I also under­stand that police offi­cers are peo­ple too, and like every pro­fes­sion, there are bad police officers.
The dif­fer­ence with police offi­cers is that we expect the police to be a cut above the rest; we expect that they will do the right thing, and so when they betray their oaths, it lit­er­al­ly cre­ates a shock. Officers have the pow­er of life and death over us, yet unlike oth­er pro­fes­sions-police offi­cers are the least educated.
Why would the least edu­cat­ed pro­fes­sion­als have such a seri­ous job is beyond me?



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.