North Carolina City Hired A Black Town Manager. Then Its Entire Police Force Resigned.

·National Reporter & Producer
The July 20 mass resignation of Kenly's police chief, four full-time officers and two town clerks, who are all white, came less than two months after the town hired a new town manager, who is Black.
Photo illus­tra­tion: Yahoo News; pho­tos: Kenly Police Department, Getty Images

Less than a week after the entire police depart­ment in Kenly, N.C., announced its res­ig­na­tion, cit­ing a “tox­ic” and “hos­tile” work envi­ron­ment, elect­ed offi­cials from the town of about 2,000 res­i­dents have gone silent on a plan for law enforce­ment mov­ing for­ward. The July 20 mass res­ig­na­tion of the department’s police chief, four full-time offi­cers and two town clerks, who are all white, came less than two months after the town hired a new town man­ag­er, who is Black, leav­ing many crit­ics to ques­tion whether race was at the core of the department’s sud­den collapse.

Justine Jones, who has worked for 16 years in local gov­ern­ments in Minnesota, Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina, was select­ed to be town man­ag­er after a “nation­wide search” of 30 can­di­dates, accord­ing to a town press release. She began the job on June 2.

Kenly is 36% Black, 20% Hispanic and 36% non-Hispanic white

Kenly Town Manager Justine Jones.
Kenly Town Manager Justine Jones. (Town of Kenly)

Police Chief Josh Gibson, in a res­ig­na­tion let­ter direct­ed toward Jones, said he had been pleased with the progress his depart­ment had made in the past three years, but the “hos­tile” work envi­ron­ment that Jones pro­duced made it impos­si­ble for progress to con­tin­ue. Gibson, a 21-year police vet­er­an, has not expand­ed on the alleged details, cit­ing legal con­cerns, but added that he would con­sid­er return­ing to work if Jones were fired.
Read the entire sto­ry here.‑north-carolina-city-hired-a-black-town-manager-then-its-entire-police-force-resigned-224423896.html