Norman Heywood’s Dereliction Of Duty A Disgrace And A Stain On The Constabulary…

We know the sta­tis­tics, and we know what has been tried.
We also know that what has been tried in crime con­trol has not been work­ing, and for good reason.
The car­nage on the streets.The mul­ti­ple killings. The sense of law­less­ness has police stand­ing by help­less as riot­ers do as they please — the use of Government Agencies as tools of self-aggran­dize­ment and per­son­al vendet­tas. And don’t for­get the inevitable trav­el advisories.
It all sounds like an ungovern­able Serengeti, and to a cer­tain extent, it is, but is it too far gone?
I don’t think so!
But if noth­ing changes in direc­tion, there will come a time in the not-too-dis­tant future when we will have passed the point of no return.
I con­tin­ue to ask the ques­tion: At what point will the nation’s lead­ers say they do not want any more spilled blood?
At what point will decen­cy and char­ac­ter trump polit­i­cal considerations?

There is a con­sen­sus among many Jamaicans, both at home and in the dias­po­ra, that the Government is not inter­est­ed in solv­ing the nation’s crime dilem­ma. Neither is the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion; it may rea­son­ably be argued that our crime prob­lem has been intran­si­gent and intractable because politi­cians have inject­ed them­selves into law enforcement.
The most recent exam­ple being the appalling exam­ple we were forced to wit­ness in Boscobel Saint Mary.
I agree that some of the Prime Minister’s utter­ances could rea­son­ably be con­strued as anti-police and, by exten­sion, against resolv­ing the coun­try’s crime problem.
The Political Opposition must also take respon­si­bil­i­ty for its con­sti­tu­tion­al role in gov­ern­ment, even from its side of the chamber.
It can­not be a zero-sum game for the PNP, which sees its role in Jamaica as either the gov­ern­ing par­ty or the par­ty that sab­o­tages what­ev­er the rul­ing par­ty does. Consequently, the two par­ties must change their views of gov­ern­ment and their roles, whether in gov­ern­ment or oppo­si­tion, as inte­gral parts of the gov­ern­ing structure.
If we can accom­plish that par­a­digm shift, if only in how they per­ceive their roles as ser­vants of our coun­try, we may reach a con­sen­sus on how the exis­ten­tial issue of crime must be approached.

I left law enforce­ment in Jamaica as a young adult after ten years of ser­vice in my country.
Today, almost 27 years lat­er, the images that grace reg­u­lar and social media of police oper­a­tional pro­ce­dures and process­es seem far more regres­sive and irra­tional than when I walked away in 1991. The con­stant sec­ond-guess­ing. Demonizing. Politicizing. Persecution. Morale killing. And oth­er neg­a­tives thrown at the police, in addi­tion to their anti­quat­ed train­ing and lack of leg­isla­tive and moral sup­port, have done much to cre­ate the Jamaica which exists today.
The experts and the talk­ing heads haven’t real­ized that the coun­try’s progress is in its own hands. Progress comes from a sta­ble, low-crime society.

ACP Norman Heywood, com­mand­ing offi­cer i/​c Police Area 2…

Jamaica is nei­ther sta­ble nor low crime. As a result, any talk of pros­per­i­ty, even at its best, must be seen as hyped rhetoric.
We must receive answers to some seri­ous ques­tions. Those answers will give us a win­dow into why the crime prob­lem in Jamaica is like an intractable cough regress­ing into pneu­mo­nia. Why is it that an Assistant Commissioner of Police[the one pic­tured here, Norman Heywood] arrived on the scene on the Boscobel main road and saw a litany of crimes being com­mit­ted and did absolute­ly nothing?
Why was traf­fic allowed to pile up, total­ly incon­ve­nienc­ing the pub­lic while a senior police com­man­der stood by like one of the anarchists?
The pile-up of traf­fic that occurred last week in Boscobel incon­ve­nienced many peo­ple; it effec­tive­ly shut down com­merce and inex­orably cost count­less Jamaicans who had noth­ing to do with those law­less anar­chists in that town immense finan­cial and oth­er harm.

Scenes from the pile-up on New Year’s Day.

It is no dif­fer­ent from the pile-up on the road to the Norman Manley International Airport a week ear­li­er. It is no dif­fer­ent from the con­stant block­ing of roads, which, in addi­tion to the ram­pant crime, is destroy­ing the island’s eco­nom­ic and human life. What was the paper police offi­cer Norman Heywood afraid of? Why did he do noth­ing to stop the crime inci­dents while the junior offi­cers there with him were itch­ing to uphold their oath?
Why did it take a politi­cian [Robert Montague’s] arrival to quell the law­less anar­chy we saw play out before our eyes?

Why do politi­cians con­tin­ue to offer them­selves up as buffers between the police and the crim­i­nals, know­ing it has the effect of caus­ing those who break the laws to have no respect for the police?
What does the world not know in the sys­tem that caus­es a senior police com­man­der to abdi­cate his sworn duty?
Was it fear, and if so, fear of whom?
Was it a sense of not know­ing what to do [as I sus­pect is the case] with these paper cops who got into the police depart­ment because they earned a degree some­where and were giv­en command?

Robert Montague, min­is­ter of nation­al security

When he took com­mand of Police Area Two in September of last year, the hap­less Norman Heywood told a gath­er­ing at the Evansville Conference Centre in St Ann’s Bay, attend­ed by National Security Minister Robert Montague, that police in the area would oper­ate using the ‘Three‑R’ approach — rapid response, respect, and reassurance.

Neither of those char­ac­ter­is­tics was vis­i­ble in ACP Norman Heywood’s actions or lack thereof.
But Heywood’s lack of lead­er­ship [which I must admit makes me piss­ing mad] is direct­ly in line with the phi­los­o­phy of his col­league DCP Clifford Blake who deliv­ered an entire lec­ture to junior traf­fic cops on the virtues of rolling over and turn­ing a blind eye instead of enforc­ing the nation’s traf­fic laws.

Dr. Morais Guy is a PNP mem­ber of par­lia­ment for the con­stituen­cy in which Boscobel falls.

Even as the nation’s crime increas­es and mur­ders con­tin­ue to ter­ri­fy the pop­u­la­tion, elic­it­ing trav­el advi­sories from for­eign nations, the Island’s top law enforce­ment offi­cers are teach­ing pas­siv­i­ty and rolling over to lawlessness.
The Police Commissioner must tell the nation whether or not this is the new direc­tion of the police force so that cit­i­zens can know not to expect pro­tec­tion from anar­chists and murderers.
This new breed of police lead­er­ship teach­es respect and human rights but does not enforce the nation’s laws.
Their stu­pid phi­los­o­phy is exact­ly from the play­book of for­mer Jamaican for Justice head Carolyn Gomez, that the role of the police is to observe human rights.
|There are more than enough safe­guards to pro­tect human rights, so much so that there is no enforce­ment of the laws right now. The rights of the most blood-drenched crim­i­nal now super­sede the fun­da­men­tal right to life an inno­cent Jamaican pre­vi­ous­ly had.

Carolyn Gomes, for­mer head of JFJ

The same play­book that Owen Ellington allowed to be insti­tut­ed across the police force. It crim­i­nal­izes and demo­nizes Esprit-de-corp, the uni­ver­sal con­cept of broth­er­hood shared by mil­i­tary and police orga­ni­za­tions worldwide.
It is a con­cept that those who have nev­er signed up or vol­un­teered for any­thing can nev­er under­stand. A baby doc­tor out of her league has evis­cer­at­ed and dem­a­gogued it in Jamaica. We want to know who behind that demon­stra­tion ren­dered Norman Heywood impo­tent. Who ren­dered him unable to do his job as a com­man­der? Why did he not imme­di­ate­ly take com­mand of the scene and have the men and women under his com­mand issue direc­tives to per­sons gath­ered there to move to the side­walks imme­di­ate­ly or face being forcibly dis­persed? Citizens can gath­er peace­ably and air griev­ances against their gov­ern­ment or what­ev­er they are aggriev­ed by.
They have no right to block roads and pre­vent the free flow of traf­fic, incon­ve­nienc­ing and endan­ger­ing the gen­er­al pub­lic. After those com­mands are issued, if they refuse, the batons and tear gas imme­di­ate­ly come out to end the nonsense.
We must get back to enforc­ing the laws.
As much as I loathe these two par­lia­men­tary rep­re­sen­ta­tives, I do not believe they were involved in Heywood’s abdi­ca­tion of his oath.
As such, the Commissioner of Police must deter­mine whether ACP Norman Heywood’s dere­lic­tion of duty rep­re­sents the police force he wants to lead for the dura­tion of his tenure at the helm of this department.

3 thoughts on “Norman Heywood’s Dereliction Of Duty A Disgrace And A Stain On The Constabulary…

  1. The rea­son why the police allow the peo­ple to behave in the man­ner that you see it is that the sys­tem is designed for them and against the police; and the peo­ple have a law enforce­ment agency named: Indecom that are friends of crim­i­nals and ene­my of the police force!
    Indecom can go to the police offi­cers police sta­tions or pri­vate quar­ters and arrest and charged them for any­thing with­out a sub­stan­tial amount of evidence.
    The law­less­ness, obnox­ious, bel­liger­ent, angry, aggres­sive, and threat­en­ing behav­ior by the peo­ple it is because they can do it and in the end get reward [mon­e­tary pay­ment] from the Jamaican gov­ern­ment. If the Muslim ter­ror­ists are doing their research and want to set up their camp, Jamaica is the best place to do same.
    In May 2010, we saw on our Cable TV’s (MSNBC, CNN, Fox NEWS and oth­ers) women dressed in white cloth­ing march­ing along Spanish Town Road, Kingston, Jamaica. The women have plac­ards threat­en­ing the Jamaican gov­ern­ment, secu­ri­ty forces and the peo­ple of Jamaica by say­ing “Jesus Christ died for our sins, and we are will­ing to die for Dudus!”
    The man that the women were march­ing and show­ing their sol­i­dar­i­ty, com­mon­al­i­ty, and cohe­sion for, is for the con­vict­ed drug-deal­er and don “Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke.” He was want­ed on an American war­rant for crimes com­mit­ted in America via cell-phone con­ver­sa­tions that the FBI and DEA record­ed with the assis­tance of the Jamaican Constabulary Force.
    Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke and his min­ions forced the coun­try into hiber­na­tion, and the pop­u­lace went into hiding.
    The secu­ri­ty forces went into Tivoli Gardens, Kingston to exe­cut­ed the war­rant on “Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke. And they were con­front­ed by men armed with var­i­ous high pow­ered weapons and they had a shoot-out [war] for three days ensued. In the end, three mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces died and about 80 gunmen.
    Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke was cap­tured, extra­dit­ed, and pled guilty in the US Federal Court in New York and was sen­tenced to 23 years hard labor. He is in a low-lev­el secu­ri­ty prison in North Carolina.
    The cur­rent Jamaican Labor Party gov­ern­ment and their cronies, mem­ber of the PNP par­ty and their mem­bers of par­lia­ment declared WAR against the Jamaican Security Forces. Their war was espe­cial­ly declared against the Jamaican Constabulary Force for help­ing the Americans gath­ered evi­dence against their main sup­port­er Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke and caused them to extra­dit­ed to America.
    The gov­ern­ment promised the crim­i­nals, their financiers, sup­port­ers, and bene­fac­tors that they are going to make sure that the police pay for what they have done to Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke. Thereby enact­ing a law called “Indecom.” Indecom is a law enforce­ment agency, but it is a crim­i­nal pro­tec­tor and the police per­se­cu­tors and harassers!
    Since Indecom has launched, it is the best pay­back for the Jamaican crim­i­nals and the agency that has caused sev­er­al police offi­cers to become “pau­pers, beg­gars, indi­gents, and bank­rupt” due to the aggres­sive­ness and tac­tics by this agency, Indecom.
    The for­mer PNP gov­ern­ment wast­ed the Jamaican tax payer’s mon­ey by installing a Commission of Inquiry. At the end of the inquiry, the report aimed and blamed the police force for every­thing that hap­pened dur­ing the so-called incursion/​Invasion of Tivoli Gardens, Kingston to arrest Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke!
    Sometime In late 2017, the cur­rent Prime Minister St. Andrew Holiness of Jamaica apol­o­gized to the People of Tivoli Gardens, Kingston, Jamaica for the INCURSION/​INVASION of their com­mu­ni­ty by the secu­ri­ty forces.
    The Jamaican Labor Party gov­ern­ment have put aside sev­er­al mil­lions of dol­lars to com­pen­sate the same peo­ple who have demon­strat­ed before the inter­na­tion­al cam­era lens. Expressing their will­ing­ness to die for a man who is now a con­vict­ed felon in an American prison.
    The three mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces lost their lives, dur­ing this oper­a­tion [war]. To date, there are no apolo­gies from the gov­ern­ment for them los­ing the lives or any con­sol­ing words for their fam­i­lies. Much less the lit­tle pit­tance [mon­ey] that the Jamaican gov­ern­ment should have paid their fam­i­lies, and they are still wait­ing on the money.
    Based on what hap­pened the Jamaican peo­ple know that the gov­ern­ment is there to sup­port, con­done, embrace, pro­tect, and reward them for their behav­ior, and that is what these peo­ple are doing.
    The Jamaican police are impo­tent, inca­pable, lack­ing the resources, sup­port, and lead­er­ship fo the Jamaican gov­ern­ment to do their job effec­tive­ly, with­out fear, or affec­tion, mal­ice or ill-will.
    Where in the world do you know that the gov­ern­ment sup­port, embrace, pro­tect, and pro­mote crim­i­nals, much less apol­o­gize, reward, and love them? Only in Jamaica, because Jamaica is a crim­i­nals par­adise in the Caribbean Sea and the Somali in the making!
    The police offi­cer who is in charge is afraid of his own shad­ow, and he is not into any­thing to do with Indecom, let the peo­ple do as they like…This is the Jamaica the peo­ple are liv­ing, and a major­i­ty of them are liv­ing like hostages because the gov­ern­ment has cre­at­ed arti­fi­cial bor­ders and giv­en men the pow­ers to gov­ern these com­mu­ni­ties with their sets of laws.
    To show you the fruits of the obnox­ious, bel­liger­ent, and rau­cous behav­ior by Jamaicans, check the Homeland Security web­site and see of all the Caribbean Nationals, which coun­try leads in depor­ta­tion? Jamaica!
    The fore­cast for the Jamaican soci­ety is look­ing very bleak, and by the time these boasie slaves real­ized what’s hap­pen­ing some of them are going to be casu­al­ties of their inac­tions. The amount of guns that are in the hands of idlers in Jamaica is unbe­liev­able, and the crim­i­nals know that they are win­ning because they are watch­ing the news and see what they can do and get away with, so they keep push­ing the enve­lope. The big stop is going to be Jamaica House or Gordon House one, mark my word! The worse is yet to come.

  2. Why you go there and stop them before you make your sense­less com­ments check amount of police offi­cers were there com­par­ing to hos­tile cit­i­zens kmdt

  3. This arti­cle is trash and base­less sen­sa­tion­al garbage because if the police had act­ed to com­mand the scene with any rash­ness you’d see it esca­late the sit­u­a­tion and every­one talk­ing about police brutality

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