Noise About NFL Designed To Stop Talk Of Police Killings

Over the last month or so there has been a lot of Press sur­round­ing the Police Killing of young men of color.The list of those killed or oth­er­wise abused is long. These are just a few of the lives which were snuffed out by police. Many insists none of these men need­ed to die.

Which leads us to ask, “when did police become Agents of Execution”? I though Police Officers were sup­posed to serve and pro­tect ! Who are Police Officers pro­tect­ing and serv­ing these days? The Media Spotlight was focused for a week on Ferguson Missouri, as the hor­rif­ic killing of Michael Brown gripped peo­ple in America with souls and con­sciences. Now this does not apply to some, in this coun­try cer­tain quar­ters are only con­cerned when mem­bers of a cer­tain group are killed.

Then every­thing comes to a halt and every­one is inun­dat­ed with blan­ket wall-to-wall griev­ing and com­men­tary. Despite the blood-let­ting of young African-Americans those con­cerned were main­ly , .….. well .……African-Americans.

So how do you qui­et all of this talk about Police abuse?

Wait, I got it, we will turn the con­ver­sa­tion around .We will once again high­light just how vio­lent Young African men are, that is why they are get­ting killed. But just how do we do that? … wait , wait, it will come to me.….…

Got it, we will go straight to the NFL ‚there are a lot of big, strong , abu­sive black men there, bingo.

Eric Garner
Eric Garner

Eric Garner killed by New York Police Department on Staten Island with a banned choke-hold. Cop on paid leave, no action tak­en against him or his cahoots.

Michael Brown whatever else he may have been , he was an 18 year old human being
Michael Brown

♦ Mike Brown gunned down in Ferguson Missouri eye­wit­ness­es say Brown had his hands up when he was shot sev­er­al times. Cop is on paid leave. No action tak­en against them.

th (33)♦ Kajieme Powell Killed by St Louis Cops. Powell of unsound mind was act­ing strange­ly , cops were called , 23 sec­onds after the cops arrived Powell was dead. No action tak­en against the cops.

John Crawford
John Crawford

John Crawford Killed in a Beaver Creek Ohio Wal-Mart, his crime pick­ing up an Air Rifle which was on sale and walk­ing around with it while talk­ing to his girl­friend on the phone. Crawford’s girl­friend said cops killed him on sight. Shot in the back. No action tak­en against the cops.

Darrien Hunt
Darrien Hunt

♦Darrien Hunt shot dead by Saratoga Springs Utah Police. his crime, walk­ing around with a sword. Hunt was pho­tographed smil­ing and talk­ing to Police just moments before he was shot alleged­ly 6 times in the back. No action tak­en against the cops.

The NFL has a his­to­ry of abuse of all kinds by it’s play­ers , Black, White , and what­ev­er oth­er col­or they come in . Domestic abuse, sex­u­al abuse, what­ev­er. They do it.)

1) Ask Ben Roethlisberger ‚On July 17, 2009, a civ­il suit was filed in Washoe County, Nevada District Court accus­ing Roethlisberger of sex­u­al­ly assault­ing Andrea McNulty, 31, in June 2008 in his hotel room while he was in Lake Tahoe for a celebri­ty golf tournament.

2) On March 5, 2010, it was revealed that police in Milledgeville, Georgia were inves­ti­gat­ing Roethlisberger for a sex­u­al assault inside the wom­en’s restroom of the Capital City night­club. The accuser was treat­ed at Oconee Regional Medical Center. An emer­gency-room doc­tor and two nurs­es exam­ined her and not­ed in their report a “super­fi­cial lac­er­a­tion and bruis­ing and slight bleed­ing in the gen­i­tal area”, but could not say if trau­ma or sex­u­al assault was the cause. Milledgeville Police Sergeant Jerry Blash, who had posed for a pho­to­graph with Roethlisberger ear­li­er in the evening, was the first offi­cer to respond. At the scene, he made a com­ment about the accuser to Barravecchio: “We have a prob­lem, this drunk­en [exple­tive], drunk off her ass, is accus­ing Ben of rape.” Blash lat­er admit­ted den­i­grat­ing the accuser and nev­er for­mal­ly ques­tion­ing Roethlisberger; he did speak to the NFL play­er and his off-duty police body­guards at the Capital City club, but accord­ing to Blash’s own report, Roethlisberger was hard­ly engaged and spent most of the time on his phone.[14]wikipedia

No charges were ever filed against Roethlisberger. In fact it appears the Police cov­ered his ass.

The listof play­ers who have run afoul of the law is well established.

Aaron Hernandez charged with dou­ble murder.

Ray Lewis charged and exon­er­at­ed of Murder.

Rae Carruth Sentenced for con­spir­a­cy to mur­der . In prison.

Hubert D. Thompson mur­der of a 66 year old man. In prison.

Barret Robbins Attempted mur­der , dis­s­a­peared since 2007.

Jim Dunaway Murder, reduced to wrong­ful death for the killing of his wife.

Tommy Kane Manslaughter.

O. J. Simpson Murder , exon­ner­at­ed , doing time for rob­bing his own prop­er­ty, in essence doing time for the mur­ders he was not con­vict­ed of .

It’s not like the NFL has not been full of vio­lent men for a long time. So why all of a sud­den are we bom­bard­ed with round the clock cov­er­age about wife punch­ers, head-but­ters and child spankers, when the League was always filled with mur­der­ers and sex offenders?

It is to change the sub­ject . Guess what the sub­ject is changed and you did­n’t even notice. These peo­ple are awful­ly slick.