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President Barack Obama.

President Barack Obama has decid­ed to place the ball square­ly the Court of the Congress on whether to strike Syria for alleged use of chem­i­cal weapons on his own peo­ple. Cable TV is abuzz with talk­ing heads com­ing to their own con­clu­sions on how that is per­ceived not just in America but all over the World. Experts are mak­ing the case that the President cer­tain­ly has the pow­er to strike at Syria with­out Congressional approval . In fact the President as Commander-in-Chief does have Authority to approve Drone strikes and oth­er Military action with­out Congressional approval. They argue he has the pow­er to autho­rize a strike on Syria with­out con­fer­ring with Congress.

I am will­ing to bet that the President, a Constitutional Lawyer, and Nobel Peace Prize recip­i­ent knows exact­ly what his author­i­ty is . Congress for it’s part is urg­ing the President to con­fer with them before tak­ing action. But is the House of Representative of the United States ask­ing the President to con­sult with them for the right rea­son? Is the Congress and the Republican House in Particular ask­ing the President to con­sult as a way to neuter the pres­i­dent? Why is the Congress with approval num­bers bare­ly out of the sin­gle dig­its, now wants in on deci­sions of Foreign Policy?

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House Speaker Re. John Boehner:

Is Obama doing the right thing by essen­tial­ly abdi­cat­ing his respon­si­bil­i­ty as far as NY Republican Peter King is con­cerned? Is the President set­ting a bad President for future Presidents? Will future Presidents have the same racial con­straints of Barack Obama. Have the deci­sion of the British Parliament played a part in the deci­sion of mis­ter Obama? Retired General Barry Mcaffery of the first Iraq war, said on MSNBC, he is pleased with the President’s deci­sion to go to the Congress , yet it will be inter­est­ing to see how Democrats in that body vote to autho­rize war, and Republicans vote for any­thing Obama.

We will have to see how these ques­tions gets answered in the days and weeks ahead. I am will­ing to bet that the mem­bers of the Republican Congress can­not be trust­ed to put pol­i­tics aside ever, for a demo­c­ra­t­ic President and cer­tain­ly not for this one this one. Whatever the deci­sion of the Congress, I am sure Obama has thought through the pos­si­bil­i­ties, he was sur­prised by the vote in the British Parliament, it is dif­fi­cult for an American President to go to war when it’s staunchest ally say we don’t want any part of it. Obama saves some face in his red-line threat to Syria . Now he gets to say the Congress tied my hands. Republicans in Congress wants to gov­ern, now they have a chance to.