No Thrill Up My Leg, But I Was Proud Of Both Andrew And Porsha At Least For Today…


Parliament resumed the business of the Jamaican people on Thursday . In the house of representatives the two parties switched sides with the Labor party assuming the role of the Government while the People’s National Party assumed the role of the opposition.

I am par­tic­u­lar­ly thrilled at the state­ments com­ing out of both sides of the polit­i­cal divide.
On the elec­tion of Barack Obama to the Presidency in 2008 MSNBC ‘s Political anchor Chris Matthews said on air that he felt a thrill up his legs at the elec­tion of the first African-American President.
I can­not lie about feel­ing a thrill up my leg. I actu­al­ly don’t, but I’m damn proud of the two polit­i­cal lead­ers right now , if only for now..

For his part the new­ly elect­ed Prime Minister Andrew Holness struck the cor­rect tone when he pre­sent­ed him­self as a hum­ble ser­vant of the people.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness called on mem­bers of Parliament to recom­mit them­selves to uphold­ing the high­est stan­dards of con­duct in the House.
.“Mr Speaker, some­times we for­get that we are on con­stant dis­play,” Holness said. “Accept it or not, we are looked upon and expect­ed to be role mod­els and exam­ples of good pub­lic con­duct. “Every mem­ber of this Parliament must recom­mit them­selves to uphold the high­est stan­dards of con­duct in the House,” he con­tin­ued. “We can be force­ful with­out being offen­sive, we can be inci­sive, with­out being insulting.”.

When was the last time we heard this refresh­ing rhetoric com­ing from Jamaican politi­cians? In the inter­est of trans­paren­cy this medi­um and this writer lob­bied hard for a Labor gov­ern­ment in Jamaica, not because I loathe the PNP but because I want whats best for our country.
I believe the PNP has a tremen­dous role to play in our Nation’s devel­op­ment . It has made tremen­dous con­tri­bu­tions yet it has made huge mis­takes as well.
At this time I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe the PNP need to re-tool in the inter­est of our country.
However not to be out­done the Leader of the Opposition PNP Portia Simpson Miller struck an equal­ly pos­i­tive tone. In her address to the Parliament Mrs Simpson Miller said ” “As the Opposition, we have a con­sti­tu­tion­al duty to scru­ti­nize the Government on behalf of the peo­ple,” Simpson Miller said dur­ing her address in Parliament. “We will not fail in per­form­ing that duty. We will be strong; we will be vig­i­lant; we will be firm.”

We com­mit to being a vibrant Opposition, hold­ing the Government account­able at all times,” she said. “However, we will do so in a man­ner that con­tributes to the build­ing of Jamaica.”
She explained that Jamaica can­not be built by the Government alone, or by the Opposition alone. Instead, “Jamaica must be built by us work­ing togeth­er”. “We all have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to oper­ate at the high­est stan­dards of decen­cy, deco­rum and integri­ty, that is the com­mit­ment of the Opposition.”

In the inter­est of our coun­try I am thrilled at the state­ments of the two leaders,the boor­ish and class-less behav­ior of some par­ty faith­fuls out­side the pre­scient of the house should in no way damp­en our spir­its or make us cyn­i­cal . Instead we should be heart­ened that at least for now the heads of both polit­i­cal par­ties have struck the right chord in the inter­est of our country.
We can only hope that this kind of bi-par­ti­san good­will will con­tin­ue and not mere­ly be a 9‑day wonder.
If our lead­ers lead the peo­ple have no choice but to follow.
I still believe our coun­try’s best days are ahead of her.