No Real Accountability For Police Crimes, What We See Are Distractions…

As a black man with a black wife, I am con­cerned every time that my wife steps into her car to go out onto the streets.
I am not con­cerned about reg­u­lar crim­i­nals doing some­thing bad to her. I am con­cerned about the crim­i­nals who wear uni­forms and are vest­ed with the pow­er to abuse and take the lives of oth­ers under the col­or of law.
It does not mat­ter that my wife is a col­lege-edu­cat­ed woman or has giv­en decades of ser­vice to the Federal Government begin­ning in her ear­ly twen­ties. And it cer­tain­ly does not mat­ter that under most cir­cum­stances, she may be heads and shoul­ders intel­lec­tu­al­ly over any cop that would pull her over and seek to abuse her.
I have giv­en that ques­tion much thought, and I would­n’t say I like how the prospect of that hap­pen­ing makes me feel.
As the nation faces a reck­on­ing after the George Floyd killing, and as peo­ple begin to talk about reimag­in­ing polic­ing, all of a sud­den, the nation is fac­ing a nation­al upsurge in shootings.
Violent crimes have trend­ed down across America for over two decades. Is any­one skep­ti­cal about this crime surge as soon as some cities con­tem­plate mov­ing resources from police to areas where those dol­lars would be bet­ter spent?

Police across the United States con­tin­ue to use mun­dane traf­fic stops to esca­late minor and insignif­i­cant infrac­tions into major arrests fol­lowed by a litany of felony charges.
The laws give them the pow­er to man­u­fac­ture charges, and pros­e­cu­tors are all too hap­py to pros­e­cute those charges with vig­or befit­ting some­one who actu­al­ly saw the com­mis­sion of those offenses.
A sim­ple fail­ure to indi­cate before ini­ti­at­ing a turn can result in major felonies because the Ku-Klux-Klan mem­bers pos­tur­ing as police offi­cers make them so.
First off, they bark sev­er­al con­tra­dic­to­ry orders which no one can fol­low, [all part of their God-comlpex]. They bark those con­tra­dic­to­ry orders know­ing that no one can fol­low those com­mands, but that is exact­ly the point.
And so when the dri­ver refus­es to move out of fear of being gunned down in their own cars over what may have even been an ille­gal stop, they pro­ceed to break win­dows and destroy peo­ple’s cars, they then drag the dri­ver out of their car under the fraud­u­lent claim that the dri­ver refused to fol­low their commands.

God help the dri­ver if they are Black because if they are Black, the best that can come of that sit­u­a­tion is that they get bad­ly beat­en and hit with mul­ti­ple felony charges.….….… The upside is that the dri­ver escapes get­ting sev­er­al bul­lets to the back and a few to the head.
And if you believe the tax-pay­ers-fund­ed body-worn cam­eras make a dif­fer­ence, think again.
There are no hard and fast rules that man­date that these crim­i­nals must turn on the cam­eras. And so, even if they turn them on ini­tial­ly when they are about to com­mit crimes against the pub­lic, they either turn them off or cov­er them with their hands.
And of course, as you may imag­ine, there are no penal­ties for those clear acts lead­ing up to more seri­ous crim­i­nal conduct.
Even in the rare instance that they video­tape an encounter, their depart­ments insist that the footage is not pub­lic prop­er­ty, even though our tax dol­lars pay for them and pay the crim­i­nals who are parad­ing as cops.
A court-ordered release of cop videos to the pub­lic some­times ends up with dis­tort­ed, redact­ed, dis­turbed, and even tam­pered videos being released, and no one is held accountable.
Police offi­cers plant evi­dence and fab­ri­cate evi­dence to crim­i­nal­ize peo­ple of color.…..people they hate… Black people.

When they com­mit crimes, Prosecutors cov­ers for them, some judges nul­li­fy jury ver­dicts to pre­vent them from going to prison, and of course, the supreme court gives them blan­ket immu­ni­ty to do as they please with­out civ­il lia­bil­i­ty under a doc­trine the court cre­at­ed, not a con­sti­tu­tion­al con­struct, a court cre­at­ed one. (Qualified immunity).
There isn’t even a mech­a­nism to pun­ish cops who are caught lying under oath in court, even though the aver­age cit­i­zen who lies under oath faces prison time and is usu­al­ly pros­e­cut­ed and impris­oned for com­mit­ting perjury.
In case after case in which police encounter with Black res­i­dents are record­ed, it becomes clear­er that the police do every­thing in their pow­er to esca­late minor traf­fic infrac­tions and turns them into some­thing that seems to jus­ti­fy the use of force.
I see it as an across-the-board dis­re­spect for African-Americans, but I also see it as some­thing else.
The Klan is no longer inter­est­ed in wear­ing white sheets when they can wear black robes and police uni­forms. Why wear white hoods when a busi­ness suit and stilet­to pumps do the same trick.
My fear, in the end, is not about what they could do to a mem­ber of my fam­i­ly. My fear is about the reac­tion they could trig­ger if they ever used those racist tac­tics on a mem­ber of my family…





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.