No Quotas In Going After Police Officers.…


In yet anoth­er attempt to per­se­cute Jamaican Police offi­cers or as Police Federation Chairman Raymond Wilson char­ac­ter­ized it (give Police bas­ket to car­ry water) the Elitist class in Jamaica con­tin­ue it’s assault on the Nation’s Police offi­cers by attack­ing the Office of Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) and Director Paula Llewelyn.
The DPP was forced to push back against crit­i­cisms that her office is soft on Police offi­cers who are alleged to run afoul of the laws.
SEE STORY HERE:DPP: I’m No Avenging Angel

Long before the (indecom)Act came into being and became a blud­geon­ing tool for the elites and their cronies against the Police, Jamaica’s elites and the Political class were attack­ing Paula Llewelyn that she was soft on Police Officers.
Having been a police offi­cer many years ago I knew Paula Llewelyn and she was no pat­sy for police offi­cers. In fact many offi­cers were dis­dain­ful of her.
For many years the elites in Jamaica argued that the police were stu­pid , unin­tel­li­gent idiots who could not get any oth­er job. It should also be not­ed that Jamaica is not a Nation of laws so Politicians, the well con­nect­ed and monied class are vir­tu­al­ly above the laws.

However some things have changed in the JCF over the years. through attri­tion and retire­ments many old­er offi­cers are now out of the depart­ment. Additionally, the acute short­age of jobs in the pri­vate sec­tor forced some who would oth­er­wise have snooti­ly turned up their noses at being a police offi­cer to sign up out of eco­nom­ic necessity.
So the old argu­ments don’t hold much sway any­more. Mind you it nev­er had legit­i­ma­cy. The very peo­ple who turned up their noses at Police when they speak “Patios” the Nation’s dialect, now roman­ti­cize the dialect with some active­ly push­ing for it to become a lan­guage. Of course the coun­try’s dialect can only be legit­i­mate if it is val­i­dat­ed by those who tread the god­less halls of the Intellectual ghetto(UWI).[sic].

Commissioner of Police Carl Williams
Commissioner of Police Carl Williams

So what was the untouch­ables to do if police offi­cers are earn­ing under-grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate degrees? Remember in Jamaica most of the seri­ous crimes are being com­mit­ted by peo­ple at the very top of the soci­ety. A com­pe­tent Police Force is a threat to those inter­ests. Police Officers like Laing, Bigga Ford and oth­ers had chal­lenged the pow­er struc­ture in the Courts. There was a gen­er­al under­stand­ing that there are some with­in the depart­ment were not going to roll over for them any longer so a solu­tion was needed.
The for­mer Commissioner had a Masters , and the present Commissioner is a PhD. Both men were poor boys from the rur­al parish­es who came up through the ranks. Almost all of the top tiered offi­cers have degrees. Young Constable Crystal Thomas who was mer­ci­less­ly slaugh­tered a few weeks ago had in fact earned her first degree.
They had to find a way to keep the Police in check. (inde­com) was born. Yup The Police need­ed effec­tive over­sight , no rea­son­able per­son no mat­ter how sup­port­ive they are of the JCF could seri­ous­ly sug­gest that the police did not help to cre­ate (inde­com).
Police mis­con­duct cre­at­ed the need for (inde­com) .
The Elites dis­dain for the police cre­at­ed the uncon­stu­tion­al mon­stros­i­ty we now know as (inde­com), and placed the blood-suck­ing Dracula present­ly at it’s head in place.

Paula Llewelyn pushed back at crit­ics who say she is soft on police say­ing ” I’m No Avenging Angel”. Llewelyn rec­og­nizes what’s at stake here and is vehe­ment in her push-back. The fact that she made that state­ment is proof pos­i­tive that she gets what we have been say­ing for years in this medi­um. This is not about Prosecution of crim­i­nal con­duct. What they want is per­se­cu­tion and shack­ling of police so they may do as they please.

According to sta­tis­tics released yes­ter­day, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) hand­ed down 56 rul­ings over the three-month peri­od. In 17 of those rul­ings, the DPP rec­om­mend­ed no crim­i­nal or depart­men­tal charges for the police per­son­nel involved and sug­gest­ed only “depart­men­tal action” in eight cas­es. Criminal action was rec­om­mend­ed in 15 of the rul­ings, while 12 cas­es were referred to the Coroner’s Court. It was a sim­i­lar sto­ry for the cor­rup­tion-relat­ed cas­es reviewed by the DPP last year. The sta­tis­tics show that of the 39 rul­ings hand­ed down, 13 rec­om­mend­ed no crim­i­nal charges for police per­son­nel who were inves­ti­gat­ed, and sev­en sug­gest­ed “depart­men­tal action.” Criminal charges were rec­om­mend­ed in 19 cas­es. The rul­ings were hand­ed down in cas­es referred by the Bureau of Special Investigations, the Criminal Investigations Branch, the Inspectorate of the Constabulary, the Independent Commission of Investigations, and the Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse.

Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Paula Llewelyn
Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Paula Llewelyn

Many who join the cho­rus of con­dem­na­tion of all police shoot­ings in Jamaica un-wit­ting­ly do so lump­ing every shoot­ing togeth­er which is what the ene­my of the police wants them to do. Each inci­dent of police shoot­ing is a sin­gle act which must be con­sid­ered sin­gu­lar­ly. The police can­not be in the busi­ness of using quo­tas in deter­min­ing whether or not to use lethal force when they face mor­tal danger.
DPP Paula Llewelyn : “It is not our func­tion to be an aveng­ing angel in the soci­ety and to have some sort of meter where we say at the end of every quar­ter we have a quo­ta that we have to meet when it comes to one set of peo­ple as opposed to the other,”.

If the DPP can­not use a quo­ta meter in deter­min­ing how many Police offi­cers face crim­i­nal charges, how can the police use a quo­ta meter in deter­min­ing whether to use lethal force in defense of their lives when they face some of the world’s most ruth­less killers?
Jamaican law allows the DPP to charge a police offi­cer with a crime to quell pub­lic out­cry , even if there is no evi­dence in sup­port of a crime or enough to convict.
Police in oth­er coun­tries now tell crim­i­nals they should not believe they are in Jamaica where they will not be dealt with. They are told Police will meet force with force.
Jamaica is a laugh­ing stock . A par­adise for crim­i­nals because of ivory tow­er dwellers uptown.
Almost all cas­es of police shoot­ings in Jamaica elic­it alle­ga­tions of wrong doing. Is there any won­der that the num­ber of cas­es com­ing out of the Office of the DPP is high?
The Jamaican pop­u­la­tion is being exploit­ed, most offi­cers are from the poor­er class of peo­ple with no pow­er. Becoming a police offi­cer is a pow­er­ful posi­tion to hold. Many in Jamaica’s upper caste is resent­ful of the police sole­ly on that basis.
The con­tin­ued assault on the police is sim­ply about that.….…