No Old Tun-back Rasta Peter Phillips,name Brand Cops Were Not Violent:tireless, Fearless, Selfless, Yes.…

Peter Phillips the recent­ly installed leader of the Opposition in Jamaica real­ly has noth­ing going for him so he decid­ed he will sim­ply oppose any and every­thing that the Government does or says.
Now, to be fair to the People’s National Party no one could rea­son­ably accuse them of being any­thing close to a law and order party.
In fact, under their longest serv­ing and the Island’s most destruc­tive Prime Minister Percival James Patterson, the mantra was “anyt­ing a anyt­ing”, a clas­sic wink and nod to crim­i­nals to run-wid-it, do what they wanted.

Peter Phillips oppo­si­tion leader

So it came as no sur­prise that the old tun back ras­ta Peter Phillips would be opposed to the idea of rein­ing in INDECOM.
Now, grant­ed that Prime Minister Andrew Holness does not have clean hands, or more like clean con­science in this, he at least has a dis­grun­tled Police Force on his hands, angry about the lack of progress with wage negotiations.
With over 500 cops walk­ing away each year and the JCF unable to reach recruit­ment tar­gets Holness has no choice but to kiss some asses.
So he arrived at his come to Jesus moment at the National Arena a few days ago telling sup­port­ers that the police are afraid to do their jobs because of an overzeal­ous INDECOM.
No shit !!!

It fol­lows that Peter Phillips with no plan of his own or any inten­tion of hav­ing a plan for crime, except to watch it esca­late would oppose what Holness said. It made good pol­i­tics for the brain-dead cool-aid drinkers who blind­ly fol­low Phillips cult par­ty but is his posi­tion sound policy?
Peter Phillips went on to argue that since he was a boy he heard about name brand cops and that their claim to fame was because they were violent.

No Peter, you troll, the name brand cops of whom you speak were in fact not vio­lent at all con­trary to pop­u­lar perceptions.
Ask around about Keith Trinity Gardiner, Dick Hibbert, the dear­ly depart­ed Tony Hewitt, (Cornwall Bigga Ford one of yours) and a long list of oth­ers and peo­ple will tell you they were effec­tive because they were fear­less, self­less and tire­less, some­thing you would not know about as a politi­cian you are the oppo­site, sim­ply cow­ard­ly, lazy and selfish.
Ask them how many times they have been shot and shot at, rest in peace Anthony Hewitt?
Your fee­ble attempt at rewrit­ing his­to­ry shows you for the rapa­cious grace­less punk that you are, just anoth­er greasy despi­ca­ble pow­er hun­gry troll.

Which brings me to why the PNP would have you as their leader when you already betrayed the par­ty and indeed our coun­try to for­eign powers.
Come on Peter Phillips do you think we have forgotten?
Remember those MOU’s you signed?
The high­ly clas­si­fied MOUs, which involve Jamaica, the United States (US), and the United Kingdom (UK), were signed by Phillips in 2004.
Though Phillips argued that he had author­i­ty to sign the MOU’s Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Jeremy Taylor at the time under cross-exam­i­na­tion, tes­ti­fied that the MOUs involved the mil­i­tary and should have had the sig­na­ture of the then min­is­ter of defense, P.J. Patterson, and not Phillips.

Have PNP sup­port­ers for­got­ten this lit­tle incident?
You see Mister Phillips you can­not be trust­ed and every­one knows this, so let’s be clear, you have zero cred­i­bil­i­ty on National Security or on crime for that matter.
You sold the coun­try down the riv­er before, so no one is sur­prised that you would take a raw polit­i­cal stance on a mat­ter this impor­tant again.

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