No Nice Way To Say “Liar”


On the eve of Israeli Elections Benjamin Netanyahu the Likud Prime Minister of the Zionist State of Israel was asked by an inter­view­er with the Israeli news site, NRG, if it was true that a Palestinian nation would nev­er be formed while he’s prime min­is­ter, Netanyahu replied, “Indeed.”

Anyone who is going to estab­lish a Palestinian state, any­one who is going to evac­u­ate ter­ri­to­ries today, is sim­ply giv­ing a base for attacks to the rad­i­cal Islam against Israel,” he said. “This is the true real­i­ty that was cre­at­ed here in the last few years.”

Netanyahu went on to say that any oppo­nents on the left who might argue oth­er­wise are stick­ing their head in the sand, time and time again.”
From all indi­ca­tions Benjamin Netanyahu will also be the new Prime Minister of Israel for anoth­er term.

Thursday March 19th Benjamin Netanyahu told NBC News.
“I don’t want a one-state solution”.
“I don’t want a one-state solu­tion,”
Netanyahu told NBC News in his first inter­view with U.S. news orga­ni­za­tions since Tuesday’s hard fought elec­tions, adding that “cir­cum­stances would have to change” first, for there to be a “nego­ti­at­ed peace.”

There are a few issues at play here. Either Netanyahu believes peo­ple have for­got­ten his ear­li­er state­ments giv­en just a cou­ple of days ear­li­er , or he does­n’t care that we know he is a racist liar who respects no one but Israeli’s.
I’m going to go with the lat­ter , hav­ing seen this guy’s Modus-operandi.

That’s not all how­ev­er, Netanyahu’s arro­gance knows no bounds, in answer to his one state pro­nounce­ments on the eve of the elec­tions he lied point blank in anoth­er inter­view giv­en to a dif­fer­ent network.
Quote: “We have to get the Palestinians to go back to the nego­ti­at­ing table, break their pact with Hamas, and accept the idea of a Jewish state. And I think that’s what the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty should be focused on,”.
Well there is the cheeky arro­gance. He sets the para­me­ters for what the Palestinians must do before he con­sid­ers, (in his Godly might) their demands for a home of their own in their homeland.

Hate-filled Israeli crowds demonstrate against African migrant workers. America sends billions of dollars , African-American tax dollars to support the state of Israel annually
Hate-filled Israeli crowds demon­strate against African migrant work­ers.
America sends bil­lions of dol­lars , African-American tax dol­lars to sup­port the state of Israel annually

Consider that even if the Palestinians were to allow them­selves to be humil­i­at­ed fur­ther, by acqui­esc­ing to every demand Netanyahu makes , they would not be any clos­er to a home­land than they are today.
A Palestinian home­land can­not be con­tin­gent on the dic­tates of Israel or Palestine for that mat­ter, there has to be a hon­est impar­tial bro­ker both par­ties respect. Israel respects no one.
A true Palestinian state may not be doable in light of all of the bad blood which has foment­ed since 1947.
It is cer­tain­ly not pos­si­ble with Israel telling a sov­er­eign peo­ple who they may asso­ciate with.
It is not pos­si­ble with Israel lay­ing para­me­ters for talks, while con­fis­cat­ing, and annex­ing more and more Palestinian ter­ri­to­ry each day, using them to build more and more set­tle­ments for Israeli Jews.
A Palestinian state is cer­tain­ly not pos­si­ble with the United States of America act­ing as bro­ker while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly being a spon­sor, enabler, and sup­port­er of Israeli dom­i­na­tion and occu­pa­tion of the Palestinian people.

So even if Palestinian lead­ers were to some­how capit­u­late to every demand Israel makes, what guar­an­tee do they have of a homeland?
The sim­ple answer is “none”.
The Palestinians would be stu­pid to sit at the same table with Israel, as long as Israel has at it’s helm, the patho­log­i­cal liar Benjamin Netanyahu.
There is no diplo­mat­ic speak to make this any more palat­able. Netanyahu is a vile despi­ca­ble liar.

Asked by NBC’s Andrea Mitchell whether he was racist in light of com­ments he made just pri­or to the elec­tions, he replied, “I am not” , On the day of the elec­tion, Netanyahu claimed that his gov­ern­ment was being threat­ened by Israeli Arab vot­ers who were turn­ing out for the elec­tion in “huge quan­ti­ties.”
When was vot­er turnout a bad thing?
Do you see the con­nec­tion here between Netanyahu the Senator from Israel and Republicans here in America who fun­da­men­tal­ly believe black and Latino vot­er turnout should be con­trolled and impeded?
Judge for your­self , this is Benjamin Netanyahu speak­ing about African migrant work­ers enter­ing the Jewish state. “They are Infiltrators,“If we don’t stop their entry, the prob­lem that cur­rent­ly stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and that threat­ens our exis­tence as a Jewish and demo­c­ra­t­ic state,”
Not only is Netanyahu a racist he is a xenophobe.
Netanyahu is adamant­ly opposed to African migrant work­ers enter­ing Israel, some of his com­ments were cen­tered around alle­ga­tions that a Jewish woman was raped in a migrant com­mu­ni­ty. Israeli Police said the over­all crime rate in Israel had fall­en. There had been one alleged rape of a teenage girl con­nect­ed to the migrant com­mu­ni­ty, for which three sus­pects were in custody.

Yohanan Danino, the Israeli police chief, said migrants should be per­mit­ted to work to dis­cour­age pet­ty crime. the​guardian​.com reports.

 Eli Yishai,
Eli Yishai,

This was not enough to tamp down the vile racism of some of Israel’s leaders.
Interior min­is­ter, Eli Yishai, reject­ed such a move, say­ing: “Why should we pro­vide them with jobs? I’m sick of the bleed­ing hearts, includ­ing politi­cians. Jobs would set­tle them here, they’ll make babies, and that offer will only result in hun­dreds of thou­sands more com­ing over here.” 
Yishai repeat­ed an ear­li­er call for all migrants to be jailed pend­ing depor­ta­tion. “I want every­one to be able to walk the streets with­out fear or trep­i­da­tion”The migrants are giv­ing birth to hun­dreds of thou­sands, and the Zionist dream is dying,”.

Migrant African workers treated like garbage in Israel. Labeled Infilitrators.
Migrant African work­ers treat­ed like garbage in Israel.
Labeled Infilitrators.

Israel forcibly removed migrant African work­ers, some of whom were deport­ed to Eritria and Sudan. Others are incar­cer­at­ed in a mam­moth prison in the Negev desert. The facil­i­ty is report­ed to hold rough­ly 11,000 peo­ple and was built at a cost of £58m.
In response to fears of human rights groups and NGO’s about the dan­gers they could face in their home coun­tries once returned Netanyahu said, “I’m not respon­si­ble for what hap­pens in Eritrea and Sudan, the UN is.”
Completely obliv­i­ous and uncon­cerned for the safe­ty of refugees, Netanyahu cold­ly dis­miss­es that concern.
Nevertheless Netanyahu and oth­er Jews nev­er miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty to berate the rest of the world with sto­ries of what Hitler did to them.
Some Israeli’s do have a heart how­ev­er, they argue in the light of Jewish his­to­ry, their state should be sym­pa­thet­ic and wel­com­ing to those flee­ing persecution.