No Country Has The Right To Tell Jamaica To Change It’s Laws…

Mark Golding
Mark Golding

We live in an evolv­ing glob­al­ized world, as such nations now adhere to sim­i­lar prin­ci­ples and rules as part of a broad­er International com­mu­ni­ty. Nations in their own inter­ests , sign onto Charters as a sign that they are part of the com­mu­ni­ty of nations. Unfortunately many small­er nations which sign these char­ters do so not because they agree in prin­ci­ple with what’s in the char­ter, but because they are lit­er­al­ly forced to.
No nation should be forced to adhere to prin­ci­ples that it feel is anti­thet­i­cal to it’s core beliefs for the sake of expe­di­en­cy. This is true in Jamaica’s case, because of it’s size, or lack there­of, and it’s inabil­i­ty to sus­tain itself financially .

Jamaica has been deal­ing with this on the issue of Homosexuality.
The Jamaican peo­ple are large­ly opposed to the prac­tice of same sex relationships.
Jamaican law makes it a crime for two men to engage in sex­u­al inter­course , con­sen­su­al or not.
However it would be a tremen­dous stretch to find a case where any­one was ever arrest­ed ‚much less pros­e­cut­ed for engag­ing in homo­sex­u­al acts.
The International com­mu­ni­ty , large­ly west­ern Europe and the United States ‚are vehe­ment­ly opposed to Jamaica’s bug­gery laws. Jamaica has been under tremen­dous pres­sure from these quar­ters to abol­ish the bug­gery laws from its penal code.
What the pro­po­nents of legal­ized homo­sex­u­al­i­ty do not real­ize is that you can­not leg­is­late peo­ple’s attitudes.
If peo­ple’s atti­tudes could be leg­is­lat­ed Racism would be a thing of the past in America. Unfortunately despite numer­ous Federal statutes on the sub­ject of racism, that vise is just as preva­lent as when King and oth­ers marched for social jus­tice 50 years ago.

Despite prob­lems in their own coun­tries on the issue of homo­sex­u­al accep­tance and police bru­tal­i­ty, the United States and Western European Nations have tak­en it upon them­selves to dic­tate to small­er more depen­dent nations like Jamaica, how their laws ought to be con­fig­ured on these issues.
No nation could begin to dic­tate to the United States or any European nation what their laws should be , or how they should be tailored.
Nevertheless Canada the United States and Britain have engaged in a sys­tem­at­ic pat­tern of assum­ing to dic­tate to Jamaica what it’s laws ought to be on the issues of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and alleged police abuse.
Canada has even threat­ened eco­nom­ic ter­ror­ism on the Jamaican econ­o­my in the past. We have report­ed on this in this very medi­um. Bruce Golding for­mer Jamaican Prime Minister found him­self forced from office under the guise that he did not release a sus­pect the United States want­ed. The truth is Golding was set up to fall on the very issue of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty when he answered “not in my cab­i­net” to a British Journalist’s ques­tion on whether he would allow Gays to serve in his Government.

At the United Nations’ work­ing group’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR)of its human rights record, Mark Golding Jamaica’s Justice Minister point­ed to our coun­try’s long and cher­ished his­to­ry of pro­mot­ing and pro­tect­ing human rights”.
This was not enough for the large inter­na­tion­al bul­lies in attendance .
The Americans want Jamaica to “decrim­i­nal­ize con­sen­su­al same-sex con­duct between adults”.
Britain wants the “intro­duc­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of ful­ly com­pre­hen­sive anti-dis­crim­i­na­tion leg­is­la­tion to include sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion and gender”.
“Sweden rec­om­mends the Government of Jamaica repeal the legal pro­vi­sions mak­ing same-sex inti­ma­cy among men — described as ‘gross inde­cen­cy and bug­gery’ — illegal,”

Australia had strong words on the lev­el of police killings in Jamaica, although wel­com­ing the estab­lish­ment of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) in 2011 to inves­ti­gate these killings.“Australia rec­om­mends Jamaica give INDECOM the pow­er it needs to inves­ti­gate crim­i­nal acts com­mit­ted by the police,” said the Australian mis­sion to the UN.
This how­ev­er has to take the cake:
The US also had a rec­om­men­da­tion for the Jamaican Government regard­ing “exces­sive or unlaw­ful use of force” by both the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Jamaica Defence Force. Its rep­re­sen­ta­tives sug­gest­ed inten­si­fied efforts to inves­ti­gate those alle­ga­tions, as well as to ensure pros­e­cu­tion where appropriate.
Are the Americans seri­ous when they dare to make these sug­ges­tions? And where is Golding while these acts of unmit­i­gat­ed pre­sump­tu­ous­ness are being per­pet­u­at­ed? Did he just sit there with­out pre­sent­ing facts and fig­ures to push back against the unmit­i­gat­ed gall of the conferees?
Did Golding just sit there like a petu­lant child absorb­ing chas­tise­ment by the cadre of hyp­o­crit­i­cal pharisees?

Frankly as Jamaicans we do not care what Sweden or Australia, think period .
It would be wise, pru­dent and indeed advis­able if the pompous same-sex-lov­ing Brits would con­tem­plate pay­ing Jamaicans for the hun­dreds of years of slav­ery and the unimag­in­able pogrom it vis­it­ed on our ancestors.
Since they have no moral com­pass and sub­se­quent­ly will not pay, nei­ther will they for­give any of Jamaica’s debt they are hold­ing, Jamaicans should not be par­tic­u­lar­ly mind­ful of what they believe.
When the time comes that us Jamaicans can dic­tate how much resti­tu­tion they pay us for slav­ery , maybe that will be a time when we con­sid­er what they think.

The Americans for their part, has got to be the most laugh­able in their demands. Have they no shame?
Why would the United States even attempt to speak to any oth­er nation on the issue of dis­crim­i­na­tion or police abuse?
The Nation the United States, was built on Segregation, manipulation,discrimination,and intim­i­da­tion. I could sym­pa­thize with America’s lec­tur­ing oth­er coun­tries had she man­aged to extri­cate and remove her­self from the 400 year-old premise of Caucasian superiority.
The fact is she has­n’t , as such she has no moral author­i­ty to lec­ture anyone.
Every year thou­sands of Americans are killed under dubi­ous cir­cum­stances by America’s thou­sands of police forces. Victims are gen­er­al­ly Blacks, Latinos, and poor whites.
In fact no one even knows the true num­ber of peo­ple killed by police across the coun­try. There are no true audit or require­ments which would give an accu­rate account of the exact numbers.
The ACLU report­ed that through exhaus­tive dig­ging it ascer­tained that for the month of January 2015 over 200 peo­ple were killed by police in the the United States.

As we pre­pare this Article , res­i­dents in Cleveland are ral­ly­ing against a Judge’s rul­ing set­ting free a cop who was among a group who gave chase to an African-American cou­ple in their old­er mod­el car. Police fired over 147 bul­lets into the car. The cop in ques­tion fired 49 bul­lets ‚many after the car had stopped, he jumped onto the hood of the car emp­ty­ing two clips into the couple.
Prosecutors argued he used the cou­ple for tar­get practice.
The cou­ple had no weapon, their crime was that their car back­fired as they drove pass police headquarters.
The judge ruled that because the pros­e­cu­tor could not prove that the accused cop’s bul­lets actu­al­ly were the bul­lets which end­ed the cou­ple’s lives, he would not find him guilty.
Yes they stretch the law to pro­tect their own.
All across America Racial ani­mus is on the rise. The homo­sex­u­al­i­ty issue is still not set­tled. The Supreme Court is yet to rule on the Constitutionality of same-sex-mar­riage. Many States are push­ing back hard against the Obama Administration’s push to force them to accept and agree to Sodomy.

Jamaica should not change any of it’s laws to accom­mo­date or facil­i­tate any coun­try which takes it onto them­selves to dic­tate the way her laws are con­fig­ured. Jamaica’s Homosexuals are sub­ject to the same laws and pro­tec­tion as every­one else. Jamaica has a far way to go in the equi­table and fair dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice . So too does the United States, Britain, Canada, and all of the others.
Let all nations fix their own unjust sys­tems and prac­tices before they point fingers.
Despite Jamaica’s size she has an envi­able record of deal­ing cor­dial­ly and just with all of it’s cit­i­zens, can any of the big bul­lies say the same?

2 thoughts on “No Country Has The Right To Tell Jamaica To Change It’s Laws…

  1. Jamaica is an inde­pen­dent Island on paper

    Jamaica is an inde­pen­dent Island on paper, but in real­i­ty the same actors, white peo­ple all over are still enslav­ing us. We have always as a peo­ple (blacks) hav­ing white peo­ple telling us what is right and what is wrong. Yet it the same peo­ple who have col­o­nize, enslaved, mur­dered, tor­tured, robbed, and killed our peo­ple for over five hun­dred years and it is con­tin­u­ing to this day, with no end in sight! It takes hard work to cul­ti­vate flow­ers; it is the same thing with char­ac­ter! Building a good char­ac­ter takes time, and con­stant efforts. A bad char­ac­ter comes eas­i­ly! Remember it takes hard work to cul­ti­vate flow­ers but weed comes with­out any efforts. It is the same with char­ac­ter! We have seen, wit­nessed, observed by the same actors all over they want to dom­i­nate our way of liv­ing. White peo­ple on a hold have zero char­ac­ter, con­science, and moral­i­ty, so black peo­ple must not allow these actors to “enslaved them all over again!” Government job is to pro­mote “secu­ri­ty, equal­i­ty for all, and healthy lifestyles” but what we are see­ing form the whites are “lies, immoral­i­ty, unhealthy liv­ing, tyran­ny, dom­i­na­tion of oth­er races, dic­ta­tor­ship and the lead­ers of immoral­i­ty. The time to stand up is now!
    The United States, Canada and European gov­ern­ments and their lead­ers are not telling the “illit­er­ates, une­d­u­cat­ed, igno­rant and the delu­sion­al” ones that this behav­ior is “unhealthy, abnor­mal and unnat­ur­al.” When you are lying, you must “repack­age, pro­mote” your lies so that oth­ers whose IQ is or at the low­est denom­i­na­tors will latch onto the lies and start to sell it to oth­ers! So edu­ca­tion, moral­i­ty, con­science, and most of all decen­cy must work. If you hard­ened, your heart and con­science form the truth; you are not a friend of humanity.
    The great­est weapon of the oppres­sor is to con­trol the minds of the oppressed and pro­gram them like organ­ic robots. They will do what­ev­er they are told to do, because they are pro­grammed for that par­tic­u­lar nar­ra­tive and they pro­mot­ing a lifestyle that goes against the laws of nature and sci­ence and they will behave as if it is the truth.
    Most peo­ple think slav­ery is all about “shack­le, chains and free labor?” They are wrong! Look at some of the oppressed they are the oppres­sors now: (The US President, Barack Obama, who is black Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and oth­er black celebri­ties). The so-called black lead­ers have sold their souls to “Europe, white suprema­cy, big gays, big cor­po­ra­tions, big busi­ness­es and immoral rich white peo­ple, and for what, mon­ey! Money is their God and Lord! Everything is irrel­e­vant and they are telling the peo­ple that there is NO GOD! They are tak­ing the peo­ple, whites, blacks, Hispanics, and oth­er races right back into slav­ery. Moreover, if you ever speak up, you are labeled as big­ot by the lead­ers of immoral­i­ty! The best weapon the Whites have been using effec­tive­ly for cen­turies is “Economic Terrorism” against those who do not sup­port their agen­das. When it was con­ve­nient to them, our ances­tors were give the Holy Bible to find solace, com­fort and knowl­edge of how to live as a peo­ple. We are wit­ness­ing the attack on peo­ple of faith, espe­cial­ly Christians being per­se­cut­ed by the var­i­ous gov­ern­ments around the world in the name of tol­er­ance. You must be tol­er­ant for immoral­i­ty and big gays do not want any form of tol­er­ance, they want “suprema­cy, dom­i­na­tion, supe­ri­or­i­ty, author­i­ty” of the het­ero­sex­u­als on earth and they do not want no dis­sent. The same Book they gave us, they want to ban the words of it and crim­i­nal­ized those who believe in its words. It is the same actors all over again at it with us, in our lives and do not want us to decide our own destiny.
    Might as well the coun­tries they want to force their immoral­i­ty on tell them to adopt the coun­try and make it be a part of their big coun­try, econ­o­my and way of life? These coun­tries nev­er have black people’s inter­est at heart, nev­er! Only a fool would believe that the whites are look­ing out for them! We have seen even doctor’s preach­ers, politi­cians, lead­ers of the black com­mu­ni­ties sup­port­ing this immoral­i­ty and they are doing every­thing that goes against the laws of nature, sci­ence, and God’s laws. I fear God’s wrath and not man’s wrath! Many of my ances­tors have been killed by these same peo­ple in the name of “white suprema­cy” because they know that what the whites were doing to them was wrong.
    Unfortunately, some of the folks who are edu­cat­ed do not even know they are slaves! The dev­il’s phi­los­o­phy is being imposed and import­ed on us by the “Europeans, North Americans” who are the “hench­men” for every­thing that’s evil! We are liv­ing in the end of time. Therefore, if you do not believe in God the cre­ator, then you are lost soul because if you dream, that is your soul speak­ing to you. The elit­ists or intel­lec­tu­als can­not explain why we dream and how we dream; and why we remem­ber the­ses dreams the peo­ples we met in our dreams. Many of the peo­ple that we have seen in our dreams, talk to them we have nev­er, ever seen in real life! So Mr. and Mrs. Immorality, Atheist please explains that part of the human souls that dream and how you can stop us from dream­ing, because a lot of them are smart think that they are Gods? Only God can knows what he is doing, because it is his way of con­vey­ing his mes­sages to the cho­sen ones he want to see into the oth­er world.
    Finally, to those whose who think that there is no God, let me put it as easy as this. The phone or com­put­er that you are using have a mak­er such as “Samsung, Apple, Dell, et al,” so why do you feel that you are from an unknown place or humans are from some big bang! God do not have to reveal him­self to man, or those who ques­tions his exis­tence; to prove that he is God or speak to us, his words are there for us to obey. If you do not believe that God exist­ed and he destroyed “Sodom and Gomorrah” go to Israel/​Palestine to see the car­nage left by him as evi­dence of his wrath on the “homo­sex­u­als, les­bians, gays, trans gen­ders, and oth­ers” who do not want to con­form to God’s law. Who do you fear “God’s laws or man’s laws?” I fear God because he can destroy the soul, man can hurt and con­demn the soul; but they can­not destroy or con­demn to soul, God is the almighty and the ulti­mate. Fighting against your con­science, heart, and morals in the end going to destroy your soul and guess what, mon­ey can­not help you as mon­ey is only of this world! Money is the rich man’s God, his life, and his every­thing, but one thing that they do not know is that God do not care about your mon­ey, as it is only of this world! It’s either you stand by the truth, your con­science, morals or decen­cy or lose your soul to the dev­il and in the end don’t think that God is going to nego­ti­ate with you or when you are giv­ing account for your actions, blame some­one else. He who know the right things and do the wrong thing will be held account­able for their actions. So, we know that Jamaica is not inde­pen­dent, if not the white man would come out of black people’s lives and let them chose their own path, because gov­ern­ment job is to pro­mote “secu­ri­ty, healthy lifestyle and equal­ly” for all, not those who are indulging in immoral­i­ty or abnor­mal lifestyles.

    • The premise of morals from the posi­tion of reli­gion can always be argued every­one does not have the same belief every­one does not accept that the Bible is the true word of God and that needs to be ok. The very same Europeans that enslaved us are the ones who intro­duced the Bible to us, that was not Africa’s reli­gion our ances­tors did not prac­tice Christianity In fact our ances­tors had no issues with homo­sex­u­al­i­ty it is the bibi­cal law of the white man we have embraced that cre­at­ed hate crimes against gays so many peo­ple have suf­fered and have been killed by the hands of oth­er Jamaicans who believe it is their place to deter­mine who any­one should love the igno­rance that has been pro­mot­ed in our soci­ety has con­tin­ued in church­es and in var­i­ous aspects of our com­mu­ni­ties I do agree that these oth­er coun­tries have dou­ble stan­dards and there hypocrisy still peo­ple are suf­fer­ing and had to leave the coun­try because there is no pro­tec­tion giv­en to gays all this igno­rance due to the pro­mo­tion­al vehi­cle call bibi­cal laws. It tru­ly has no val­ue if one does not believe in this book writ­ten by MAN the teach­ings of AFRICAS reli­gion was nev­er pro­mot­ed or taught in our school sys­tem Christianity was nev­er our ances­tors they were forced into Christianity and we even­tu­al­ly accept­ed it, all in the name of reli­gion we have pro­mot­ed one of the biggest hate crime in our coun­try. The tra­di­tion of our ances­tors for­got­ten through our European influ­ence today is not respect­ed as it should be and here we are talk­ing about hypocrisy while the issues of pedophiles run ram­pant and old­er men rape and molest young chil­dren one of the most com­mon issues in our soci­ety and we turned our heads the oth­er way, the very same pas­tors who are scream­ing in the pul­pits are molest­ing our chil­dren and them­selves guilty of the very same things that they scream against in pub­lic while the con­gre­ga­tion say Amen anoth­er inno­cent life is tak­en because of who they chose to love now if that is not hypocrisy I don’t know what else is. Let he that is with­out sin cast the first stone by the way I do not look at homo­sex­u­al­i­ty as a sin it is the igno­rance of men and their need to judge and the gain of pow­er that has cre­at­ed more chaos than any­thing else. One Love

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