No Contest Debate !

Andrew Holness out­shone Portia Simpson Miller in the debates last night , it was clear from the start that Portia was out of her ele­ments .Portia stum­bled out of the gates fum­bling with papers that seem to hold the answers to the ques­tions which they had access to before the cha­rade of what passed for a debate aired. Never mind that the so-called mod­er­a­tor , rude and talk­a­tive took up most of the time which should have been spent by the can­di­dates explain­ing to the Jamaican peo­ple how they intend­ed to improve their lives.

Most impor­tant­ly I thought her body lan­guage toward the Prime Minister was un-becom­ing and pet­ty, but this is to be expect­ed of Portia Simpson Miller, whom it seem is too old to get it​.So it was for her old school pol­i­tics as usu­al minus the trac­ing but an over abun­dance of the overt animus. 

JLP Leader Prime Minister Andrew Holness and PNP president Portia Simpson Miller

Courtesy of JamaicaGleaner​.com

Miller revert­ed to say­ing over and again “when we are returned to pow­er” which seem at least to me to be the only thing she cared about. What struck me most was when the ques­tion was posed to her about whether her plan to redi­rect funds from JDIP a pro­gramme that cre­ates jobs to the PNP’s JEEP , would not just be shuf­fling jobs around she denied it. The JEEP pro­gramme that the PNP wants to intro­duce if they are returned to elect­ed office is noth­ing more than a recre­ation of crash pro­gramme. Simpson Miller all but said this in the debates with Holness. She kept allud­ing to want­i­ng a gov­ern­ment with a heart, and her words were that she would like to see drains and gul­lies cleaned, .I’m no expert on pol­i­tics but was­nt this what hap­pened in the sev­en­ties? Didn’t we see the same crash pro­gramme men­tal­i­ty lit­er­al­ly bank­rupt the coun­try? Why should Jamaicans allow them­selves to be coaxed into a regres­sive pol­i­cy of siphon­ing mon­ey from legit­i­mate infra­struc­tur­al devel­ope­ment , which employs Jamaicans by the way, to a tried and failed pol­i­cy of “hav­ing a heart”, lean­ing on a broom and receiv­ing a check . When are Jamaicans going to real­ize that every gen­er­a­tion will have to swal­low hard med­i­cine if the future is to be bet­ter for their chil­dren? When are Jamaican vot­ers going to walk away from the pol­i­tics of expe­di­en­cy, the pol­i­tics of now, the “eat a food ’ men­tal­i­ty? Any argu­ment about waste and cor­rup­tion in JDIP is a legit­i­mate one that ought to be inves­ti­gat­ed thor­ough­ly, after all we have seen a gov­ern­ment min­is­ter step down as a result of the unearthing of these alle­ga­tions of excess­es by the Auditor General , clear­ly where there is smoke there is fire. This how­ev­er does not mean that a pro­gramme of infra­struc­tur­al devel­ope­ment should in any way be inter­fered with to sat­is­fy a regres­sive pol­i­cy of pork bar­rel spend­ing to appease polit­i­cal hacks and depen­dents. It is the ulti­mate vote-buy­ing pol­i­cy, which runs counter to what the PNP and it’s lead­ers say they are opposed to.

Gays in cabinet

On the ques­tion of Gays poten­tial­ly serv­ing in a Simpson Miller cab­i­net , Miller retort­ed that she is not into get­ting into peo­ple’s pri­vate busi­ness­es, and as such she would not tol­er­ate any dis­crim­i­na­tion against gays in a Simpson-Miller gov­ern­ment . This is the answer Washington wants to hear it is the answer London wants to hear, it is the answer JFLAG wants to hear in fact the lat­ter was already on record­ing com­mend­ing Miller for her posi­tion as soon as the Gleaner was pub­lished Wednesday December 21st. But let’s step back and see what the Jamaican peo­ple over­whelm­ing­ly wants. Most Jamaicans are vehe­ment­ly opposed to homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, whether one agrees with that posi­tion or not a major­i­ty of 2.8 mil­l­lion peo­ple have a right to self-deter­mi­na­tion, no one is going into hous­es seek­ing out gays to be burned at the stake, Jamaicans how­ev­er have a right to say we are opposed to this lifestyle , we do not want it and we will not be told what to like by impe­ri­al­ist pow­ers that does not share our val­ues. Millers response was a clear and unequiv­o­cal pan­der­ing aimed at vote har­vest­ing, in her zeal to pan­der to that repug­nant un-Jamaican counter-cul­ture and break our estab­lished laws she has solid­ly cast­ed the PNP as the par­ty of gays and les­bians, the par­ty that opened up Jamaica to devian­cy and ungod­li­ness, the major­i­ty of Jamaicans be dammed.

The major­i­ty of PNP sup­port­ers are dia­met­ri­cal­ly opposed to homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, so who does Miller and her par­ty rep­re­sent in this pan­der­ing? Who does the PNP rep­re­sent in this un-Jamaican posi­tion? Where is the church in this , are they going to remain silent on this very burn­ing issue ? Is the church going to do its job, pol­i­tics aside and tell it’s con­gre­ga­tions about the evils of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and the dan­ger inher­ent in open­ing the door to sodomy? We shall see.

Political ads.

The JLP was rebuffed in an effort to air an adver­tise­ment show­ing Portia Simpson Miller rant­i­ng about not being afraid of any­one, any­time any­where by the mini gods at the Gary Allen led RJR group, under the guise that the ad con­flict­ed with its pol­i­cy of air­ing adver­tise­ments that meets a cer­tain stan­dard. What Jamaicans and indeed the world is unaware of is who the hell gives these min­ions the right to decide for 2.8 mil­lion peo­ple liv­ing in the coun­try what gets aired or does­n’t? The Airwaves are owned by the peo­ple not by Allen. Every child’s action becomes part of their per­ma­nent record , it deter­mines what insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing that child will be allowed to enter , it dic­tates what jobs that child will be allowed to have when he/​she grows up , yes and that’s for chil­dren. Why is it that the politi­cos who run the media hous­es in our lit­tle coun­try believe they should dic­tate who the vot­ers choose? Miller made those com­ments out of her own mouth, in pub­lic , they were not doc­tored or changed , she made them as an adult. Can some­one please explain to me why she should be shield­ed from the con­se­quences of her actions, and why are so many will­ing to allow her below medi­oc­rity per­sona to be pushed aside so that she can have what she feels is her birth right, or as her freudi­an slip indi­cat­ed , so that she can be crowned Queen of Jamaica.

I don’t know about you but that showed me exact­ly how her mind works, it’s always been about Portia.