No Comment On Cop-killing And Massive Civilian Deaths :PM Has High Praise For Reggae Boyz.…


♦Gunmen shoots up Bus on Haddo main road Westmoreland three injured, police appre­hend one shooter.
♦ The pre­vi­ous day two men were mur­dered in the same Parish.
♦ Man dead after gun attack in West Kingston. In that inci­dent two men were shot at the Intersection of North and Regent streets.
♦ Man feared dead after gun attack in Kingston 12.
Last week, Constable Lynden Barrett fell vic­tim to the gun when he was killed on Wellington Street in Denham Town. But the West Kingston police had been kept busy over the week­end as gun­men again trad­ed bul­lets across the divi­sion. Yesterday, RJR report­ed that on Saturday police were called to inves­ti­gate an inci­dent where gun­men went to premis­es on Metcalfe Street and opened fire, injur­ing one man. A few hours lat­er, gun­men report­ed­ly went to Third Street in Trench Town and car­ried out anoth­er shoot­ing, leav­ing anoth­er man injured. On Saturday after­noon, 26-year-old Horace Cespedes was report­ed­ly shot and killed in Torrington Park. Later, in a sec­tion of Tivoli Gardens called Bumps, a man was report­ed­ly shot and injured as gun­men trad­ed bul­lets in the May Pen Cemetery. The police also report­ed a shoot­ing in Golden Heights, Denham Town, in which a man was injured. 

These are just a few of the crime reports com­ing out of Jamaica today. The blood-let­ting in Jamaica has con­tin­ued unabat­ed. Everyone seem to have a gun and every­one wants to show they are able to use them with­out con­se­quence. Last week three Police Officers lost their lives with­in days of each oth­er , two by the gun. 
Additionally the snuff­ing out of civil­ian lives con­tin­ue at a mer­ry clip. The Opposition Jamaica Labor Party has come out in sup­port of tougher mea­sures to curb crime. 
The American Embassy issued a state­ment in sup­port of Police offi­cers and denounced crim­i­nals oper­at­ing in the country.

Portia Simpson Miller (PM) Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has commended the Reggae Boyz for a strong performance in the CONCACAF Gold Cup final on Sunday, and in the tournament overall. “I congratulate all members of the team and coaching staff under the leadership of head coach Winfried Schaefer for the strong second-place finish and an overall solid and encouraging performance throughout the tournament,” Prime Minister Simpson Miller said.
Portia Simpson Miller (PM)
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has com­mend­ed the Reggae Boyz for a strong per­for­mance in the CONCACAF Gold Cup final on Sunday, and in the tour­na­ment over­all.
“I con­grat­u­late all mem­bers of the team and coach­ing staff under the lead­er­ship of head coach Winfried Schaefer for the strong sec­ond-place fin­ish and an over­all sol­id and encour­ag­ing per­for­mance through­out the tour­na­ment,” Prime Minister Simpson Miller said.

Missing from the entire dis­course was a sin­gle word from the Island’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller who was some­place on Vacation accord­ing to some media reports.
Not a sin­gle word from the Island’s Prime Minister after three Police Officers were mur­dered. Ask your­selves, where else in the World would this hap­pen ? What oth­er Nation’s leader would be able to get away with this?
World Leaders tweet and use oth­er Social media to get their mes­sage out . Jamaica’s PM had noth­ing , not a sin­gle state­ment after 3 Agents of the state were vicious­ly slaugh­tered. You can’t make this stuff up , we are all proud when our ath­letes per­form well . Whether they win or not they con­tin­ue to do Jamaica proud.

We do notice that when soc­cer games are on Television crime is at a min­i­mum but sports per­for­mances though laud­able are not a sus­tain­able nation­al secu­ri­ty strategy.

Jamaican Athletes con­tin­ue to do the Island proud. The same can­not be said of the Nation’s Political lead­er­ship. But talk about mis­placed pri­or­i­ties, what is this woman thinking? 

What World is Portia Simpson Miller liv­ing in? The place is awash in guns, cit­i­zens and police alike are being slaugh­tered all around, Miller issues a Prime Ministerial response to the sec­ond place fin­ish of the Island’s soc­cer team..
Those dis­agree­ing, argu­ing that both can be done simul­ta­ne­ous­ly I have one word for you, “con­text”.
Frankly I am not con­cerned whether any­one read­ing this agrees with me or not .The point of the mat­ter is that this woman is an intel­lec­tu­al retard.

It is not her fault that she occu­pies the office she does, nei­ther do I blame her for lack­ing the con­cept of optics.Her ascen­dan­cy to the high­est seat of polit­i­cal pow­er is tes­ta­ment to the moral rot that is at the heart of present day Jamaica. My crit­i­cisms of Miller has noth­ing to do with her gen­der as is the default argu­ments of her cult-fol­low­ers. Neither are they relat­ed to her sup­posed lack of for­mal edu­ca­tion. I believe she has shown con­sid­er­able polit­i­cal savvy which has put her more for­mal­ly edu­cat­ed con­tem­po­raries to shame.

My prob­lem with Miller is her incom­pe­tence and lack of empa­thy for the vic­tims of present day crises while pre­tend­ing to love the poor and injured. 
This makes her a fraud and a hypocrite.
In the mean­time Senior Superintendent Cornwall (big­ga) Ford is appeal­ing to res­i­dents of west Kingston to stop shield­ing Criminals.
SSP Ford chal­lenged res­i­dents to step for­ward and report what they know to the Police. If they are opposed to doing that they have options.
Said Ford. “We have a sys­tem in place to pro­tect the peo­ple… and if they don’t trust the police in West Kingston they can go to MOCA (Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency). There are many places they can go,” .

The real­i­ty is that SSP Ford is exas­per­at­ed , hav­ing known him for many years and hav­ing chased down crim­i­nals togeth­er with him, I know first-hand what he is saying. 
“You secu­ri­ty is in your hands”.
Police oper­ate on intel­li­gence , that’s how crim­i­nals end up behind bars. In many of these neigh­bor­hoods peo­ple are schooled from birth to be wary 
of police. When you are wary of police and you do not coöper­ate with them, by default your loy­al­ties are with those who oppose social order.
The pre­vail­ing nar­ra­tive in Jamaica is the cus­tom­ary, it’s police fault.
That is intel­lec­tu­al indo­lence at best and at worst intel­lec­tu­al dishonesty.
The Jamaica Police did not cre­ate Arnett Gardens. Wilton Gardens. Tivoli Gardens. Dunkirk. Nannyville. Water House. Red Square. Sufferers Heights.
Police did not cre­ate the mul­ti­plic­i­ty of polit­i­cal zones of exclu­sions across the coun­try from St Tomas in the East to Westmoreland in the West.
Jamaica’s filthy oppor­tunis­tic polit­i­cal preda­tors did .
So lets qual­i­fy our under­stand­ing of what brought us to this point.
Jamaicans are major show-offs, we read about sit­u­a­tions in for­eign coun­tries and we imme­di­ate­ly jump to the con­clu­sion that those sit­u­a­tions are applic­a­ble to Jamaica. What we fail to real­ize is that dif­fer­ent coun­tries con­duct stud­ies on best prac­tices and applic­a­ble stan­dards for their unique situations.
If I said it once I must have said it a thou­sand times, Jamaican Criminals are not not like oth­er crim­i­nals. As such we must first devel­op strong anti-crime mea­sures to deal effec­tive­ly and deci­sive­ly with them even as we ask our law enforce­ment offi­cers to be judi­cious with the pow­ers we bestow on them when we ask them to pro­tect us. We sim­ply can­not tie their hands.

The chal­lenge for Jamaica con­tin­ue to be some lit­tle peo­ple who are exposed to a lit­tle edu­ca­tion. These present day Pharisees pre­tend to know every­thing. They have opin­ions on every­thing. This cre­ates a dif­fi­cult par­a­digm and a dif­fi­cult envi­ron­ment for those who enforce the laws. One fool makes many.
Many of these half-baked idiots have mega­phones and plat­forms which gives them the abil­i­ty to shape opinions.
One such grand-stander is Terrence Williams head of INDECOM the Agency tasked with inves­ti­gat­ing law­break­ing with­ing the JCF,JDF and Corrections Department.
Since tak­ing office Williams has stri­dent­ly pur­sued a pol­i­cy of acri­mo­ny and dis­cord with the afore­men­tioned Agencies and in par­tic­u­lar the Police depart­ment which is the front-line Agency tasked with deal­ing with soci­ety’s worst.
Williams’ approach to the job suc­cinct­ly rep­re­sents the mind­set of the idiot-class of which I speak. 
They prof­fer grand super­flu­ous dis­ser­ta­tions on the rights of crim­i­nals, until of course the shit hits the fan.

Governor-General, Sir Patrick Allen (left), presents the instrument of appointment to  Terrence Williams.
Governor-General, Sir Patrick Allen (left), presents the instru­ment of appoint­ment to Terrence Williams.

For years Terrence Williams part­nered with Carolyn Gomes, Susan Goffe , Derrick Levy , and a pha­lanx of oth­er pon­tif­i­cat­ing fools to cre­ate a cul­ture that the police was the enemy.
Carolyn Gomes did her dam­age and received her National hon­or for it. Undoubtedly Terrence Williams will get his also, the ques­tion now remains how much blood did it take to jus­ti­fy Gomes’ National honor?
How much more blood will flow until Williams receive his?
Now that the shit is hit­ting the fan Williams is hav­ing an about face. When it’s not gra­tu­itous empa­thy with Police it is a com­plete depar­ture from his posi­tions of the past.
Said Williams, Quote: “We know there are many of them, who join the force, who are good and want to give good ser­vice. Our cam­paign for this next peri­od is to reach out to them, for them to main­tain the pride of their organ­i­sa­tion by point­ing out and indi­cat­ing when per­sons have not met the prop­er standard,”.

Them” ?
This con­de­scend­ing lit­tle bas­tard ‚“many of them who join the force” Who the hell does this lit­tle punk think he is ?
It’s not the words you speak ‚some­times it’s how they are perceived.
As this lit­tle Napoleon speak about the need for uni­ty his very phras­ing belies his true person.
Speaking down to the police, on that basis the police should not give him one iota of sup­port in his quest for relevance.