Nicky Haley And Vivek Ramaswamy attempt To Climb To Whiteness On The Backs Of Blacks

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If you go to the farm mar­ket or the super­mar­ket to buy toma­toes and some of the toma­toes are rot­ten, would you choose that rot­ten bas­ket of toma­toes? I believe the answer to that ques­tion is obvious.
Why do white peo­ple expect Black peo­ple who have borne the brunt of racist, mur­der­ous police abuse in the United States, to accept the rot­ten bas­ket of cor­rup­tion called policing?
It mat­ters not that not all police offi­cers are bad; the issue is the per­cep­tion is that they are all bad, so as far as 41.7 mil­lion African-Americans in the US are con­cerned (minus the sell-out house slaves), polic­ing does­n’t work for us; per­cep­tion is reality…
I brack­et­ed house slaves and includ­ed the caveat sell-out because not all house slaves were sell­outs; some were actu­al intel­li­gence gath­er­ers for the cause.

Vivek Ramaswamy

Policing was nev­er designed for the use and ben­e­fit of Blacks; from the cot­ton fields and cane­fields emerged the con­cept of a force to sep­a­rate the races and to keep Blacks sub­servient and contained.
If the pow­ers that be had the pow­er to abra ka dabra and make extinct the black pop­u­la­tion after the so-called eman­ci­pa­tion dec­la­ra­tion, they would have done it. They did not have the pow­er to shaz­am and make black folks dis­ap­pear, but they damn sure tried to exter­mi­nate the Black pop­u­la­tion since emancipation.
No place in mod­ern his­to­ry oth­er than Hitler’s per­se­cu­tion of his own peo­ple who claim the Jewish faith and what hap­pened to Muslims in Serbia in the 90s, (both events on a much small­er scale), has there been this geno­ci­dal action to wipe out one race by anoth­er, as the geno­cide against Blacks.
For those rea­sons, we say ‘f*ck you’ to those who have the chutz­pah to tell us how to define what we have gone through as a peo­ple. It is bad when the white per­pe­tra­tors of geno­cide against us tell us to move on or for­get what they have done. But imag­ine the dam nerve when fake ass wannabe whites like Nicky Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy have the audac­i­ty to chime in against wokeness.
Who the hell do those coolies think they are?

Nicky Haley

Listen, Black folk has no prob­lem with you Indian, whites in wait­ing, eschew­ing your her­itage to assim­i­late into the American con­struct of white­ness. Given time, Indians and the Cubans in Florida will even­tu­al­ly be assim­i­lat­ed into American white­ness as the Irish and dark-skinned Italians were. The white pop­u­la­tion is shrink­ing, and it does not seem like stop­ping immi­grants of col­or from enter­ing the coun­try and forc­ing white women to bring to term their rapist babies will change that.
We don’t have a prob­lem with you being pros­e­ly­tized into white­ness if that’s your goal, and it does seem that’s your goal, but please leave us out of your shit. Do not attack us like your white mas­ters have done to get to where you want to be.
Run for office but leave us Black folks alone because if you attack us, we will not sit idly by. We are not our par­ents and grandparents.

You do not get to tell us our his­to­ry when you obvi­ous­ly do not know or care about your own. If Vivek Ramaswamy, Nicky Haley, et al. knew their his­to­ry, they would not be wag­ing this fruit­less cam­paign for the American pres­i­den­cy by try­ing to climb on the backs of Black people.
It is per­fect­ly fine that the two Indians run­ning on the Republican tick­et for the American pres­i­den­cy are suf­fer­ing from Stockholm syn­drome, but please don’t assume that it’s our fault. Kiss all the white ass­es you want but do not come for us because we do not care about you.
It is point­less to explain to coolies the likes of the two pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates that they can run for the pres­i­den­cy of the United States because of the blood, sweat, and tears of Black people.
Without the strug­gles waged and the vic­to­ries won by Blacks, Nicky Haley would be a house­maid and Vivek Ramaswamy, a field hand.
I under­stand this prob­lem is not only with fake ass Vivek Ramaswamy and Nicky Haley, who grew up dirt poor in South Carolina.
On a trip to Panama last year, I had a con­ver­sa­tion with an Indian guy who works as a pros­e­cu­tor in New Jersey; his view of American soci­ety seemed bereft of any under­stand­ing of American his­to­ry. It took tremen­dous restraint for me not to sock the pompous fool in his mouth.
It seems like a thing with these Indian peo­ple, edu­cat­ed in one dis­ci­pline but total­ly lack­ing in intel­li­gence or the abil­i­ty to think crit­i­cal­ly. Cognitive dis­so­nance, maybe!!!!





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.