News Anchor Apologizes To Black Co-Host For Saying On-Air He Resembled A Gorilla

TV news anchor in Oklahoma City issued a tear­ful apol­o­gy to her Black co-host after she made a racist com­ment on air, say­ing he looked like a gorilla. 

During the local ABC station’s morn­ing news pro­gram last week, KOCO anchor Alex Housden, a white woman, capped off a seg­ment about a goril­la at the Oklahoma City Zoo by telling her Black co-anchor, Jason Hackett, that he resem­bled the pri­mate. The racist com­ment sparked out­rage among view­ers and went viral, and Housden made her on-air apol­o­gy the fol­low­ing day. 

I want to apol­o­gize not only to my co-anchor, Jason, but to our entire com­mu­ni­ty,” she said through tears. “I said some­thing yes­ter­day that was incon­sid­er­ate, it was inap­pro­pri­ate and I hurt peo­ple. And I want you to know I under­stand how much I hurt you out there and how much I hurt you,” she added, turn­ing to Hackett. She told the anchor that she loved him, con­sid­ered him a best friend and knew what she said was wrong. 
“I do accept your apol­o­gy and I do appre­ci­ate your apol­o­gy,” Hackett respond­ed, adding that he con­sid­ers her a best friend too. “I do appre­ci­ate you and I do love you. All that being said … what [Alex] said yes­ter­day was wrong. It cut deep for me and it cut deep for a lot of you in the com­mu­ni­ty.” Hackett said he want­ed this to be a teach­able moment for everyone. 

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The les­son here is that words mat­ter,” he said. “We’re becom­ing a more diverse coun­try. … We have to under­stand the stereo­types and each other’s back­grounds and the words that hurt, the words that cut deep. And we have to find a way to replace those words with love and words of affir­ma­tion as well.” KOCO President Brent Hensley told HuffPost the sta­tion had no addi­tion­al state­ments to make about the “unfor­tu­nate inci­dent.”
Story orig­i­nat­ed here; https://​www​.huff​post​.com/​e​n​t​r​y​/​l​o​c​a​l​-​n​e​w​s​-​a​n​c​h​o​r​-​k​o​c​o​-​b​l​a​c​k​-​c​o​-​h​o​s​t​-​g​o​r​i​l​l​a​_​n​_​5​d​6​5​4​a​4​c​e​4​b​0​0​8​b​1​f​d​2​1​c​99c