Newly Buoyed Netanyahu Arrives In Washington.…

Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington for a work­ing vis­it but received all the trap­pings of a state visit.
It was clear that Netanyahu is buoyed at the thought of not hav­ing to deal with President Obama anymore.
Netanyahu received the roy­al treat­ment includ­ing the Marine Corps hon­or guard.

Central to the impasse between the Palestinians and Israel is the Issue of a state for the Palestinian people.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long said that there will be no Palestinian state on his watch.
Speaking at the White House today Netanyahu basi­cal­ly killed any prospect of a two-state solu­tion to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
While Netanyahu was meet­ing with Trump, it is report­ed that CIA direc­tor Pompeo met with Palestinian President Abbas in the Middle East.
Hardly equal or com­pa­ra­ble treatment.

Today Donald Trump who pro­fess­es to be agnos­tic on the pol­i­cy had this to say.
So I’m look­ing at two-state or the one-state,” Trump said. “I was think­ing for a while that the two-state was look­ing like the eas­i­er of the two.
He con­clud­ed that the mat­ter is up to Israel and Palestine to decide. “I’m hap­py with the one they like best,” he said.
There is lead­er­ship for you if ever there was one, toma­to, tomatoe!

Israel has long insist­ed that the rea­son they can­not have peace, and a mov­ing for­ward on this sen­si­tive issue, is that the Palestinians refuse to denounce their pledge to destroy Israel.
For their part, the Palestinians have insist­ed that they are liv­ing under severe oppres­sion as a result of Israeli occupation.
Several Presidents includ­ing recent ones, Clinton, Bush, and Obama have told the Israelis that end­ing the build­ing of set­tle­ments would be help­ful as the par­ties seek a path to peace.

Palestinian President Abu Mazen…

President Barack Obama, who at best had a frosty rela­tion­ship with Netanyahu, report­ed­ly was fed up with the Israeli Prime Minister’s atti­tude and bravado.
It was also report­ed that after Bill Clinton’s first meet­ing with Netanyahu, the then pres­i­dent asked an aide ” who the f**k does he think he is”? I am the pres­i­dent of the United States not him”!

The Israelis insists that to repel Palestinian attacks on its cit­i­zens, they are forced to estab­lish buffer zones around Israeli pop­u­la­tion cen­ters. This makes sense if you are liv­ing in Israel, or is a sup­port­er of the Zionist state.
On the oth­er hand, the Palestinians have been liv­ing under Israeli occu­pa­tion for decades, they have a slight­ly dif­fer­ent view as it relates to their land.
The prob­lem is that once Israel des­ig­nates these so-called buffer zones, areas, which are pri­mar­i­ly annex­a­tions of more Paleslands, Israeli set­tlers move in to build.
This cre­ates a need for new buffer zones.
It is a self per­pet­u­at­ing strat­e­gy which only aid the Israelis.

Clearly hav­ing seen the back of Obama, and a new per­son in the white House he can flat­ter, Benjamin Netanyahu could not wait to get back to Washington.
The bom­bast of Benjamin Netanyahu and the need Trump has to be stroked does not bode well for the Palestinians or the prospect of a Palestinian state any­time soon.
Interesting times ahead, not just for the two state Palestinians have yearned for, but also as it relates to Trump’s pledge to move the American US embassy to Jerusalem.