New York’s DA’s And Police Tone Deafness

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman
State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman wrote to Governor Andrew Cuomo request­ing that the Governor give his office the Authority and respon­si­bil­i­ty to pros­e­cute Police who kill unarmed civilians.

Schneiderman said quote: “In New York, and across the coun­try, the promise of equal jus­tice under law has been erod­ed by a series of tragedies involv­ing the death of unarmed per­sons as a result of the use of force by law enforce­ment officers,”.

The Attorney General’s request a swift response from some of New York City’s District Attorneys.

Ken Thompson.
Ken Thompson.

Kenneth Thompson in Brooklyn and Richard Brown in Queens expressed oppo­si­tion while the Bronx’s Robert Johnson and Manhattan’s Cy Vance had seri­ous reservations. 
“As the duly elect­ed dis­trict attor­ney of Brooklyn, I am adamant­ly opposed to the request by the New York State Attorney General for author­i­ty to inves­ti­gate and poten­tial­ly pros­e­cute alleged acts of police bru­tal­i­ty,” Thompson said. “No one is more com­mit­ted to ensur­ing equal jus­tice under the law than I am.”

It’s an insult to the intel­li­gence and the integri­ty of every pros­e­cu­tor in the state of New York, as well as every grand juror who exam­ined the facts and the evi­dence,” said Michael Palladino, pres­i­dent of the Detectives Endowment Association.

Patrick J. Lynch
Patrick J. Lynch

The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association endorsed Schneiderman for state attor­ney gen­er­al in October.

On Monday, the union pres­i­dent Pat Lynch said Schneiderman’s request was all wrong.“There is absolute­ly no rea­son to alter the exist­ing sys­tem because if the rule of law and rule of evi­dence as they stand in the State of New York are fol­lowed dis­pas­sion­ate­ly and hon­est­ly, then the out­come will be right and just regard­less of what office han­dles a case,he said.

I am not sure whether Schneiderman’s inten­tions are right­eous, how­ev­er just because the Police Unions are opposed, I believe the Governor should con­sid­er­ing sign­ing that Executive Order. It appears that New York City’s DA’s are more inter­est­ed in allow­ing their egos to rule their judge­ment rather than heed the cry from the pub­lic. If for no oth­er rea­son Thompson of Brooklyn and Johnson of the Bronx should under­stand both being African Americans.

The tone deaf­ness of the city’s DA’s and their col­leagues in the Police Department is exact­ly what

Bronx DA Robert Johnson
Bronx DA Robert Johnson

the pub­lic is com­plain­ing about. Yet both the DA’s and Police are inca­pable of under­stand­ing that their rela­tion­ship are too close to engen­der trust.
As I stat­ed in a pre­vi­ous Article the prob­lem of police abuse is cer­tain­ly not a prob­lem of police only, but is much deep­er to include District Attorney’s offices and much more.

Attorney General Schneiderman not­ed that sim­i­lar pro­pos­als to require spe­cial pros­e­cu­tors to han­dle cas­es in which cops kill unarmed civil­ians have been around for years in the state Legislature but nev­er enact­ed. He indi­cat­ed an exec­u­tive order by Cuomo might put pres­sure on the law­mak­ers to act.

In the past 15 years, police have been indict­ed in only four cas­es, and one of those indict­ments was lat­er dismissed.

A Cuomo spokeswoman said the governor, who has called for a “soup to nuts” review of the justice system, is reviewing Schneiderman’s request.
A Cuomo spokes­woman said the gov­er­nor, who has called for a “soup to nuts” review of the jus­tice sys­tem, is review­ing Schneiderman’s request.

As we deal with the avalanche of police mur­der of unarmed black men, cit­i­zens and oth­er stake­hold­ers con­tem­plate a way for­ward. We must rec­og­nize that this prob­lem is much deep­er than meets the eyes. Local DA’s are quick to step for­ward to defend their inde­pen­dence, no one but them­selves believe that baloney.
There is a lot more to wor­ry about when pro­pos­als to require spe­cial pros­e­cu­tors to han­dle cas­es in which cops kill unarmed civil­ians lan­guish in the state Legislature with­out a vote.
The ques­tion is why? Police Unions are big donors , they deliv­er huge chunks of votes to politi­cians who tow the line. Most impor­tant­ly Police Unions in some regards are ordi­nary thugs, they use hard nosed tac­tics to keep leg­is­la­tors in line, par­tic­u­lar­ly those in swing dis­tricts. Being brand­ed soft on crime is more than enough to get one vot­ed out of office. This is a chance for Cuomo to step up and make a dif­fer­ence. Lets see if he will sign this order or bow to police and ego­tis­ti­cal District Attorneys.