New York Roundup

Letitia (Tish) James absolute­ly rocks; James is eas­i­ly the most effec­tive and con­se­quen­tial Attorney General the State has had on jus­tice for the NY’s citizens.
Too bad Ms James will be run­ning for Governor as I expect­ed fol­low­ing the path of oth­ers like Andrew Coumo before her.
New York Justice will be the worse off for her depar­ture but we wish Tish James the best in her quest to becom­ing the state’s top executive.
It will be an uphill for this effec­tive and con­se­quen­tial Black sis­ter as the New York Democratic machine of white upstate men has already announced they are throw­ing their sup­port over the default place-hold­er Kathy Hochul. State Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs announced his endorse­ment claim­ing, “Kathy Hochul has earned the sup­port that she is get­ting from me, at least today, and I believe every coun­ty chair ought to think the same.”
That pre­ma­ture endorse­ment came even as New York City pub­lic advo­cate and for­mer lieu­tenant gov­er­nor can­di­date Jumaane Williams has launched an explorato­ry com­mit­tee, and has all but announced he will be run­ning for gov­er­nor next year.
Attorney General Letitia James who has also been open­ly weigh­ing her own run, had not made a deci­sion when the endorse­ment came.. Public advo­cate Williams crit­i­cized Jacobs, say­ing endors­ing Hochul is anoth­er exam­ple of the estab­lish­ment pro­tect­ing itself. “We have the Democratic Party chair of New York state endors­ing some­one before many of us have been able to make our case,” Williams said. “And in a pri­ma­ry where he’s actu­al­ly sup­posed to be impartial.”
For the record both Williams and James are Black, Jacobs and Hochul are.……well you know!



New York State Police troop­er Christopher Baldner was indict­ed on mur­der, manslaugh­ter, and reck­less endan­ger­ment charges on Tuesday. New York Attorney General Letitia James announced the indict­ment of Baldner after an inci­dent in December of 2020 where Baldner alleged­ly used his police vehi­cle to ram a car occu­pied by four mem­bers of the Goods fam­i­ly. The inci­dent occurred while Baldner was on patrol along the New York State Thruway in Ulster County. The inci­dent result­ed in the family’s car flip­ping over, killing 11-year-old Monica Goods.

The indict­ment also alleges that Baldner sim­i­lar­ly endan­gered the lives of three pas­sen­gers in September 2019 when he used his police vehi­cle to ram their car. Baldner was arraigned and remand­ed in Ulster County Court. According to Attorney General James, Baldner will make a bail appli­ca­tion, the hear­ing of which is set for Thursday, Nov. 4. His charge, mur­der in the sec­ond degree, car­ries a max­i­mum sen­tence of 25 years to life in prison. “Police offi­cers are entrust­ed to pro­tect and serve, but Trooper Baldner alleged­ly vio­lat­ed that trust when he used his car as a dead­ly weapon and killed a young girl,” said Attorney General James. “While noth­ing will bring Monica back, we must hold law enforce­ment to the high­est stan­dards, which is why my office is com­mit­ted to seek­ing jus­tice in this case.” The Attorney General is the pros­e­cu­tor in this matter.