New York City Reaping The Bitter Fruits Of Giuliani’s Divisive Politics

We have seen nothing but police bashing from some of the highest offices in the land.

Howard Safir
Howard Safir

So said Howard Safir for­mer Fire Commissioner and police com­mis­sion­er of the City of New York . Safir was appoint­ed by Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani on January 1, 1994 and served in that posi­tion until he was appoint­ed 39th Police Commissioner of the City of New York by Giuliani on April 15, 1996. He served as Police Commissioner until his res­ig­na­tion on August 18, 2000.

Safir did not stop there he went on to say ” Police lives mat­ter. Let’s demon­strate it nationally.
 Michael Brown and Eric Garner died resist­ing arrest. Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu died doing their job. It is a very impor­tant dis­tinc­tion. Michael Brown and Eric Garner were com­mit­ting crimes. Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were pro­tect­ing all the cit­i­zens of New York City.
Well there you have it a direct assault on the griev­ing fam­i­lies of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Safir did not both­er to include the lit­tle annoy­ing fact that Eric Garner was mur­dered for no rea­son! If you did not com­mit a crime why would you take kind­ly to being arrested?Safir did not both­er to men­tion 12 year-old Tamir Rice who was gunned down in Cleveland Ohio by cops who drove up and just shot him, albeit he was hold­ing a toy gun. There was no men­tion of any of the oth­er sense­less killings , like that of John Crawford gunned down in a Beaver Creek Ohio Walmart , because he picked up a toy gun he intend­ed to purchase.
Safir did not care about Kajeime Powell a black man of unsound mind who was lit­er­al­ly exe­cut­ed by St Louis Police just a stones throw from where Michael Brown was exe­cut­ed in Ferguson Missouri. 

Nothing about  Akai Gurley’s killed as he exit­ed his girl­friend’s apart­ment. Was he deserv­ing of death? Did he resist arrest or did his sense­less killing not fit Safir’s narrative?

How about Michael Bell who was killed as he left his bach­e­lor’s par­ty on the day he was to be mar­ried? How about Anthony Baez, or  Amadou Diallo?
Howard Safir could not both­er to care about the inno­cent loss of black lives, too many to men­tion but like all the oth­er ver­min he crawled out to demo­nize and crit­i­cize the Mayor Attorney General, Reverend Al Sharpton and President Obama. 
No one is sur­prised about Howard Safir’s intem­per­ate self-serv­ing out­burst, after all he was hired by Giuliani, the big­ot­ed lit­tle El Duce who ruled New York City for 8 years. Combined Safir, his for­mer boss and the thugs who assault and kill peo­ple under the guise of good polic­ing are lit­er­al­ly the same class­less , uncouth and in some cas­es racists thugs who caused this whole fiasco. 
Actions have con­se­quences, fix police abuse and this prob­lem goes away. Continue in stub­born tone deaf­ness and the anger and vio­lence is bound to con­tin­ue. The police sim­ply can­not con­tin­ue to kill and cit­i­zens have no recourse in the courts.
That is where Howard Safir, Rudolph and oth­ers who place the NYPD above law abid­ing cit­i­zens and the laws should focus their ener­gies. But Safir the Giuliani pro­tégé was­n’t done, he was just get­ting start­ed , blam­ing US Attorney General Eric Holder ‚the Reverend Al Sharpton and even President Obama for stir­ring up anti-police resentment.

Racialist , race baiter Rudolph Giuliani
Racialist , race baiter Rudolph Giuliani

No one is stir­ring up police resent­ment, except the police. When cops act out­side the laws cit­i­zens are not going to roll over and die. It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that these peo­ple who held high office could demon­stra­bly be so stu­pid. Recent events which have gar­nered nation­al and world-wide atten­tion should be enough to force these char­la­tans to use what­ev­er influ­ence they have to get police to respect human rights and human dignity.
Instead they use it to fur­ther solid­i­fy and cement what the black com­mu­ni­ty has always felt, that they do not care about their com­mu­ni­ty or their lives. No one in the black com­mu­ni­ty expect­ed any­thing bet­ter from the likes of Rudolph Giuliani or Howard Safir.

Not to be out­done the entourage of Republican hypocrisy was not con­fined to Safir, Former Republican Governor George Pataki tweet­ed Sickened by these bar­bar­ic acts, which sad­ly are a pre­dictable out­come of divi­sive anti-cop rhetoric of & . .
No one heard a word of con­dem­na­tion for the killing of Eric Garner from twist­ed mouth George Pataki..
El Deuce Giuliani, who was nev­er at a loss as to how to fix the black com­mu­ni­ty, when he is not advo­cat­ing their killing said quote, ”  It is the right time to talk about [de Blasio’s] poli­cies. His poli­cies of allow­ing protests to get out of con­trol, and of his not empha­siz­ing enough the impor­tance of father­hood, the impor­tance of edu­ca­tion, the impor­tance of an alter­na­tive to a pub­lic edu­ca­tion sys­tem that is fail­ing the black children”.

Recently released federal felon Bernard Kerik
Recently released fed­er­al felon Bernard Kerik

The most out­ra­geous of all though, are the com­ments of Federal Felon and recent­ly released pris­on­er Bernard Kerik . Former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik tore into Mayor Bill de Blasio over his han­dling of the Eric Garner con­tro­ver­sy, claim­ing that he has sided with Rev. Al Sharpton against the police force and his own police com­mis­sion­er, Bill Bratton. Kerik, who – like Mr. Bratton – served as head of the NYPD under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, claimed that Mr. de Blasio has let Mr. Sharpton walk all over New York’s Finest fol­low­ing Mr. Garner’s fatal encounter with cops last month. “These men and women go out every day and put their lives on the line for the peo­ple of this city,” Mr. Kerik told lis­ten­ers of the Geraldo Rivera radio pro­gram. “They’re get­ting cru­ci­fied here and thrown under the bus by the de Blasio Administration for one instance.” Mr. Kerik, once her­ald­ed as “America’s Cop” after his ser­vice dur­ing the September 11 attacks, had a pre­cip­i­tous fall from grace. He was recent­ly released from prison after serv­ing three years for tax fraud and lying to the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment when he was being con­sid­ered for the job of Director of Homeland Security.As report­ed by the new york observer.

Of all the nerve, this crim­i­nal has the nerve to open his mouth, as far as Giuliani, Safir and oth­ers who sup­port them are con­cerned, crim­i­nals like Kerik are of no liv­ing worth. They nev­er fail to trot out the record of peo­ple NYPD mur­der, as if hav­ing a record means that a per­son is prime can­di­date for sum­ma­ry police execution.
The sin­gle thread which ties Safir, Kerik, Pataki, and the destruc­tive, dis­re­spect­ful atti­tude of some with­in the NYPD like Lynch and oth­ers is Rudolph Giuliani, the race-baiter whose divi­sive poli­cies divid­ed the city along racial lines to fur­ther his polit­i­cal ambitions.