New Mexico Police Fatally Shoot Resident After Responding To Wrong House

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Here we go again with these ham­mers; every­thing is a nail. The first option the next option and the last option is to unhol­ster their weapons and open fire. The end results are inno­cent peo­ple dead, even in the sacred sanc­tum of their homes, hav­ing com­mit­ted no crimes. How long is this soci­ety going to pre­tend that this is nor­mal? In what oth­er soci­ety are state agents allowed to mur­der peo­ple in their own homes and pre­tend all is well? This is a sick, bro­ken sys­tem with trig­ger-hap­py morons parad­ing as police offi­cers wreak­ing hav­oc on a bad­ly bro­ken society.(mb)

Farmington Police Chief Steve Hebbe

Police in New Mexico fatal­ly shot a man Wednesday night after respond­ing to the wrong house dur­ing a domes­tic vio­lence call, author­i­ties said, in what the police chief described as a “chaot­ic scene.” The shoot­ing took place short­ly before mid­night on Wednesday as offi­cers from the local Farmington Police depart­ment respond­ed to the call, accord­ing to a state­ment released by the state’s Department of Public Safety. The state­ment said the New Mexico State Police Investigations Bureau had been asked to inves­ti­gate the inci­dent. “Once on scene, offi­cers mis­tak­en­ly approached” the wrong address and knocked on the door. The state­ment from the state pub­lic safe­ty author­i­ty said the offi­cers iden­ti­fied them­selves as police, but no one answered. The state­ment said offi­cer body cam­era video shows that as the offi­cers backed away from house, the home­own­er opened the screen door armed with a hand­gun. One or mul­ti­ple offi­cers fired at least one round, strik­ing the home­own­er, who police iden­ti­fied as 52-year-old Robert Dotson.

After Dotson was shot, his wife emerged in the door­way and opened fire with a hand­gun, the pub­lic safe­ty agency said, prompt­ing return fire from the offi­cers. “Once she real­ized that the indi­vid­u­als out­side the res­i­dence were offi­cers, she put the gun down and com­plied with the offi­cer’s com­mands,” accord­ing to the state­ment. Dotson was pro­nounced dead at the scene by the Office of the Medical Investigator. His wife, who was unin­jured, has not been charged with a crime. In a video state­ment, Farmington Police Chief Steve Hebbe acknowl­edged the mis­take and said he was “heart­bro­ken by the cir­cum­stances.” He said after the offi­cers release state­ments, body cam­era video will be released with­in a few days, show­ing a “chaot­ic scene.” Hebbe said it was a “very dark day” for the Dotson fam­i­ly, the com­mu­ni­ty and the police depart­ment. “I extend noth­ing but my deep­est con­do­lences to the Dotson fam­i­ly,” he said. “There’s noth­ing I can say that will make this bet­ter. It’s a ter­ri­ble event, and I’m heart­bro­ken by it.”