New Jersey Cop Driving Wrong-way In Fatal Staten Island Crash Was Busted For Drunk Driving In 2011, When He Smashed Car Into Deli

Linden, N.J., Police Officer Pedro Abad Jr. was behind the wheel of a wrong-way driving Honda Civic that smashed head-on with a tractor-trailer.
Linden, N.J., Police Officer Pedro Abad Jr. was behind the wheel of a wrong-way dri­ving Honda Civic that smashed head-on with a tractor-trailer.

The off-duty Jersey cop at the wheel dur­ing a wrong-way fatal acci­dent on Staten Island had been bust­ed for drunk­en dri­ving after crash­ing into a deli in 2011, police records reveal.

Pedro Abad Jr., a Linden police offi­cer, swerved off the road in a black 2010 Audi A5 and hit a bus stop sign, a street sign and a stop sign before slam­ming through the side of New Way Supermarket in Roselle, N.J., at 3:46 a.m. on Jan. 22, 2011, accord­ing to a police report.

His car end­ed up inside the store, caus­ing heavy dam­age to the building.

Ravi Patel, 26, who co-owns the deli with his dad, recalled get­ting a call in the mid­dle of the night that the store’s alarms had been triggered.

We did­n’t know it was a crash,” Patel told the Daily News Wednesday.

It was­n’t until we got to the cor­ner. We saw the car inside — the whole car!”

It took three months for all the dam­age to be fixed and the dam­age was so exten­sive the store was closed for the first three weeks of repairs.

Everything was messed up,” Patel said. “The reg­is­ter was on the ground, every­thing. The door does­n’t even shut still because of the crash.”

Reeking of alco­hol, Abad, 27, was rushed from the scene to University Hospital in Newark, where he was charged with dri­ving while intox­i­cat­ed and care­less driving.

Inside the ambu­lance he admit­ted to hav­ing two mixed drinks at a local club, accord­ing to the police report.

He should have learned his les­son,” Patel said. “You don’t screw up again. That’s just wrong. Look at how many lives he took.”

Investigators are con­tin­u­ing to probe whether Abad was drink­ing with his three pas­sen­gers at Staten Island strip club Curves before Friday’s crash. Abad was dri­ving a Honda north­bound in the south­bound lanes of the West Shore Expressway when he hit a trac­tor-trail­er head-on at 4:50 a.m., killing two men in the car.

Hours before the dead­ly crash, Abad recount­ed in an online post his toast at a Roselle, N.J., bar ear­li­er that night, beneath a pho­to of three glass­es filled with 70-proof Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Fire.

The Civic seen in the aftermath of the crash ...
The Civic seen in the after­math of the crash …

Killed in the grue­some Staten Island crash were Linden cop Frank Viggiano, 28, and pas­sen­ger Joseph Rodriguez, 28. Another Linden cop in the car, Patrik Kudlac, 23, and Abad remain hos­pi­tal­ized in crit­i­cal condition.

Rodriguez’s funer­al was held Wednesday morn­ing at St. Elizabeth Church in Linden.

Abad also received vio­la­tions for drunk­en dri­ving and refus­ing a Breathalyzer test on Feb. 26, 2013, after he crashed in Rahway, N.J., New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission records show.

During that inci­dent, Abad was caught on cam­era stum­bling and slur­ring his words while ask­ing for an offi­cer he said he knew from the acad­e­my, NJ​.com report­ed.

His license was sus­pend­ed for sev­en months in the wake of the Rahway crash, records show.

In addi­tion to the two drink­ing-relat­ed crash­es, Abad was involved in six oth­er acci­dents going back to 2005, state records show​.nydai​lynews​.com