New Evidence Surfacing Nzinga King may Be Lying About Being Trimmed By Cops…

The claim by a young Clarendon woman Nzinga King that mem­bers of the Four-Paths police cut her dread­locks, has elicit­ed much debate and a swift deci­sion by the police high com­mand to ini­ti­ate a top-tiered investigation.
All good stuff; how­ev­er, I choose to await the out­come of the inves­ti­ga­tions ini­ti­at­ed by Commissioner of Police Antony Anderson.
Frankly, I was skep­ti­cal when I heard the sto­ry, and I still am. Not because police offi­cers have stopped doing dumb things, but because Rastafarianism has become such an accept­ed part of our Jamaican cul­ture that it has been hard for me to imag­ine that any police offi­cer would be so stu­pid to engage in activ­i­ties of that sort, but I may be wrong.
In the mean­time, some politi­cians from a cer­tain polit­i­cal par­ty, one Patricia Duncan-Sutherland, jumped head­first into the fray, and have been giv­ing media inter­views on behalf of the young woman and have helped the young lady and her fam­i­ly to secure legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the per­son of Isat Buchanan.

It is always easy to seek and get hype off the police in Jamaica, and truth­ful­ly some offi­cers make it easy for the wannabe politicians/​vultures to hop onto their fend­ers, but I digress.
One such failed politi­cian, of the Rastafarian dis­po­si­tion, even posit­ed that he intend­ed to stop by the police sta­tion to find out for him­self what had occurred.
Now seri­ous­ly, I hope that if and when he does decide to stop by the police sta­tion, in the face of an ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion, the police trim the locks from his head and send that idiot on his way.
That said, there are new rum­blings that the young woman lied to her school­mates about her age, lied that the police broke her cel­lu­lar device, and told her class­mates that she trimmed her own locks and regret­ted doing so. Frankly, if she lied about one thing it brings into ques­tion every­thing else she claimed happened.
One class­mate was not shy about telling the media that she was lying about the whole thing.
If this turns out to be a lie, I hope that the police will make an exam­ple of her by arrest­ing her and ensur­ing that she is pros­e­cut­ed to the fullest extent of the law for pub­lic mis­chief, or what­ev­er else Jamaican law allows statutorily.
If how­ev­er, any police offi­cer did vio­late her rights in that way they should be pun­ished accord­ing to the rules of the JCF and where pos­si­ble, held account­able civilly.

https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​3​5​2​873 – 2/

I thought it iron­ic that they chose Isat Buchanan to rep­re­sent her, a twice-con­vict­ed felon now prac­tic­ing law.
Isat Buchanan was bust­ed twice on felony crimes, even when bust­ed and con­vict­ed he lied that he was inno­cent rather than take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what he had done.
He now rep­re­sents anoth­er poten­tial Rastafarian liar. And that a failed Rastafarian politi­cian chose this as the hill he wants to die on to gain rel­e­vance, as he pon­tif­i­cates about going to find out for him­self what real­ly happened.
Just sweet…you sim­ply can­not make this shit up.….




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.