Neutering The Male Specie…

Awhile back I had a con­ver­sa­tion with a woman who adamant­ly argued about the virtues of moth­er­hood and it’s impor­tance. She insist­ed moth­er­hood was far more impor­tant than father­hood. I thought to myself “were it left up to many of these women the world’s pop­u­la­tion would have died out long ago”.
She told me women stay at home and wipe snot and take care of their kids as such they love more than any­one else.
I had heard that cocka­mamie all my life and was real­ly fed up with the nonsense >
So I asked her whether fathers who gets up on a scaf­fold­ing to wash win­dows 99 floors above the ground, con­struct sky­scrap­ers, the sol­dier who goes to war, or the Police Officer who goes out every day lay­ing his life on the line count­ed as love, Or whether that’s even love at all?
Her answer was a jum­bled mess of gobbledygook.

For years the Feminist move­ment has rede­fined love between par­ents and chil­dren to some­thing only women could give. This reduced Fathers to pas­sive­ly neutered car­ri­ers of check­books to cater to his wom­an’s needs.
He is pow­er­less to make deci­sions in his home and his chil­dren look to their moth­er for guid­ance and security.
In some eth­nic com­mu­ni­ties the men have sim­ply left.
Many argue that they pay child sup­port. When I first heard this argu­ment about pay­ing child sup­port I was indig­nant that these men are sim­ply bums who do not want to look after their children.
A clos­er look how­ev­er reveals that in many cas­es these men are led to believe mon­ey is all they are required to give .
So even though they are present in the house­hold they have absolute­ly no impact on their chil­dren’s development
I mean in American house­holds many men are mere observers to what occur includ­ing how their chil­dren are raised and they dare not dis­ci­pline their own chil­dren out of fear of the women.
Many sim­ply chose to abdi­cate their respon­si­bil­i­ty because they do not want to deal with the stress of fighting,.
Oh by the way they dare not look to the courts for jus­tice . The fam­i­ly courts may very well be the most unjust arm of the so-called jus­tice system.

New York City skyline
New York City skyline

Patriot Update puts it this way.
Who fought the bloody bat­tles of the American Revolution that estab­lished America as a free and sov­er­eign nation? It was men. Who draft­ed the Declaration of Independence and Constitution — two of the most sig­nif­i­cant doc­u­ments in human his­to­ry? It was men. Who went chin to chin with Hitler’s storm troop­ers in four years of bru­tal bat­tles and saved the world from Nazi tyran­ny? It was men. Who bat­tled Tojo’s sui­ci­dal troops down to the last man on a string of Pacific islands? It was men? Who con­struct­ed the sky­scrap­ers that give New York City its dis­tinc­tive sky­line? It was men. Who rebuilt New York’s sky­line after it was destroyed by crazed ter­ror­ists on 9 – 11? It was men. In fact, if you exam­ine the actions, inven­tions, deci­sions, and activ­i­ties that made the United States the world’s sole superpower?
Feminists are neu­ter­ing the American male and the American male is let­ting it hap­pen. In his book, Missing from Action: Vanishing Manhood in America, author Welden M. Hardenbrook writes: “Over the years I have had the priv­i­lege of work­ing with the broad spec­trum of men who can only be found in America. No mat­ter who they have been — cap­i­tal­ists, com­mu­nists, col­lege stu­dents, dropouts, Christians, athe­ists, blacks, whites, young, or old — they have had one prob­lem in com­mon. They have suf­fered to one degree or anoth­er from the touch of the fem­i­niz­ing forces that have tak­en over the land. These men have not been sure what it means to be a man…They are men who refuse to take respon­si­bil­i­ty. Their pas­siv­i­ty and inac­tion ensure that…lead­er­ship in their homes belongs to their wives.” Hardenbrook might have added that it isn’t just in the home where men are no longer lead­ers. NEUTERING THE MALE OF THE SPECIES: THE FEMINIZATION OF AMERICAN SOCIETY.

Daughters need to see strong fathers who are tow­ers of strength for their fam­i­lies. Strong fathers are good role-mod­els so they know what to look for when they are ready to date.
Sons also must be giv­en strong role mod­els who are not neutered wus­si­fied male, pet­ri­fied of mak­ing deci­sions because there will be hell to pay because the wives will throw a fit.
In our house­hold its all boys , they play sports both bas­ket­ball and foot­ball, they are engaged in some type of sport­ing activ­i­ty year round.
I very sel­dom make it to a scrim­mage as a self employed per­son . My wife sel­dom miss­es a scrim­mage because her sched­ule allows her that latitude.
Does that mean she loves the boys more than I do ? It would be a mis­take for any­one to come to that conclusion.
I will lay my life down for my chil­dren when the rub­ber meets the road.
None of this stuff define love.
Feminism is not only doing irrepara­ble harm to tra­di­tion­al mar­riage it is hurt­ing Generations to come arguably over­turn­ing the roles between the sexes.
Many of us men are all too hap­py to del­e­gate the respon­si­bil­i­ty to be men .
In America prob­a­bly more so than any place else women are more than will­ing to have men reduced to a joke and men are allow­ing it.