Netanyahu Canard More Of The Same.….….

Republicans who never rises and clay for their own President gives Netanyahu several standing ovations
Republicans who nev­er ris­es and clap for their own President gives Netanyahu sev­er­al stand­ing ovations

I deeply regret that some per­ceive my being here as polit­i­cal. That was nev­er my inten­tion,” Netanyahu said in an address before Congress. “I know that no mat­ter on which side of the aisle you sit, you stand with Israel.”
“Don’t be fooled – the bat­tle between Iran and ISIS doesn’t turn Iran into a friend for America; Iran and ISIS are com­pet­ing for the crown of mil­i­tant Islam,” said Netanyahu. The prob­lem with America’s poten­tial deal with Iran is twofold, said the Israeli leader. “The first major con­ces­sion,” he said, is that it “would leave Iran with a vast nuclear infra­struc­ture.” Second, he con­tin­ued, the restric­tions imposed on Iran’s nuclear pro­gram would not effec­tive­ly bar vio­la­tions. “Iran has proven time and again that it can­not be trust­ed,” said Netanyahu. “That’s why this deal is so bad – it doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb; it paves Iran’s path to the bomb.”

President Obama said there was noth­ing new in the speech deliv­ered before the American Congress by the Republican Senator from Israel. President 
Obama, mean­while told reporters lat­er in the day that he read the tran­script of Netanyahu’s speech and found “noth­ing new.” He not­ed that the Israeli leader did not offer any “viable alter­na­tives” to pre­vent­ing Iran from obtain­ing a nuclear weapon, and defend­ed his administration’s pur­suit of a nuclear deal with the Middle Eastern country.
Does it seem strange that a President, any pres­i­dent, would be forced to defend his poli­cies as the duly twice elect­ed head of his coun­try, while a for­eign leader attacks his poli­cies in his coun­try’s high­est leg­isla­tive body, as that leader vis­its, all unbe­knownst to him ?
I digress, maybe it’s just me.….


[A]s one who val­ues the U.S.-Israel rela­tion­ship, and loves Israel, I was near tears through­out the Prime Minister’s speech – sad­dened by the insult to the intel­li­gence of the United States as part of the P5+1 nations, and sad­dened by the con­de­scen­sion toward our knowl­edge of the threat posed by Iran and our broad­er com­mit­ment to pre­vent­ing nuclear pro­lif­er­a­tion,” said Pelosi in a statement.


No Republican would have sat through a con­tro­ver­sial speech giv­en by a for­eign leader when a Republican President in the White Hose was not noti­fied that that for­eign leader would be invit­ed to address the coun­try and con­gress. On that basis the com­ments of Pelosi is incon­se­quen­tial and has no bear­ing, it should not be con­sid­ered. Any Democrat Jew or not, who attend­ed that speech is dis­loy­al to the President and should hang their heads in shame, they are all a disgrace.

Netanyahu wants war.
As President Obama stat­ed there was noth­ing new in the speech. We have all heard Netanyahu’s drum­beat for war against Iran before. If Netanyahu did not prof­fer any­thing new what is the rea­son for the speech ?
As Pelosi lament­ed qoute,“I was near tears through­out the Prime Minister’s speech – sad­dened by the insult to the intel­li­gence of the United States as part of the P5+1 nations, and sad­dened by the con­de­scen­sion toward our knowl­edge of the threat posed by Iran and our broad­er com­mit­ment to pre­vent­ing nuclear proliferation”.
Well why would he not be condescending? 
He was brought in with­out the knowl­edge of the sit­ting President and Commander-in-chief, to chal­lenge the President and oth­er nation’s lead­ers work toward a peace­ful set­tle­ment to the per­ceived prob­lem of Iran’s nuclear program.

President Obama
President Obama

Simply put Netanyahu is a war-mon­ger, if he was to be believed the World would have come to an end years ago based on his pre­dic­tions on Iran’s intentions. 
Netanyahu did not offer any­thing new, because he has noth­ing new. He wants war but he wants America to fight that war with Iran, and he wants American sol­diers to die so he can have hege­mo­ny in the region. 
Republican war-mon­gers do not mind get­ting into a war with Iran , which by the way would be a grave mis­take. Their only prob­lem is that there is only one Commander-in-chief at a time. 
So it seem that the strat­e­gy is to paint Obama as a weak President who is actu­al­ly paving the way for Iran acquir­ing a nuclear bomb, even as he speaks niceties about the pres­i­dent from the cor­ner of his mouth.

ISIS is not a reli­gious group of Muslim fun­da­men­tal­ists, they are a bunch of mur­der­ous sav­ages. Netanyahu does not mind play­ing up the ISIS threat to get what he wants. What Netanyahu and his sup­port­ers will not say is that some sup­posed lead­ers of ISIS have been revealed to be Jewish oper­a­tives pre­tend­ing to be Arabs.
Those who want to bomb oth­er nations must avail them­selves to the duplic­i­tous canard being fed the world by Netanyahu. Ask the Palestinian peo­ple who live under the boot-heels of Israeli occu­pa­tion. However none of that mat­ters, even as the sin­gu­lar largest issue at the cen­ter of most con­flicts in the mid­dle east, is Israel’s occu­pa­tion of Palestine.
The fact is that Netanyahu knows that come what may , America will con­tin­ue to sup­port the nuclear armed Israel. In fact he bragged about it in his speech, quote,” I deeply regret that some per­ceive my being here as polit­i­cal, that was nev­er my inten­tion, I know that no mat­ter on which side of the aisle you sit, you stand with Israel. There you have it, no mat­ter what President is in the White House Jewish mon­ey will ensure that he stays in line and do the bid­ding of Israel.

Many peo­ple in the state of Israel dis­agrees with Netanyahu’s inces­sant drum-beat for war. A large per­cent­age of Israeli’s also dis­agree with Israel’s treat­ment of the Palestinian peo­ple. So too do they dis­agree with the idea that Israeli should be at war with Iran.
Netanyahu wants war with Iran just on American dime and with American blood.
The war­mon­ger­ing clowns on the right are too stu­pid to fig­ure it out.
Israeli’s going to the polls in two weeks can show Netanyahu the door, that is their best hope for peace.