Netanyahu Blatant Play For War With Iran On American Dime.

As the United States gears up for another Presidential Election, we are once again exposed to just how nasty and undignified those who seek political power can be.

The Republican par­ty oper­a­tives who refer to them­selves as Conservatives have long adopt­ed the pos­ture of the Daddy Party, they took on the mantra of pro­tec­tor of American val­ues and ideals, they pro­mul­gat­ed that farce to the extent that Democrats retreat­ed and did not con­test even the premise of that fraud­u­lent notion

Democrats resigned them­selves to being the Mommy par­ty, look­ing out for the poor and dis­ad­van­taged in the areas of Civil Rights in the 60’s and 70″,fighting to ensure that Government gave a hand up to those in need or down on their luck, they labored to pro­vide Health Care with­out suc­cess until the emer­gence of Barack Obama.

Republicans were con­tent to wrap them­selves in the American Flag and wage wars, to the detri­ment of the country.

The prob­lem with the posi­tion of Republicans is that their very premise was a farce, they are and always were Conservatives only when Democrats had the reins of Government.

Ronald Reagan the name that gets bandied about as the holy grail of mod­ern Republican Conservatism, yet Reagan raised tax­es, ran deficits , start­ed a war, and did every­thing Republicans rail against today. Ronald Reagan would have been ran out of the Tea Party dom­i­nat­ed repub­li­can par­ty of today, much the same way they are chas­ing out Olympia Snowe, they got rid of Arlen Spectre, and tried to run Dick Lugar and oth­ers out.

The Republican Party of Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel does not exist any­more, it is pop­u­lat­ed by the likes of John Bolton , Rudolph Giuliani , Dick Cheyney, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin,Sean Hannity and oth­ers of that ilk, gen­er­al­ly the rabid dogs of racial hatred.

I mean, you can­not make this up , how can one polit­i­cal par­ty have so many intel­lec­tu­al­ly bank­rupt indi­vid­u­als, where do all of these retards come from? Why are they all lumped into that par­ty which is now a cesspool of lies and racial hatred, ?

They have latched on to a demo­graph­ic with­in this coun­try who wax nos­tal­gic about the past when peo­ple not like them were not con­sid­ered peo­ple. Not all of them are white ‚some are inbred self hat­ing mon­grels, how­ev­er all of them are dis­eased, rabid charlatans.

This is the par­ty Mitt Romney now leads, a par­ty which has lurched vio­lent­ly to the right, a par­ty which must pose grave con­cerns for all those who love this coun­try, Independents and intel­lec­tu­als . Everyone so mind­ed must be con­cerned for this democ­ra­cy if this is the path this par­ty of Lincoln is going to con­tin­ue on.

The American racial make­up is chang­ing and it is chang­ing to brown,not white, the poli­cies and utter­ances of the repub­li­can par­ty func­tionar­ies are syn­ony­mous to a wound­ed ani­mal being hunt­ed in a habi­tat being destroyed around it daily.

It risks being a Southern Party of fear­ful white men who long for the days when they had total con­trol of every­one and everything.

Many elect­ed offi­cials in the repub­li­can par­ty has more alle­giance to the State of Israel than they do to the United States, at least while Barack Obama is president.

They gave Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a stand­ing ova­tion in the US House of Representatives after he over­stepped his bounds and got cheeky with the pres­i­dent of the United States in the White House.President Obama should have ordered him out on that instance but he didn’t.

Republican Candidate for President, Mitt Romney and Netanyahu worked togeth­er and are great friends, it is no won­der that Netanyahu has inject­ed him­self in a most brazen and dis­re­spect­ful way in the American elec­tions on behalf of Mitt Romney.

Netanyahu is a bul­ly who believes that the only opin­ion that mat­ters is his opin­ion, he also knows the Mitt Romney is an emp­ty suit whom he can manip­u­late to do his dirty work.

Benjamin Netanyahu knows that pres­i­dent Obama will not be manip­u­lat­ed into anoth­er war, much less a war on Israels’s behalf. Netanyahu wants a war with Iran, he knows he has less than two months lever­age with pres­i­dent Obama, either way that lever­age is out the door after the American elections.

Netanyahu lashed out at the American pres­i­dent for not estab­lish­ing clear red lines for Iran, the truth is the Israeli leader wants Obama to make threats which will inevitable force him to take mil­i­tary action against the Iranian people.

President Obama has estab­lished that he will not be drawn into a war that the American peo­ple have no appetite for, and damn sure will not start a war because Benjamin Netanyahu says so.

I have always won­dered what was the source of the influ­ence Israel has on the United States, sep­a­rate and apart from the talk­ing points of our” our great­est ally in the mid­dle east”?

How can 7. 7 million people have such control over 308 million ?

Our tax dollars are commandeered and sent to Israel, they have nuclear weapons yet no other country are allowed to have them outside the major players , the United States, England, France, Russia, China, India, and Pakistan.

Benjamin Netanyahu wants to force President Obama into a war which they will then condemn him for later.