Netanyahu A Republican Operative.….


Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not even mak­ing an attempt to respect American President Obama and his administration.
The New York Daily News report­ed that Sens. Dick Durbin, D‑Ill., and Dianne Feinstein, D‑Calif., on Monday invit­ed Netanyahu to meet in a closed-door ses­sion with Democrats dur­ing his vis­it. He declined the invi­ta­tion on Tuesday and expressed regret about the polit­i­cal­ly fraught tone of his trip.

I regret that the invi­ta­tion to address the spe­cial joint ses­sion of Congress has been per­ceived by some to be polit­i­cal or par­ti­san,” Netanyahu wrote. “I can assure you that my sole inten­tion in accept­ing it was to voice Israel’s grave con­cerns about a poten­tial nuclear agree­ment with Iran that could threat­en the sur­vival of my country.”

Who are the “some” of whom Netanyahu speak is it the President? The President has said he will not meet with Netanyahu because it would be a break with tra­di­tion of the white house not to meet with for­eign lead­ers who are engaged in elec­tion cam­paign­ing. Netanyahu faces the Israeli elec­torate in just a cou­ple of weeks from his sched­uled March 3rd address.

Frankly President Obama should stop beat­ing around the bush and tell the world he refus­es to meet with the dis­re­spect­ful Republican Senator from Israel because he does not like him. Netanyahu all but endorsed Mitt Romney for President dur­ing the last Presidential elec­tions . Who is Netanyahu fool­ing , he does not like Obama and Obama does not like him . 

The report went on to say more than a half dozen House and Senate Democrats have said they will skip the speech, call­ing it an affront to President Barack Obama and the admin­is­tra­tion as they engage in high-lev­el nego­ti­a­tions with Iran over its nuclear pro­gram. Vice President Joe Biden will be trav­el­ing and has no plans to attend the speech.
Well there you have it, half a dozen house and sen­ate democ­rats? What of the rest? Not only is this address a deeply offen­sive breach of pro­to­col, it is an affront to the Nation’s first black pres­i­dent. Democrats who make the deci­sion to sit through this affront will sig­nal that they join repub­li­cans in giv­ing aid and com­fort to the inso­lent Netanyahu over a sit­ting American pres­i­dent who just hap­pens to be black.

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Israel is an apartheid state which has pre­cious lit­tle respect for black people.
Netanyahu and his admin­is­tra­tion has led a vicious cam­paign against Ethiopian Jews and and oth­er Africans who ven­ture into the state of Israel. Netanyahu and many in his Government and Country labels blacks who ven­ture into Apartheid Israel “Infiltrators”. They call them can­cers on Israeli society.
Many African Jews,(real decen­dants of bib­li­cal jews) are harassed and round­ed up like cat­tle and herd­ed into a mas­sive prison in the Negev desert. 
Why would a repub­li­can sup­port­ing Netanyahu respect our pres­i­dent, when he sees Africans in Israel as infiltrators? 

The trav­es­ty of the blind sup­port some have for the Apartheid state of Israel, includ­ing some reli­gious lead­ers in the black com­mu­ni­ty, is their igno­rance to the real­i­ties of the Biblical Israel and this char­la­tan Apartheid state.
The tragedy is that even though they hate blacks , they ben­e­fit from black peo­ple’s mon­ey the American Government takes in tax­es and gives to them to the tune of Billions of dol­lars annually.

Durbin said in a state­ment that he regret­ted that Netanyahu could not meet with the Democrats.

We offered the Prime Minister an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bal­ance the polit­i­cal­ly divi­sive invi­ta­tion from Speaker (John) Boehner with a pri­vate meet­ing with Democrats who are com­mit­ted to keep­ing the bipar­ti­san sup­port of Israel strong,” Durbin said. “His refusal to meet is dis­ap­point­ing to those of us who have stood by Israel for decades.

Well there you have it, Netanyahu is not a diplo­mat, he is not a man who respects pro­to­cols. He is a war-mon­ger­ing hawk who will not rest until America is engaged in a war with Iran over nuclear weapons even as Israel pos­s­eses stock­piles of nuclear weapons of it’s own.
What makes Israel exempt from the same rules oth­er coun­tries are sub­ject to?
Who does Netanyahu think he is that President Obama should bow to his demands for war, fail­ing which he will protest the President’s poli­cies using the con­gress as a polit­i­cal platform?
This is the kind of raw dis­re­spect that we have come to expect from repub­li­cans in the congress. 
Hiding our heads in the sand does not negate the fact that con­gres­sion­al repub­li­cans want war with Iran. Netanyahu also want war with Iran.

This pres­i­den­t’s pol­i­cy of peace through nego­ti­a­tions and mutu­al respect, does not line up with the per­pet­u­al war-mon­ger­ing of repub­li­cans and Netanyahu.
This is the rea­son the weak John Boehner invit­ed Netanyahu to speak .
Never before have we seen such egre­gious dis­play of dis­re­spect to pres­i­den­tial lead­er­ship. We will wait to see which demo­c­rat sit and lis­ten to Netanyahu’s bull.