National Guard On Call Ahead Of Grand Jury Ruling On Ferguson Shooting

Businesses brace for the possibilities
Businesses brace for the possibilities

With the pos­si­bil­i­ty of fur­ther clash­es in Ferguson hing­ing on the immi­nent deci­sion from a grand jury, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon issued a stern warn­ing Tuesday after­noon: If the police are unable to con­trol protests in the St. Louis area, then the National Guard will.

Nixon and St. Louis law enforce­ment are prepar­ing for a grand jury deci­sion that could reignite smol­der­ing unrest in Ferguson, on the out­skirts of St. Louis. Later this month a St. Louis County grand jury is expect­ed to rule on whether police offi­cer Darren Wilson should be pros­e­cut­ed for the Aug. 9 shoot­ing death of Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American 18-year-old. If Wilson is not pros­e­cut­ed for the shoot­ing, which ignit­ed some­times vio­lent protests, many see fur­ther demon­stra­tions as all but inevitable.

National Guard activated
National Guard activated

The National Guard has been and will con­tin­ue to be part of our con­tin­gency plan­ning,” Nixon said Tuesday at a news con­fer­ence. “The guard will be avail­able when we deter­mine it is nec­es­sary to sup­port local law enforce­ment.”http://​amer​i​ca​.aljazeera​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​/​2​0​1​4​/​1​1​/​1​1​/​n​a​t​i​o​n​a​l​-​g​u​a​r​d​-​o​n​c​a​l​l​i​n​f​e​r​g​u​s​o​n​.​h​tml

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In addi­tion to mar­shal­ing the National Guard and enlist­ing the assis­tance of com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers, state and local offi­cials have pro­vid­ed more than 1,000 law enforce­ment offi­cers with thou­sands of hours in train­ing, accord­ing to the governor’s office. Fire and emer­gency med­ical ser­vices will also be at the ready in the event of new unrest.


From the looks of this it appears Missouri Governor Jay Nixon already knows what the out­come of the Grand Jury’s deci­sion will be. Nixon had the author­i­ty to remove Prosecutor Robert McCulloch when cit­i­zens demand­ed that he remove him. Nixon cir­cum­vent­ed the will of the peo­ple and now he is pre­pared to use all nec­es­sary force to crush the peo­ple if they dare protest against what they see as an injus­tice if Darren Wilson is not indict­ed. It is sur­pris­ing that the peo­ple could be demand­ing just an indict­ment any­way they demand­ed an indict­ment in the Trayvon Martin case , what did that get the Martin fam­i­ly? George Zimmerman is a free man doing what he does ‚what­ev­er that is.

Had Jay Nixon acqui­esced to the demands of the cit­i­zens of his state by remov­ing McCulloch ‚Black res­i­dents of Ferguson would have no choice but to live with the deci­sion of the Grand Jury, what­ev­er that deci­sion end up being. Governor Nixon in stub­born obsti­na­cy, not want­i­ng to capit­u­late to the blacks, either did not think through his deci­sion , or he is not very smart.

There are a lot of eyes on Ferguson as the storm clouds gath­er. Whether or not there will be an avalanche of fury if the res­i­dents do not get the results they desire is yet to be seen. One thing is cer­tain this Country is not much dif­fer­ent than it was in 1962 , or 1942 for that matter.

White Americans are loathe to sup­port black caus­es , sub­se­quent­ly Racism per­sists. It is rather dif­fi­cult to expect the descen­dants of the peo­ple who enslaved you, raped you, beat and muti­late you , imprison and kill you , to turn around and sup­port your right to be treat­ed fair­ly by the peo­ple who ensure their privilege.

That is why Grand juries do not con­vict cops who kill black peo­ple. That is why there are two sep­a­rate ways in which laws are applied to whites and blacks. That is why police shoot with­out wor­ry­ing about the con­se­quence when a black per­son is at the busi­ness end of their weapon.

Those who think racism is a thing of the past because they have a cou­ple of white friends need to have their heads exam­ined. They can­not even bring them­selves to respect their own darn President, even when he is on for­eign soil. They would rather sup­port a sworn ene­my of the United States than stand for their own President and coun­try-men , sim­ply because they are black.

That kind of ran­cid igno­rance have per­me­at­ed their brain and occu­pied the very innards of their bio­log­i­cal make­up for gen­er­a­tions. I believe it is now genet­ic , the hate they have for blacks in this the land of the free , home of the brave.

This is what is play­ing out in Ferguson Missouri. Rather than fix the atti­tude of the Police by putting strict pro­tec­tions in place for the cit­i­zens , they give the police more guns to abuse and kill the very peo­ple who pay their salaries.