
During the last National Election cycle in the United States, I was flab­ber­gast­ed when Rick Santorum for­mer Republican Senator from Pennsylvanian referred to the President as a snob. What was galling was not just the dis­re­spect of Santorum toward the sit­ting President, but more so why he called the President a snob. President Obama had dared to sug­gest that all young Americans get advanced train­ing. The President did not say every­one should go to college,but sug­gest­ed rather, that it was imper­a­tive that every­one be trained for some­thing. Whether through four year or com­mu­ni­ty col­leges or trade schools. At the time I thought that every young per­son attend­ing col­lege would have been a noble goal for any Nation, Rick Santorum dis­agreed. Born in Virginia, Santorum was raised pri­mar­i­ly in ButlerPennsylvania. He obtained an under­grad­u­ate degree from Pennsylvania State University, an M.B.A. from theUniversity of Pittsburgh, and a J.D. from the Dickinson School of Law . Sounds like Education worked well for Santorum so why would he not want every­one to have the same oppor­tu­ni­ties he had ? Politics.

At the time, I wrote a scathing blog con­demn­ing Santorum for want­i­ng to cre­ate two soci­eties, one for the edu­cat­ed and the oth­er for every­one else. I still believe today that col­lege should be a goal for every­one. Not every­one will be a chem­i­cal engi­neer but they should at least have the option to try. Fast for­ward to Saturday August 17th and it was reaf­firmed to me that not all peo­ple who ben­e­fit­ed from high­er learn­ing are smart. I also learned that some are indis­tin­guish­able from the Degreee/​s they hold. In a sim­ple con­ver­sa­tion on Facebook about Okra it became abun­dant­ly clear that some of the posters who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the forum had pre­cious lit­tle to con­tribute except to tell oth­ers that they are Doctors. It was stun­ning that a con­ver­sa­tion about “Okra“could reveal so much about the inse­cu­ri­ties of some who claim to be edu­cat­ed. As a cou­ple of con­trib­u­tors in-boxed me dur­ing the dis­cus­sion, it was clear these Doctors are noth­ing out­side the Degrees they hold. I did a quick bit of inves­ti­ga­tion dur­ing the dis­cus­sion and con­clud­ed that the com­mon thread which bound every last one of those who claimed to be Doctors was.…. you guessed it, Jamaica.

My per­son­al doc­tor knows my aver­sion to phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, he makes it his duty to tell me what nat­ur­al foods to take which are healthy alter­na­tives to big Pharma’s drugs. My wife , does not like to use phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal drugs, but opts instead for nat­ur­al reme­dies wher­ev­er pos­si­ble. She has long main­tained that doc­tors are trained to write pre­scrip­tions peri­od. As I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the forum yes­ter­day I won­dered at the silli­ness of those alleged Doctors. Their closed mind­ed­ness was stunning.

One igno­ra­mus claimed that garbage col­lec­tion was menial work, I wish I knew the men and women who col­lects that jerk’s garbage, or the peo­ple who pre­pare the foods he eats when he vis­its restau­rants. I real­ized a long time that each and every one is vital to our world. College is vital, every­one should have a chance to attend. I also learned that some of the bright­est minds nev­er set foot on a College Campus or attend­ed but dropped out because of the burn­ing desire to unleash the fire of cre­ativ­i­ty with­in them. Bill Gates attend­ed Harvard for a while but even­tu­al­ly dropped out to work on his dream, In his sopho­more year, Gates devised an algo­rithm for pan­cake sort­ing as a solu­tion to one of a series of unsolved prob­lems[31] pre­sent­ed in a com­bi­na­torics class byHarry Lewis, one of his pro­fes­sors. Gates’s solu­tion held the record as the fastest ver­sion for over thir­ty years. Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and many others.

The peo­ple who plants and gath­ers the foods we eat are indis­pens­able. Those who make the beds and pre­pare our foods, make the beds in the hotels we patron­ize are impor­tant. So too are the con­struc­tion work­ers. Our Firemen and Police Officers would not have it any oth­er way, they love their jobs. The mail-man and the UPS deliv­ery peo­ple are vital to what I do. Finally I love the fact that peo­ple col­lect the garbage, deliv­ers the pack­ages which allows me to run a suc­cess­ful busi­ness. Maybe our edu­cat­ed Jamaican Elitists Doctors could learn a thing or two if they would remove their heads from up their stu­pid ass­es, long enough to be remind­ed that the world does not run sole­ly on doc­tors. As I con­tem­plat­ed this Article I was remind­ed of the rea­son our coun­try is so screwed up, these of whom I speak are drawn from the very same pool.

Much more to say on this.