Was Myles Monroe, His Wife Ruth And Their Friends Death An Accident ?

Dr Myles and Ruth Munroe
Dr Myles and Ruth Munroe

The Nassau Guardian report­ed that Rev. Myles Munroe, pres­i­dent of Bahamas Faith Ministries International, and his wife, Ruth Munroe, were among the pas­sen­gers on a pri­vate jet that crashed into a crane at a ship­yard as it approached Grand Bahama International Airport in Freeport. The news­pa­per said two oth­er pas­tors with Munroe’s orga­ni­za­tion were also on the flight. The Nassau Guardian report­ed that Munroe, his wife and the oth­er pas­sen­gers were trav­el­ing from Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau, the Bahamian cap­i­tal, to Grand Bahama for a lead­er­ship forum that opened on Monday.

Immediately after the crash and before Doctor Monroe’s rel­a­tives can grieve his loss one homo­sex­u­al sup­port­ing web­site had this to say.

While some media out­lets are describ­ing the death of “Dr” Myles Munroe, and his wife Ruth Munroe, in a plane crash this week­end as the loss of a promi­nent faith leader, the ugly real­i­ty is that Munroe and his Bahamas Faith Ministries were major forces sup­port­ing homo­pho­bia and vio­lence against Gays in the Bahamas, a nation I’ve vis­it­ed a num­ber of times and which deserves far bet­ter than the igno­rance and big­otry which are the stock in trade of the “god­ly folk” like Munroe. I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead, but in report­ing on Munroe’s “min­istry,” lets at least be hon­est about what the man was real­ly all about. The Washington Blade has details on the death of these homo­phobes (Note the pan­der­ing — dare we call it self-pros­ti­tu­tion — of gov­ern­ment offi­cials to this mer­chant of bigotry):

It is clear that those who engage in homo­sex­u­al prac­tices and their sup­port­ers will not be sat­is­fied until every per­son who dis­agrees with their nasty per­vert­ed lifestyle is dead. I mean who is beyond crit­i­cism? Why are Gays so afraid of crit­i­cism? Is it that they know in their hearts that les­bian­ism and Homosexuality is a degen­er­ate unholy, unright­eous lifestyle that is counter to the laws of nature and the laws of God?

Daring to dis­agree with them brings a fierce and sav­age back­lash designed to destroy. Heterosexual dis­senters are labeled Homophobic and hate­ful. The vit­ri­ol which spews from Homosexuals far out­weigh any­thing Heterosexuals say in dis­sent. The Monroes and their friends bod­ies weren’t even cold when the sav­age attacks started.

Doctor Monroe has spo­ken out against Homosexuality, par­tic­u­lar­ly in his native Bahamas. In fact a Gay Pride event sched­uled for last week­end was scrapped because Dr Monroe slammed the pride event and the LGBT move­ment say­ing the LGBT move­ment has “hijacked” and “raped” the civ­il rights movement.

As head of Bahamas Faith Ministries International. Dr Myles Monroe spoke out against sin. He spoke elo­quent­ly on the need for the Church to preach an unvar­nished Gospel, not one that will please, but a Gospel which will con­vict sin­ners , bring­ing them to repentance.

Homosexuals believe that the love of God will cov­er them even as they con­tin­ue to wal­low in the filth of homo­sex­u­al devian­cy. They are woe­ful­ly wrong. God does love the sin­ner but he hates sin. As I have said in these blogs, we can­not sim­ply claim Grace even as we con­tin­ue in sin presumptuously .

The prob­lem is that Homosexuals do not want to accept that Homosexuality is abnor­mal and sin­ful. The Homosexual com­mu­ni­ty is wag­ing psy­cho­log­i­cal war­fare on the rest of the world. They do not want to hear that Homosexuality is abnor­mal, so they demo­nize any­one who dare dis­agree with them.

It is becom­ing rather dan­ger­ous, sui­ci­dal even ‚to speak out against them. Economic sabotage,blacklisting, and even more seri­ous weapons are in their Arsenal.

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Make no mis­take they have pow­er­ful friends in high places . From Obama and Biden in the White house to Francis in the Vatican. Powerful peo­ple line up ready to wage war in their defense.

Pope Benedict crit­i­cized Homosexuality and soon after announced his retire­ment. Obama was quick to vis­it the Homosexual sup­port­ing Pope Francis.

Just recent­ly American Cardinal Raymond Burke was tak­en off the church’s high­est court to become the chap­lain of the Knights of Malta, a Vatican char­i­ty group. Demoted for speak­ing out against Francis’ lib­er­al­ism with the Gospel of God and Homosexuals.

The high­ly placed Political and Religious sup­port Gays receive pales in com­par­i­son to the amount of peo­ple with mon­ey who are will­ing to use eco­nom­ic sab­o­tage as a blud­geon­ing tool to cow their opponents .

Countries which stand on their prin­ci­ples of not accept­ing Homosexuality as a way of life are threat­ened with Economic sab­o­tage for their stance. So we ask, “Is it coin­ci­dence that Doctor Monroe who spoke out against Homosexuality just recent­ly, his wife and friends are all dead?

Was this an accident?

Was this just an unfor­tu­nate plane crash ‚or was this some­thing much ugli­er. Was Myles and Ruth Monroe silenced for dar­ing to speak out against the bur­geon­ing can­cer of Homosexuality as Cardinal Raymond Burke was demot­ed for dar­ing to stand on prin­ci­ple chal­leng­ing Pope Francis for try­ing to change Gods word to accom­mo­date homosexuals?

We may nev­er know the truth, or the truth may come to light some­how. It is obvi­ous how­ev­er, that speak­ing out in defense of one’s prin­ci­ples may mean seri­ous loss of rights or worse.

Already some Christian denom­i­na­tions are afraid to preach God’s word out of fear they may lose tax exemp­tion if they speak the truth about homosexuality.

It is not uncom­mon to see Homosexuals as part of the cler­gy as a result.

Here in America States like South Carolina are fight­ing a los­ing bat­tle against a ris­ing crescen­do of gay sup­port as it fights to pro­tect the sanc­ti­ty of mar­riage between man and woman.

There is some­thing sin­is­ter in these deaths. Maybe I’m para­noid, maybe I’m right. What is clear is that we are fast approach­ing a time when crit­i­cism of Homosexuality will land one in prison.

As Myles Monroe argued, Homosexuality has hijacked and raped the Civil Rights Struggle” . Speaking out against some­thing God’s word labels an Abomination is not abus­ing any­one’s Civil Rights.

It is the cor­rect thing to do, regard­less of what President or Pontiff say otherwise.

4 thoughts on “Was Myles Monroe, His Wife Ruth And Their Friends Death An Accident ?

  1. Beck , it is plau­si­ble , prob­a­ble or just a con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry . With what’s going in this world man you can not ‚nev­er ever rule this out as just a con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry … Some might be read­ing your post and say­ing you are just an alarmist , but they should look at the big­ger pic­ture here and ana­lyze how far and wide homos and there sim­pathers will go to main­tain the sta­tus quo …

    • Contact Dr,mitchell he proph­e­sied the end was near for miles Monroe and tried to reach him but unable this man of God is a mod­ern day Daniel

  2. You are cor­rect, but this man’s ser­mons earned him some pow­er­ful ene­mies. And they believe in a scorched earth , take no pris­on­ers type of approach.

    • Yes but not just him prophet mitchell saw and proph­e­sied Michael Jackson death three days before he passed they called him a false prophet how­ev­er not any­more also there are wit­ness­es that were informed by the prophet that the Zachary tims orlan­do Preacher would be found dead of an over­dose three months lat­er dead and the fol­low­ing hur­ri­cane andrew and Catarina New Orleans destruc­tion and the hur­ri­cane storm three week before it hit New York​.You can see dr.mitchell preach­ing in New York on you tube type in evan­ge­list Anthony mitchell/​the mes­sage a new Pentecost) Also web­site at http://​www​.morn​ingstar​word​.org and we’d inter­net radio on wwwprosperityfms.com)Dr.mitchell has preached in fourth one states four nations no spencer and nev­er raised one offering.The prophet was buried alive in the snow miss­ing for a week found by two peo­ple brought to moth­er who offered them mon­ey they said no he would be an end time seer.After this the police came and asked par­ents and child to fol­low them to the address giv­en by those who found the young prophet and when they arrived the son of the two peo­ple who found the child was shown a pic­ture and both of thr prophets par­ents agreed that this was the peo­ple who brought him home.However they had been dead for twen­ty five yrs.After this the young prophet had many vis­i­ta­tions includ­ing Christ call­ing him to preach where he appeared to him with two angels​.Now this king­dom prophet us car­ry­ing a end time Elijah type anoint­ing to pro­claim the gospel of the king​dom​.Ps when miles spoke on Mandela and declared a rev­o­lu­tion it was over.

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