God is the same yesterday today and forever
God is the same yes­ter­day today and forever

How many times have you heard that state­ment?
Whether you ever heard it or not you will con­tin­ue to hear it for a long time into the future until there is no fur­ther need for them to say it.
Because it will be proven a lie then as it is a lie now.
So lets exam­ine this lie that mar­riage equal­i­ty is about fair­ness and equality.
The web­site CNSnews​.com report­ed that Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman the own­ers of Sweet Cakes in Oregon who made head­lines ear­li­er this year for refus­ing to bake a wed­ding cake for a les­bian cou­ple sight­ing their Christian faith for not serv­ing the couple’s wed­ding. Since then, the fam­i­ly owned bak­ery has received vicious attacks for polite­ly refus­ing to bake their wed­ding cake, and on August 30 announced they will be clos­ing up their shop, instead choos­ing to bake in the safe­ty of their home. The cou­ple – Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman –filed a com­plaint with the state of Oregon for Sweet Cakes’ refusal to bake their wed­ding cake. The bak­ery will sell to any­one regard­less of their sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, but will not bake a cake exclu­sive­ly for a same-sex wed­ding, because it goes against their Christian beliefs. The online web­site TheBlaze reports that the bakery’s own­ers – Aaron and Melissa Klein – have received numer­ous hate-filled emails and com­ments fol­low­ing their refusal to serve the gay cou­ple, with one email say­ing, “You stu­pid bible-thump­ing, hyp­o­crit­i­cal b**ch. I hope your kids get real­ly, real­ly, real­ly, sick and you go out of busi­ness.” Comments esca­lat­ed from there, with one per­son even wish­ing that co-own­er Aaron Klein be raped and (27)

Does that sound like equal­i­ty, or does it sound like sub­mis­sion to the dic­tates of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty? You may bury your head in the sand if you chose to. Christians who fun­da­men­tal­ly believe in their hearts that this has any­thing to do with equal­i­ty, fair­ness or jus­tice are way off base.
On this I am speak­ing specif­i­cal­ly to my Christian broth­ers and sis­ters who will fall vic­tim to the tran­quil drug of get­ting along.
This has noth­ing to do with Judging .
This has noth­ing to do with liv­ing and let live.
I implore you take a look at the way those who oppose Homosexuality are berat­ed , threat­ened, demo­nized, ridiculed, and labeled. Do you for one moment believe this is a move­ment about equality?
If you do God bless you , you may remain in your stupor.

Marriage equal­i­ty is now the law of the land in all 50 American states.
As a pub­lic sec­tor work­er what right does a per­son have to say no I will not mar­ry you because it runs counter to my Christian belief?
Do you believe the State will take kind­ly to it’s employ­ees refus­ing to do their jobs based on their per­son­al reli­gious con­vic­tions? Or do you think they will be fired? What then of their right of dissent.

Revelation 13:16 – 18 ESV /​

Also it caus­es all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the fore­head, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the num­ber of its name. This calls for wis­dom: let the one who has under­stand­ing cal­cu­late the num­ber of the beast, for it is the num­ber of a man, and his num­ber is 666.

God's word is no less true whether man believes or not
God’s word is no less true whether man believes or not

What about the Church ‚will Pastors be allowed to dis­obey the Laws? Will Pastors who are opposed to Homosexuality as per the dic­tates of Biblical teach­ings be allowed to keep the church’s tax-exempt status?
The Answer is “No”

Christian Preachers who refuse to obey the laws will even­tu­al­ly find them­selves fac­ing legal sanc­tions. Most like­ly Civil lia­bil­i­ties and ulti­mate­ly Criminal sanctions.
As I said in a pre­vi­ous post this is the begin­ning of the per­se­cu­tion of the Christian Church.
The Church itself got lulled into a false sense of secu­ri­ty on this issue, believ­ing that the mes­sage com­ing out of the Political Right was just the ram­blings of weirdos and looneys.
I do agree that when this mes­sage comes from Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Luara Ingram, mer­chants of hate , of course the mes­sage becomes con­vo­lut­ed and los­es it’s resonance.
This how­ev­er is the fail­ing of the Christian Church which fell asleep at the wheel , immersed in preach­ing and teach­ing pros­per­i­ty Gospel, ded­i­cat­ing ser­mon after ser­mon on the issue of “Haters”.
Turn your Television on on any giv­en Sunday morn­ing and you are left won­der­ing whether the Church has giv­en up on preach­ing the doc­trine of our soon com­ing Christ?
Churches are afraid to preach about the con­se­quences of sin. Churches are afraid to warn their con­gre­ga­tions about the impend­ing and inevitable calami­ty which awaits.
What hap­pened to “THUS SAYETH THE LORD
The Christian Church has out­sourced teach­ing and con­demn­ing sin to Charlatans, Racist Xenophobes and pon­tif­i­cat­ing Pharisees. Is there any won­der the mes­sage is deemed offen­sive which ulti­mate­ly end­ed up dri­ving peo­ple in the oth­er direction?

When the Church is immersed in the go-along to-get-along doc­trine how will any­one be drawn to the faith? When Pastors and Ministers of the Gospel are hav­ing sex with lit­tle boys and mul­ti­ple women where will the pow­er come from in the Church.
When Sunday Morning praise and wor­ship is packed with Homosexuals and het­ero­sex­u­al for­ni­ca­tors and adul­ter­ers where will the pow­er come from.

Is there any won­der that the Lord God has giv­en us over to our repro­bate mind when the Church is more con­cerned about gulf-stream jets and humon­gous Mansions than preach­ing the naked truth about our soon com­ing King?

This did not just hap­pen upon us, we saw it com­ing, they took the Bible out of Schools, they took prayer and all men­tion of God away from our youth. When they removed the Lord from the hearts of our chil­dren the Devil filled the void.
They attacked the Bible as an out­dat­ed Book of Fables which has no bear­ing on con­tem­po­rary cul­ture. As Christians we did not fight back.
Many peo­ple includ­ing myself have argued they have nev­er seen a sin­gu­lar issue take off with such sweep­ing alacrity as the homo­sex­u­al issue has, not just in America but across the Globe.
Where was the Christian Church? Where is the Beacon on a hill which can­not be hid ? Where was the warn­ing about the Calamity which will come when we open the Gates of Sodom.
Now I hear Supposed Ministers of the Gospel telling National Television audi­ences that Homosexuality is not a sin!!!
Are you kid­ding me?hqdefault
Homosexuality is not the only sin , but lets see what the word of God has to say about homosexuality.
♦ Leviticus 18:22 — Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with wom­ankind: it [is] abomination.
1 Corinthians 6:9 – 11 — Know ye not that the unright­eous shall not inher­it the king­dom of God? Be not deceived: nei­ther for­ni­ca­tors, nor idol­aters, nor adul­ter­ers, nor effem­i­nate, nor abusers of them­selves with mankind.
Romans 1:26 – 28 — For this cause God gave them up unto vile affec­tions: for even their women did change the nat­ur­al use into that which is against nature:
Leviticus 20:13 — If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have com­mit­ted an abom­i­na­tion: they shall sure­ly be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
Mark 10:6 – 9 — But from the begin­ning of the cre­ation God made them male and female.
Jude 1:7 — Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like man­ner, giv­ing them­selves over to for­ni­ca­tion, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an exam­ple, suf­fer­ing the vengeance of eter­nal fire.
Romans 1:27 — And like­wise also the men, leav­ing the nat­ur­al use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward anoth­er; men with men work­ing that which is unseem­ly, and receiv­ing in them­selves that rec­om­pense of their error which was meet.

I will leave the Intellectuals to now demo­nize these Scriptures.
They will argue that vers­es from the Bible were used to val­i­date and jus­ti­fy Slavery . They will obfus­cate and attempt to con­fuse you with all man­ner of psue­do-intel­lec­tu­al-goobly-gook which sounds real­ly impres­sive but does noth­ing to dis­prove one syl­la­ble of God’s word.
No per­son who believes in the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of the con­cept of mar­riage being between a man and woman, can tru­ly believe the so-called mar­riage equal­i­ty does not threat­en our Religious freedoms.
When it becomes the law , how can any­one with a brain argue that dis­senter will not face seri­ous sanctions?
They can’t because they know it is a lie.
Barack Obama just a cou­ple years ago said he believed mar­riage was between one man and one woman.
No oth­er American President has broached this issue this far, Obama’s views were an evolv­ing view, one based on pub­lic opin­ion and con­tem­po­rary shifts in pub­lic opin­ions. Gods Laws do not change to match the times. We must change to match God’s words.
Marriage is a sacred insti­tu­tion cre­at­ed by God intend­ed to be between one man and one woman.
President Obama and oth­ers before believed that also,. That is why Obama mar­ried a woman.
The President and the Scribes on The Supreme Court may rule that man may mar­ry man and woman may mar­ry woman but the Supreme God Almighty will have some­thing to say about it.
After all he is the only Supreme author­i­ty, not those six who believe their rul­ing abro­gates God’s will. Who has author­i­ty to change some­thing man­dat­ed by God Almighty?gfall2

Christians look out, the State will be com­ing after us., Already some Pastors have capit­u­lat­ed, stat­ing they will Marry same sex couples.
The Christian Church can­not legit­i­mate­ly authen­ti­cate or val­i­date some­thing the word of God describes as an abomination.
They may do what they do but their unions will not be God-sanctioned.
God will per­son­al­ly hold those Pastor-imposers accountable.
Man’s law can­not Usurp God’s author­i­ty, this for all intents and pur­pos­es is the begin­ning of a trend which will see the Bible deemed offen­sive and a book which teach­es hate. They will be com­ing after your Bibles, they will be com­ing after your faith and if thou doth protest you will end up in Prison or worse.


Then shall they deliv­er you up to be afflict­ed, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hat­ed of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offend­ed, and shall betray one anoth­er, and shall hate one another.
(Matthew 24:9 – 10)


  1. My hon­est beliefs and opin­ions are that the hour draweth near. This nation­wide legal­iza­tion of same sex mar­riage was very emi­nent , this was not planned last week it was in the mak­ing by politi­cians who called them­selves straight for years. Who have eyes to see let them see, and who have ears to hear let them hear. One of these days when you hear a voice say “come” where you gonna run to. Until next time take care a unno self. “Soon and very soon we are going to see The King”.

  2. The truth hurts only the guilty! The pres­i­dent is an ungod­ly man and he’s the dev­il incar­nat­ed! This is the real­i­ty and begin­ning of the mod­ern world of slav­ery. The whites are using Economic Terrorism for peo­ple around the world to ignore their con­science and hard­ened their hearts against the truth. 

    Barack Obama is the dev­il incar­nat­ed! The only rea­son why some of us as a peo­ple can read and write, is not because white peo­ple liked us, but because mil­lions of our ances­tors stand up for the truth and some, if not most of them lost their lives in pur­suit of freedom. 

    Fear is imag­i­nary! The only thing that they can and will con­tin­ue to do is to use “Economic Terrorism” against those who are not con­form­ing with their ide­olo­gies and lies. 

    There’s no doubt that we as a peo­ple on this earth know who are the dev­ils amongst us and his emissaries. 

    We all die once! Man can only hurt the flesh, but God con­trol the entire body and soul. I rather to be loved by God, than by lovers of men. 

    I know that they are com­ing for Jamaica and the oth­er third world coun­tries. This is the new men­tal war against the people. 

    Not because the Supreme Court of the United States legal­ized an abnor­mal behav­ior, try­ing to force us to accept it, don’t make it right. 

    Well the dev­il incar­nat­ed have revealed him­self in a black man and it is a sad sto­ry line for our race. At the end of the day when the dust set­tled and the sci­en­tists are allowed to expose the intri­ca­cies of this immoral lifestyle and the ram­i­fi­ca­tions that comes with it. It is us black peo­ple, the same white peo­ple are going to point their fin­gers and said “it was the black man Barack Obama, who force this abnor­mal lifestyle on us, not we. You see that the blacks are a curse race! There was forty three white men who was pres­i­dent of the United States and not one of them were for this madness! 

    The rich peo­ple are the ones who are behind this move­ment and they don’t believe in God. They use the media to spread and pro­mote this lie. 

    I trust God and live, not men. God gave me life not Obama. The truth hurts only the guilty! Barack Obama is a flam­ing homo­sex­u­al. But if he and the oth­er dev­ils think that God is going to nego­ti­ate with them, they have a rude awak­en­ing ahead. 

    God is the almighty!

    • Obama is not a black man. He his bira­cial. He is black and he is white. Why do black peo­ple con­tin­ue to insist on accept­ing every­one with a lit­tle melanin in their skin as part of the race and worst rep­re­sen­ta­tive of it? Indians have black skin, but they don’t see them­selves as same as negro blacks. There are oth­er Asian nations who have black skin, but they don’t see them­selves as negro black or in any­way con­nect­ed to us. So why oh why do we con­tin­ue to accept mixed peo­ple as black. They are not black, they are mixed. Time and again, not only their actions but their words show that they are not in true sol­i­dar­i­ty with actu­al black peo­ple but we still don’t rec­og­nize that we and them are not the same. The bible speaks against homo­sex­u­al­i­ty but it also speaks against racial mix­ing. Mixed race peo­ple were pro­hib­it­ed from enter­ing the place of wor­ship. Why do we pay atten­tion only to some parts of the bible. Woe be unto every­one who dis­obeys Gods words. That includes homo­sex­u­als and those who mar­ry oth­er nations. Since no sin is greater or small­er than the oth­er, mix­ing the races is also a sin and God does­n’t even accept mixed race peo­ple so why are we so quick to say Obama is black.

      Deuteronomy 23:2 ESV /​70

      No one born of a for­bid­den union may enter the assem­bly of the Lord. Even to the tenth gen­er­a­tion, none of his descen­dants may enter the assem­bly of the Lord.

      Deuteronomy 7:3 – 4 ESV /​60

      You shall not inter­mar­ry with them, giv­ing your daugh­ters to their sons or tak­ing their daugh­ters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from fol­low­ing me, to serve oth­er gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kin­dled against you, and he would destroy you quickly.

      Leviticus 19:19 ESV /​47

      You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cat­tle breed with a dif­fer­ent kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a gar­ment of cloth made of two kinds of material.

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