My Recent Visit Home

I will be the first to admit I’m no trav­el writer; how­ev­er, it is hard, at least for me, to soak up Jamaica’s nat­ur­al beau­ty with­out shar­ing a few snap­shots with you.
Thanks to the con­ve­nience of the iPhone, walk­ing around with my Canon Easy-share seemed rather odd to every­one I imagined.
So my iPhone it was.

At Dolphin’s Cove Ochi Rios, I a recent trip home.

Pristine Jamaica land we love

There is so much to enjoy if we stop and under­stand how beau­ti­ful our coun­try is.

Enjoying the serenity

Where swim­ming with the Dolphins is an actu­al thing…

Preservation of our coral reefs has allowed our marine life to flourish.

Locals and vis­i­tors lined up wait­ing to swim with the Dolphins at Dolphins Cove…


I mar­vel at the beau­ty and seren­i­ty of the place.

My wife agrees.

A house that is built on a rock.