My Goodness Take A Deep Breath PNP , It’s The 21st Century …

Patterson One of the chief architects of the nation's decline still pulls the strings from behind the scenes..
One of the chief archi­tects of the nation’s decline still pulls the strings from behind the scenes..

The peo­ple’s National Party is chomp­ing at the bit in anger at the fact that some­one or a group of per­sons alleged­ly aligned or a part of the Opposition Jamaica Labor Party has pur­chased the domain name (www​.por​ti​asimp​son​miller​.com,).
The People’s National Party obvi­ous­ly now in cam­paign mode is extreme­ly angry at this sim­ple act of cap­i­tal­ism. The par­ty sees this most for­ward think­ing act of cap­i­tal­ism and crit­i­cal think­ing as Quote,” a cow­ard­ly act of des­per­a­tion to gain trac­tion and rel­e­vance to dri­ve traf­fic to the JLP’s own website”.
Whew !!
That was not the extent of it how­ev­er in a scathing attack on the Jamaica Labor Party the PNP said “The par­ty views the JLP’s actions as immoral and uneth­i­cal and reflec­tive of a par­ty that is bank­rupt of ideas that will use the immense pop­u­lar­i­ty of the prime min­is­ter to seek to shore up its flag­ging brand,” the release said.

Fresh on the heels of a dis­mal tour in the United States, the Opposition Leader has now clear­ly resort­ed to ‘pig­gy­back­ing’ on the inter­na­tion­al­ly and local­ly rep­utable name of the par­ty leader and prime min­is­ter in order to get an audience,”.
Oh my good­ness, real­ly? Okay in the inter­est of full dis­clo­sure I am a lit­tle more par­tial to the Labor par­ty’s poli­cies than that of the PNP but real­ly ? I have con­sis­tent­ly said that the PNP does not under­stand the mechan­ics of a mar­ket econ­o­my and as such the peo­ple are pay­ing a very high price for it.
The lack of under­stand­ing cre­ates a sit­u­a­tion in which busi­ness­es can­not thrive as a result of old and archa­ic Socialist Policies from the sev­en­ties which were enact­ed by econ­o­my killer Michael manley.
Four decades lat­er the Jamaican econ­o­my strug­gles along because the peo­ple are large­ly too enam­ored with promis­es and jin­gles to under­stand that Socialism kills their oppor­tu­ni­ty for a bet­ter life.

High crime rates, low eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty, High infla­tion , low pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, low employ­ment, high brain drain, I could go on and on , these are the symp­toms of an econ­o­my built to serve Government rather than the peo­ple. There is not a sin­gle suc­cess­ful nation with ide­o­log­i­cal-social­ism as its foun­da­tion prin­ci­ple. Four decades after the débâ­cle of the Manley years the PNP is still stuck with the ridicu­lous spec­ta­cle of clenched fists and call­ing each oth­er com­rades. Ironically not even the Russians do any­more, they have grad­u­at­ed to the con­cepts (win or lose) of the mar­ket economy.

It is scary to think that the PNP would make a big deal out of such a sim­ple act which out­flanked them as a party .
The advance pur­chase of domain names is one of the old­est tricks since domain names became a com­mod­i­ty. Some can­di­dates run­ning for President in the United States have had to buy back their own names from some young enter­pris­ing kid with a com­put­er in his par­ents base­ment. Welcome to the 21st century !
The tragedy is not the mind­less com­ments com­ing out of the PNP on this most insignif­i­cant and sim­ple issue but that they are not con­ver­sant with these sim­ple acts of the 21st century.

How can they lead when sim­ple things like the advance pur­chase of a domain name (any­one’s name) be seen as a big deal rather than a slick move which out­flanked them?
After being in polit­i­cal obliv­ion for many years Bruce Golding was able to eke out a vic­to­ry over the PNP because the Labor Party under­stood how to use the pow­er of technology.
One very effec­tive piece of video mon­tage was par­tic­u­lar­ly dam­ag­ing to Portia and the PNP then . Maybe it’s time the Labor Party dou­ble down on using tech­nol­o­gy to appeal to the peo­ple since the PNP is still stuck in the stone age.

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