Murderous Gangsters Are Tumors Left To Become Cancers.…

No mur­der is more impor­tant than the oth­er; in the same way, no life is more impor­tant than anoth­er. We should all remem­ber this when we view the count­less mur­ders that occur in our tiny Jamaica that go un-inves­ti­gat­ed, un-pros­e­cut­ed, and there­fore un-avenged.
As a young con­sta­ble attend­ing the first weeks of detec­tive train­ing in 91, I recalled some­thing said to us that will live with me until they lay me to rest. It was this quote; There can be no greater respon­si­bil­i­ty giv­en any human being than to bring to jus­tice the killer of the inno­cent”. I ques­tion whether this prin­ci­ple still guide our young offi­cers today?
Those who knew me dur­ing my abbre­vi­at­ed stay in the JCF will truth­ful­ly attest to the vig­or, enthu­si­asm, and ded­i­ca­tion I brought to the job.
That ded­i­ca­tion was dri­ven by my dis­taste for crim­i­nal­i­ty and a desire to see all peo­ple live in peace and lat­er fueled by that quote embed­ded in me in 91.

As a cop, I was unre­lent­ing against crim­i­nals; now years lat­er, as a free­lance writer, I try to use what­ev­er tal­ents God gave me to bring to light top­i­cal issues that need attention.
I agree that I some­times write angry. Angry that issues with clear and easy fix­es are allowed to devel­op into major dis­as­ters because a few peo­ple ben­e­fit from the sta­tus quo. Some may be offend­ed by the way I speak to issues.….
A casu­al acquain­tance, a Ph.D. can­di­date at the UWI, once told me,” you could be a phe­nom­e­nal writer, but you are your own worse ene­my; you curse too much.”
I calm­ly told her that I do not write to be rec­og­nized; writ­ing for me is a vehi­cle, a means to say what I want to say. In essence, it is not the des­ti­na­tion, mere­ly the vehicle.
In the open­ing para­graph, I spoke to the impor­tance of treat­ing every life with equal respect because it has become the new way of liv­ing to brush past the killing of reg­u­lar peo­ple. We are now incensed only when the rich and famous die at the hands of criminals.

Years ago, a jury absolved Andre “Blackman” Bryan of the grue­some mur­der of Jamaican Urban Transit Company head Douglas Chambers. A jury set the mur­der­ing scum free. Now his for­mer asso­ciates are tes­ti­fy­ing to oth­er homi­cides alleged­ly com­mit­ted by the very same use­less sociopath.
According to one wit­ness, Blackman showed him the gun used to kill the for­mer chair­man of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company Douglas Chambers, and said he put two big holes in his head.
The police some­times do good work in bring­ing these demons to jus­tice; how­ev­er, unlearned, crim­i­nal-lov­ing peo­ple and a judi­cia­ry that is both crim­i­nal­ly sup­port­ive and arguably cor­rupt con­tin­ue to turn them loose to kill over and over again.
This time will turn out to be no dif­fer­ent; the cri­sis with­in the jus­tice sys­tem of unelect­ed and cor­rupt judges will ulti­mate­ly be the undo­ing of the once beau­ti­ful country.

In a 2017 piece for the Gleaner, Dr. Omar E. Hawthorne a lec­tur­er in inter­na­tion­al rela­tions at the University of the West Indies, Mona, and author of ‘Do International Corruption Metrics Matter? Wrote the following.
Often, when we talk about judi­cial cor­rup­tion, the image is that of judges tak­ing bribes. However, judi­cial cor­rup­tion is a lot more. It includes all forms of inap­pro­pri­ate influ­ence that may dam­age the inde­pen­dence of jus­tice and may involve any play­er with­in the jus­tice sys­tem, includ­ing lawyers and admin­is­tra­tive sup­port staff. The ques­tion of cor­rup­tion is not only a mat­ter of rela­tions between judi­cial per­son­nel and court users; it is also about inter­nal rela­tions in the judiciary.
The per­cep­tion of pet­ty cor­rup­tion in the judi­cia­ry is sys­temic and an issue that many in devel­op­ing and devel­oped coun­tries have to deal with. In a Global Corruption Report, one in 10 of the respon­dents who had been in con­tact with the judi­cia­ry over the past year answered yes when asked whether they had paid a bribe.
See a tes­ti­mo­ni­al from one such Jamaican.

Over the years, I have heard from sev­er­al Jamaicans who have vehe­ment­ly argued that they have paid judges for cas­es to go away.
Unfortunately, there is still a large seg­ment of the pop­u­la­tion that stead­fast­ly believe in the whole­some­ness of Jamaican judges. As the report said, cor­rup­tion is not just con­fined to judges tak­ing bribes but con­sists of inap­pro­pri­ate influ­ence that dam­ages the inde­pen­dence of justice.
I have writ­ten con­sis­tent­ly about this.
The wit­ness tes­ti­fy­ing against Andre Blackman Bryan revealed to the court some­thing that most of the fak­ers and fraud­sters in the Jamaican soci­ety who sup­port crim­i­nal cod­dling can­not understand.
The wit­ness said Bryan gave him the duty of scour­ing the inter­net to find crime sta­tis­tics on the island. He said Bryan was angry when he learned that Montego Bay and Clarendon were record­ing more mur­ders and shoot­ings than Spanish Town, where the Klansman is based. Bryan said the gang need­ed to up its game in this respect as those areas should not be beat­ing Klansman turf. He fur­ther said the Andre Bryan assigned an indi­vid­ual to devel­op a strat­e­gy to dri­ve the num­bers of killings for their home base.
These are the types of strate­gies being devel­oped, while the jus­tice Minister Delroy Chuck and a host of oth­ers try to find ways to get vio­lent crim­i­nals out of prison. Violent crim­i­nals who have the means to deliv­er death and destruc­tion strate­gi­cal­ly plot how to kill more Jamaicans to sat­is­fy their own egos, their own blood-lust, the desire to be seen as the Don…
Corrupt judges look the oth­er way and hand out sus­pend­ed sen­tences to gang­sters who are caught red-hand­ed with guns. The court of appeals finds ways to let mur­der­ers out on minor tech­ni­cal­i­ties while fool­ing the lumpen that they are pro­tec­tors of our democracy.

If left unat­tend­ed, tumors like these become can­cer­ous, jeop­ar­diz­ing the entire body. Criminals like these left to oper­ate freely threat­ens nation­al security.
Criminals have a way of upping their game to a dif­fer­ent lev­el, where the killings become the point. If a socio­path­ic killer believes there is no con­se­quence when he kills, he kills more.
Andre Blackman Bryan and his cronies in the Klansman gang are socio­path­ic killers aid­ed by a cor­rupt and acqui­es­cent jus­tice sys­tem. Cancers in our society.
It is no longer good to take what is not theirs; they derive a sick thrill from killing their vic­tims. When they are even­tu­al­ly brought before the courts, these low-lev­el scums are able to hire the most expen­sive ‘crim­i­nal defense lawyers’, even though they nev­er did a days work in their lives.
They are sick preda­tors that have become can­cer on the inno­cent cit­i­zens of Jamaica, made pos­si­ble by a cor­rupt and com­plic­i­ty sys­tem that pre­tends to dis­pense jus­tice but is equal­ly as cor­rupt as the ones that shed the blood.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.