Murder And Attempted Murder, Allegedly Committed By Police?

The fol­low­ing sto­ry seems fan­tas­tic, so much so that we pub­lish it with the great­est of cau­tion. Nevertheless, I will not be the judge as to the verac­i­ty of the sto­ry, suf­fic­ing to say we will await the out­come of the inves­ti­ga­tions like every­one else.
I wish to reit­er­ate that we have not inde­pen­dent­ly ver­i­fied the verac­i­ty of these alle­ga­tions and, as such do not wish to point fin­gers at anyone.
Notwithstanding, it is imper­a­tive that as it per­tains to these alle­ga­tions, it behooves the JCF lead­er­ship to inves­ti­gate this inci­dent with the great­est of pro­fes­sion­al­ism and alacrity and make a full report to the Jamaican peo­ple as the inves­ti­ga­tions progress. Anything short of the fore­gone will fur­ther erode what­ev­er lit­tle trust the peo­ple have remain­ing in the agency.

Murder and attempted murder.

Forty-Nine (49) years old Phillip Wallace, Tiler of 3 Green Glide Close Red Hills Road St. Andrews, was shot and killed in front of a bar along Red Hills Road in Saint Andrew on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at about 10:41 am.
Monique Ellis, 29 years old Bar Owner of the same address as the deceased, nar­row­ly escaped death in the same incident.
According to the police, Monique Ellis was inside the bar while mis­ter Wallace was under a shed out­side talk­ing on his cel­lu­lar phone. A White Toyota Axio motor vehi­cle pulled up, and three men alight­ed from the vehi­cle armed with hand­guns and opened gun­fire at Mister Wallace. Wallace suf­fered gun­shot wounds all over his body.

The men also fired sev­er­al shots at Miss Ellis before escap­ing. Ms. Ellis report­ed­ly ran out through the back door and man­aged to escape unhurt onto near­by premises.
Monique Ellis alleged to respond­ing offi­cers that the three men who mur­dered mis­ter Wallace and attempt­ed to kill her were police offi­cers from the Constant Spring Police Station who arrest­ed and charged mis­ter Wallace on Thursday, July 14, 2022, at about 6:00 pm dur­ing a raid. She also report­ed that she gave them fif­teen thou­sand dol­lars as they request­ed a hun­dred and fifty thou­sand not to take the case to court.

Ellis told police that Wallace, who is her com­mon-law hus­band, report­ed the mat­ter to Inspector Ewan Campbell of the Constant Spring Police. Inspector Campbell is report­ed­ly the offi­cer who led the oper­a­tion. Ellis said Wallace told Inspector Campbell that a mem­ber from his team took fif­teen thou­sand dol­lars from her to drop the case.
She said the Inspector called a Corporal who alleged­ly received the mon­ey and asked him about it.
Ellis said that while Wallace was being processed, an offi­cer whom she iden­ti­fied as Dennis asked him for an addi­tion­al fif­teen thou­sand dollars.
She said her com­mon-law hus­band refused because he was already writ­ten up and charged for an offense.

She said she left the Constant Spring Police Station at about 11:41 am, and there­after she received a tele­phone call from a male per­son, tele­phone num­ber 876−880−0059. The male iden­ti­fied him­self as Dennis and asked her about the mon­ey. She said Dennis request­ed $150,000.00″.