More Than 30,000 Sign Petition Urging CNN To Fire Anchor Don Lemon

Don Lemon
Don Lemon

More than 30,000 people have signed a petition calling on the news channel to fire bombastic newsman Don Lemon.

Another day, anoth­er dose of sour Lemon-aide for CNN.

More than 30,000 peo­ple have signed a peti­tion call­ing on the news chan­nel to fire bom­bas­tic news­man Don Lemon after he insist­ed that his col­leagues Wolf Blitzer and legal ana­lyst Sunny Hostin with­hold decid­ing whether South Carolina “resource offi­cer” Ben Fieldsused exces­sive force when remov­ing a stu­dent from a class­room ear­li­er this week.

With an aver­age of around 600,000 view­ers, that’s about 5‑percent of Lemon’s audi­ence call­ing for his ouster.


But his many of his co-work­ers are unfazed by the incident.

Don Lemon is in trou­ble again? What else is new?” a CNN pro­duc­er said.

The more he says out­ra­geous things, the more peo­ple tune in — most peo­ple here are not sur­prised at any­thing that comes out of his mouth anymore.”

A CNN rep said Lemon had declined to com­ment about the peition.

Ripping Lemon and the things the news­man says has become some­thing of a cot­tege indus­try for media watchers.

He drew fire last June while cov­er­ing Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s call for the removal of the Confederate flag from the state capitol.


On CNN Lemon held up a con­fed­er­ate flag and then a sign with the n‑word in big block let­ters and asked : “Does this offend you?

Last November, as Ferguson, MO erupt­ed into anger, bul­lets and flamesLemon ham-hand­ed­ly drew tear gas into his own gas mask, whined for water and a device to con­tact his pro­duc­ers, and then made a cul­tur­al­ly insen­si­tive com­ment about pro­test­ers smok­ing pot.

A few days ear­li­er Lemon was roast­ef ro

insin­u­at­ing that one of Bill Cosby’s alleged sex­u­al assault vic­tims should have bit­ten the com­ic instead of per­form­ing oral sex.

This week’s peti­tion, post­ed on change​.org declared:

We, the peo­ple, want a jour­nal­ist and an anchor that will not be afraid to accept the facts that are occur­ring with­in the African-American com­mu­ni­ty and who will encour­age our peo­ple the same way that per­son will encour­age oth­ers across the board,” explains the Change​.org peti­tion. “We, the peo­ple, have no con­fi­dence in Mr. Lemon’s abil­i­ty to do that. Therefore, we are ask­ing CNN to remove him from his position.”