Montague Even Though Somewhat Misinformed , Head And Shoulders Above Holness On Crime…

I was nev­er real­ly a fan of Robert Montague, Jamaica’s Minister of National Security but there are areas in which he is begin­ing to grow on me.
At least Montague is able to under­stand that he does­n’t know what he does­n’t know .
I can respect that .
It is a marked improve­ment over his boss Andrew Holness the Island’s Prime Minister, who is unable to rec­og­nize that he does­n’t know what he does­n’t know , and should seek guid­ance from those who know instead of tak­ing advice from those who would try to build careers on the corpses of dead police offi­cers as Terrence Williams the com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM is doing.

At the time Holness took over the reins of the JLP I thought he would be a breath of fresh air. I even wrote some glow­ing arti­cles about him and the poten­tial I believe he would have even up to his return to Jamaica House last year.
What I missed in the process of my analy­sis is that Andrew Holness is a prod­uct of his envi­ron­ment rad­i­cal­ly steeped in Elitism and would be no dif­fer­ent than the oth­er degen­er­ate politi­cians on the Island.

In address­ing a con­fer­ence on Law enforce­ment spon­sored by, (you get it) INDECOM, the United Nations in Jamaica, with the sup­port from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development, and the Embassy of the United States of America, was pri­mar­i­ly aimed at draft­ing a Model Use of Force Policy for Caribbean Security Forces.

It is impor­tant that those who have eyes to read and brains to under­stand what they read under­stand the con­cept of the idea behind the conference.
Quote, was pri­mar­i­ly aimed at draft­ing a Model Use of Force Policy for Caribbean Security Forces.
The United States which has thou­sands of law enforce­ment agen­cies have their use of force poli­cies which is cen­tered sole­ly on offi­cer safety .
Why are the Americans and the British involved in craft­ing use of force pol­i­cy for Caribbean secu­ri­ty forces when their secu­ri­ty forces are autho­rized to use what­ev­er force they need appro­pri­ate to neu­tral­ize per­ceived threats to include killing a 12 year old child with a toy gun, and killing a man sit­ting in his car with his fam­i­ly strapped in by his seat belt.

The per­cep­tion is that black coun­tries are inca­pable of self gov­er­nance, the psy­chol­o­gy is real sim­ple help them to self destruct.
The well estab­lished idea of white suprema­cy and white excep­tion­al­ism is fur­ther enhanced when we black run coun­tries are fooled into believ­ing that their soci­eties will come togeth­er if peo­ple are able to get jobs.
The notion adopt­ed in Jamaica and oth­er places that if you fix economies crime goes away is like chas­ing rainbows.

On the one hand there can nev­er be eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment in a crime infest­ed society.
On the oth­er, striv­ing for eco­nom­ic pros­per­i­ty under the notion that that will alle­vi­ate crime when their econ­o­my is con­trolled by out­side forces is sim­ply ridiculous.

So though not total­ly not where he ought to be as it relates to what needs to be done about Jamaica;s law­less­ness , Robert Montague is heads and shoul­ders over Holness.


Addressing the same con­fer­ence Montague struck a much dif­fer­ent tone.
“Society grants the police this pow­er because police per­son­nel may have to make deci­sions in the frac­tion of a minute, often in extreme circumstances.”

Let us not fool our­selves, law enforce­ment has to use the amount of force that is nec­es­sary to mit­i­gate against crit­i­cal inci­dents.

Some of us in Jamaica have to lock our­selves behind bur­glar bars every after­noon, effec­tive­ly cre­at­ing our own prison, and some of us would love to have bur­glar bars, but because some of some hous­es are built with infe­ri­or mate­r­i­al we can’t,” he said.

Not every­one has a police body­guard or can afford to live in a gat­ed com­mu­ni­ty, some­times our envi­ron­ment are not of our choos­ing, but we should under­stand the envi­ron­ment [in which] the police oper­ates” Minister Montague stated.

Debunk the lies that INDECOM is pre­vent­ing the police from doing their work and that the police is trig­ger happy.”

Clearly Minister Montague needs to evolve a bit more on the lat­ter state­ment. There are some truths in both points.

You know what both­ers me , it’s peo­ple who are able to piece a cou­ple of words togeth­er then con­vince them­selves that they know what they are talk­ing about , when clear­ly they don’t.So they piece togeth­er non­sen­si­cal clich­es which has no edi­fy­ing val­ue to intel­li­gent debate …

Every use of force police are engaged in are indi­vid­ual cas­es which rests on their own merit.
It can­not be that police use of force is cri­tiqued with­ing the con­text of one broad appli­ca­tion, that’s non­sen­si­cal . Something some­one should tell Andrew Holness and the stool pigeon Terrence Williams the Elitists put in place, so that they may con­tin­ue to run our coun­try like a sub-Saharan fiefdom/.
In most cas­es in which police are forced to use force, it is usu­al­ly a func­tion of the per­son being appre­hend­ed atti­tude to being arrest­ed which deter­mines whether or not force is used..
Not the police offi­cer decid­ing to be vio­lent for no reason.
So for a coun­try’s leader to spend time Demagoguing law enforce­ment instead of edu­cat­ing the pop­u­la­tion into obey­ing the laws ‚shows the type of leader Holness has decid­ed to be.

What the dan­ger­ous and lying Terrence Williams does not tell the dumb sheep who lis­ten to him ‚is that Jamaica is one of the world’s most vio­lent coun­tries in the world.
It also have one of the high­est amount of crim­i­nals per capi­ta with­in it’s population.
Literally every arrest, regard­less of the gen­der or age of the poten­tial arrestee must be achieved by using force.
This is why the state­ment of the fraud Terrence Williams is so insidious.
“We want to see greater sanc­tions for breach­ing of the (use of force) pol­i­cy; we want to see com­man­ders and super­vi­sors being held liable for human right breach­es of their men, and these are the areas that we want to see being rep­re­sent­ed in the new policy.”

This mis­guid­ed notion that we must hand­cuff our police in one of the most vio­lent soci­eties in the world is beyond stu­pid it bor­ders on crim­i­nal com­plic­i­ty by the government.
The fact that Terrence Williams is allowed to craft and deter­mine pol­i­cy which affects 2.7 mil­lion lives ‚includ­ing that of the secu­ri­ty forces, is exact­ly the problem .
It is a trav­es­ty of epic pro­por­tion which jeop­ar­dizes the lives of law enforce­ment officers.
We have a blind nar­cis­sist in the per­son of Terrence Williams lead­ing an elit­ist admin­is­tra­tion head­ed by Andrew Holness down a dan­ger­ous Rabbit hole to destruction.

There is no pla­cat­ing dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals who are deter­mined to com­mit vio­lent felonies and kill whomev­er dare stand up to them , includ­ing Police offi­cers and mem­bers of the military.
That the Jamaican Prime Minister would expend polit­i­cal cap­i­tal in defense of peo­ple who break laws and kill police is shock­ing in it’s reck­less­ness.
Instead of stand­ing stead­fast­ly on the side of law enforce­ment offi­cers with strong lead­er­ship demand that those who break the laws must expect to be arrest­ed and dealt with ‑with the full extent of the law, Holness gives fur­ther com­fort to law­less elements.
Rather than tell peo­ple to sub­mit to being arrest­ed, even if they believe they are wronged, he plays cheap pop­ulist politics.
Disgraceful !!!