Moncton Shooting: City On Lockdown During Manhunt

_75330242_moncton4The Canadian city of Moncton remains on lock­down as author­i­ties hunt for a man accused of shoot­ing five police offi­cers, killing three, on Wednesday.

Officials say the sus­pect, Justin Bourque, 24, was spot­ted mul­ti­ple times ear­ly on Thursday morn­ing. They have warned peo­ple to stay inside and lock their doors.

One of the wound­ed Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has been released from hos­pi­tal, and one remains in hos­pi­tal in sta­ble con­di­tion. It is the dead­liest attack on the coun­try’s police force since four offi­cers were killed by a gun­man on a farm in the west­ern Canadian province of Alberta in 2005.

Complete inves­ti­ga­tion’

Police said on Wednesday they still did not know where Mr Bourque was, but he was armed and dan­ger­ous. RCMP Supt Marlene Snowman warned that the sus­pect was armed with high-pow­ered firearms.

He’s not known to us, he’s a young per­son,” she said. “We’re doing a com­plete inves­ti­ga­tion to learn as much as we can about him, about his his­to­ry, what may have_75332598_moncton5 sparked this.”

Supt Snowman said the RCMP was thank­ful for all the mes­sages of sup­port the force had received since the shooting.

Our guys and gals are doing the very very best they pos­si­bly can and they have done exact­ly that in the past day,” she said.

Police forces from around and out­side the province of New Brunswick were con­tribut­ing to the search, as well as spe­cial air sup­port and canine search teams.

New Brunswick Premier David Alward said he felt “incred­i­ble grief” stem­ming from the incident.

The offi­cers were shot while respond­ing to a report of an armed man at the north-west side of the town at about 20:00 local time (23:00 GMT) on Wednesday.

We opened up the win­dows in the fam­i­ly room and there he was going across through the back with this rifle on his shoul­der,” wit­ness Joan MacAlpine-Stiles told Canadian media.

I said, ‘Oh my God, there he is with cam­ou­flage and the head­band and a gun, and it looked like a bow he had with him.“http://​www​.bbc​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​w​o​r​l​d​-​u​s​-​c​a​n​a​d​a​-​2​7​7​2​1​569