MoBay Mayhem — Thugs Wreaking Murderous Havoc In St James; 2016 Murder Count Approaching 200

Western Bureau:

St James, espe­cial­ly the parish cap­i­tal, Montego Bay, is now gripped by fear and anx­i­ety as gun-tot­ing thugs con­tin­ue to wreak mur­der­ous hav­oc, killing and maim­ing with impuni­ty as the parish’s mur­der count races towards 200 since the start of the year.

I lived through the trib­al war of the 1970s and I have nev­er seen any­thing like this,” a for­mer politi­cian told The Gleaner yes­ter­day short­ly after news broke of anoth­er mur­der in the afflu­ent Ironshore com­mu­ni­ty. “This is past mad­ness! Right now, I am feel­ing so much raw emo­tion that I feel like just scream­ing and bawl­ing out. We can’t take any more of this.”

In yesterday’s inci­dent in Ironshore, which occurred close to the pop­u­lar Blue Diamond Complex, shots report­ed­ly barked for sev­er­al min­utes as gang­sters armed with rifles and hand­guns snuffed out the life of a Glendevon man iden­ti­fied only as ‘Bob’. Several per­sons, who were at the loca­tion, suf­fered non-life-threat­en­ing injuries.

Since the start of this week, there has been a spike in shoot­ings across the parish, result­ing in sev­er­al per­sons being killed. The may­hem is hap­pen­ing despite the cur­rent high-vis­i­bil­i­ty pres­ence of joint police-mil­i­tary patrols across the parish in recent months.

At approx­i­mate­ly 7:20 a.m. on Tuesday, all hell broke loose on Creek Street in down­town Montego Bay when a gun­man opened fire on a bus crammed with school­child­ren. When the shoot­ing sub­sided, it was dis­cov­ered that the dri­ver, Alvin ‘Strive Clarke, had suc­cumbed to mul­ti­ple gun­shot wounds. Two stu­dents from MaldonHigh School were left nurs­ing bul­let wounds.

Later in the day, at approx­i­mate­ly 2:00 p.m., stu­dents and teach­ers at the Glendevon Primary School were forced to take cov­er as war­ring fac­tions trad­ed heavy gun­fire for well over half an hour. Based on reports from the com­mu­ni­ty, the shoot­ing was sparked by the killing of a man in the com­mu­ni­ty on Monday night.

There were also oth­er reports of shoot­ings in com­mu­ni­ties such as Norwood, Tucker, Glendevon, Catherine Mount, Tangle River, and the Cambridge area.

In respond­ing to the ongo­ing vio­lence across the parish, Heroy Clarke, the mem­ber of Parliament for Central St James, made an impas­sioned plea to the thugs to lay down their guns and take up their Bibles with a view to putting their lives in God’s hands.

Remove the guns from your pock­ets and waists and replace them with Bibles so peace can reign again,” urged Clarke. “Also, the lead­er­ship in the com­mu­ni­ties in west­ern Jamaica – pub­lic and pri­vate – must take up the man­tle and step up to the plate and lead from the front, not behind.” Read more here: http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​l​e​a​d​-​s​t​o​r​i​e​s​/​2​0​1​6​0​9​2​3​/​m​o​b​a​y​-​m​a​y​h​e​m​-​t​h​u​g​s​-​w​r​e​a​k​i​n​g​-​m​u​r​d​e​r​o​u​s​-​h​a​v​o​c​-​s​t​-​j​a​m​e​s​-​2​0​1​6​-​m​u​r​d​e​r​-​c​o​unt