Mitt Birther Romney

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney

He’s losing the African American vote 94% — 0%, he is losing the Latino vote by more than 35 percentage points , it’s the weekend before his party gives him the nomination, he did not get a appreciable bump from picking neocon congressman Paul Ryan, actually the pick was negligible and rated even worse than the Palin pick, so what is a Mitt Romney to do with these numbers which just seem to be dormant , despite stagnant economic conditions? On the 15th of August of this year I wrote a log called Romney now signals that he wants race to be the factor in these elections, if you haven’t read it you should, I challenge you to read it because it seem that a lot of the things I say come to pass even sooner than I anticipate sometimes.

Mitt Romney went to the State of Michigan today August 24th and said this to the faith­ful in attendance.


Joe Biden said some time ago Romney wants minori­ties to show their papers in the state of Arizona, yet he won’t show his papers to the American peo­ple. Does this guy believe this is a win­ning strat­e­gy three days before the start of his convention?

I said Mitt Romney was the worst can­di­date for pres­i­dent I have ever seen, if that was an over-state­ment then, I would like to reaf­firm those sen­ti­ments whole-heart­ed­ly today.

Mitt Romney has now decid­ed that he can no longer hold back, decen­cy , or pre­tence of it be damned, so he’s now a “birther I mean it’s not like Romney was ever shy about cozy­ing up to the most vile crea­tures, Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump,Sean Hannity and every whack job on the extreme right , I take that back that is the repub­li­can par­ty, there is no mod­er­ates in that par­ty any­more, the par­ty is now a vote sup­pres­sion racist hang-out for the most vile extrem­ists with the most con­vo­lut­ed and repug­nant beliefs.

As I said before Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich were not shy about cozy­ing up to the muse of late night comics , the orange-haired clown Donald Trump, in fact Romney, said on his cam­paign plane , quote” I don’t agree with every­one who sup­ports me,and I am quite sure they don’t all agree with me but I need 50% plus one to win” .

What is behind Romney’s think­ing , that would cause him to go pub­licly birther on Friday? Is Romney look­ing at the num­bers and rec­og­niz­ing that he is get­ting O% of African-American votes, he’s like­ly to get less or just about the same per­cent­age of the Latino votes John McCain got, 31%, so he needs to dri­ve up the white vote even as his friends in gov­er­nor­ships in states across the nation, sup­press and intim­i­date minor­i­ty voters.

In states all across America Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, etal Republican Governors and leg­is­la­tors are putting in place tough vot­er sup­pres­sion laws to sup­press the vote and in some cas­es like Ohio intim­i­date vot­ers even in polling boots through scare tac­tics, groups like http://​www​.truethevote​.org/ and oth­ers are active­ly engaged in vot­er intim­i­da­tion, under the pre­text they are watch­ing to ensure that there are no vot­er fraud, the only prob­lem is that there are no vot­er fraud which would make them rel­e­vant or necessary.

They are posi­tion­ing them to steal this elec­tion and place Mitt Romney into the pres­i­den­cy to rep­re­sent the inter­est of the 1%.

There is a lot more for me to say on this sub­ject and I will at anoth­er time, there is a tragedy brew­ing for African-Americans, not just for those born here but for oth­ers who have made this coun­try their home, they have chil­dren here, built a life here , and many will retire and even die here, yet all we see are triv­ial incon­se­quen­tial noth­ings all over Facebook , pho­tographs depict­ing out­landish out­fits and oth­er mat­ters of lit­tle or no con­cern, yet mate­r­i­al infor­ma­tion post­ed bare­ly gets a read.

Those who would do us harm can count on us not read­ing , it is easy to account for an entire race if they refuse to read any­thing of substance.

African-Americans will con­tin­ue to have a tough road to hoe, even under a sec­ond Obama term, God help us if there is a Romney term, 12 % of 308 mil­lion is rough­ly over 36 mil­lion peo­ple yet 36 mil­lion peo­ple con­tin­ue to exist in their own coun­try as sec­ond class cit­i­zens because they refuse to matter.

God help us.
