Mississippi Trooper Cleared In Probe Of Chokehold Of Black Man

The video showed the troop­er putting a hand­cuffed man into a choke­hold and wrestling the man into a ditch in McComb, Mississippi.

Despite this evi­dence, this scum­bag was found not to have bro­ken any rules by his equal scum­bag col­leagues. The sub­ject is in handcuffs. 

The Mississippi Department of Public Safety said Friday that its inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion found no crim­i­nal con­duct by a white Highway Patrol troop­er who used phys­i­cal force against a hand­cuffed Black man dur­ing an arrest — a con­fronta­tion caught on video by rel­a­tives of the man being arrest­ed. An inves­ti­ga­tion start­ed after the rel­a­tives’ video of the Aug. 5 inci­dent went viral. The footage showed the troop­er putting a hand­cuffed man into a choke­hold and wrestling him into a grassy ditch in a rur­al area near the south Mississippi city of McComb.

The depart­ment and inves­ti­ga­tors from two of its divi­sions, the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation, said they com­plet­ed all nec­es­sary inquiries. “A review of this inci­dent by MBI agents and com­mand staff pro­duced no evi­dence of crim­i­nal con­duct by the troop­er through­out the encounter,” Lt. Col. Charles Haynes, direc­tor of the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation, said in a news release. The Department of Public Safety released near­ly 40 min­utes of video and audio. It includ­ed video shot by cam­eras in the trooper’s patrol car, audio cap­tured by the troop­er and video shot by broth­ers of the first man arrest­ed. Although some of the patrol car footage was silent, the depart­ment said it had syn­chro­nized the video and the audio clips.

Part of the footage shows Eugene Lewis stand­ing in the road in hand­cuffs as his broth­er Gary, who also goes by the name “Packer” Lewis, and anoth­er broth­er, Derrius Lewis, yelled that they were record­ing the inci­dent. Suddenly, the troop­er grabbed Eugene Lewis by the neck and pulled him across the road, tack­ling him to the ground. At one point, the troop­er appeared to use his knee to pin him down. 
Investigators iden­ti­fied the troop­er as Hayden Falvey. In the com­bined video and audio, Lewis can be heard telling Falvey, “I can’t breathe,” to which the troop­er respond­ed, “You’re run­ning your mouth. You can breathe.” According to the news release, Falveypulled over Lewis for speed­ing and oth­er traf­fic vio­la­tions. It also said Falveyalleged he smelled burnt mar­i­jua­na from the vehi­cle, and Lewis’ eyes were blood­shot and glassy. In patrol car dash­board cam­era footage and audio released Friday, Falveycan be heard say­ing to Eugene Lewis: “Did you smoke some weed recent­ly?” Lewis replied that he had done so about 40 or 50 min­utes ear­li­er. “OK,” Falvey said as he pat­ted down Lewis. “Not a big deal.” Falvey put hand­cuffs on Lewis, say­ing it was a pre­cau­tion as he searched Lewis’ SUV. The troop­er said Lewis was not under arrest at that point and asked Lewis sev­er­al ques­tions about whether he had ever been arrest­ed and whether any mar­i­jua­na or oth­er drugs were in the vehi­cle. Lewis said he had pre­vi­ous­ly been arrest­ed for sell­ing cocaine.