Minnesota Gov. Shows Himself As A Flaming Hypocrite

Mark Dayton
Mark Dayton

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton is pub­licly urg­ing the Minnesota Vikings to sus­pend embat­tled run­ning back Adrian Peterson until his ongo­ing child abuse alle­ga­tions have been set­tled. Peterson was rein­stat­ed Monday just hours before alle­ga­tions of a sec­ond inci­dent with anoth­er one of his four-year-old sons came to light. “It is an awful sit­u­a­tion,” Dayton said in a writ­ten state­ment issued from his office in St. Paul.

Yes, Mr. Peterson is enti­tled to due process and should be ‘inno­cent until proven guilty.’ However, he is a pub­lic fig­ure; and his actions, as described, are a pub­lic embar­rass­ment to the Vikings orga­ni­za­tion and the State of Minnesota. Whipping a child to the extent of vis­i­ble wounds, as has been alleged, should not be tol­er­at­ed in our state. Therefore, I believe the team should sus­pend Mr. Peterson, until the accu­sa­tions of child abuse have been resolved by the crim­i­nal jus­tice system.” 

Read more: http://​www​.upi​.com/​S​p​o​r​t​s​_​N​e​w​s​/​2​0​1​4​/​0​9​/​1​6​/​M​i​n​n​e​s​o​t​a​-​G​o​v​-​M​a​r​k​-​D​a​y​t​o​n​-​c​a​l​l​s​-​o​n​-​V​i​k​i​n​g​s​-​t​o​-​s​u​s​p​e​n​d​-​A​d​r​i​a​n​-​P​e​t​e​r​s​o​n​-​i​n​d​e​f​i​n​i​t​e​l​y​/​5​3​6​1​4​1​0​8​8​8​3​98/

What a flam­ing hyp­ocrite, sure Adrian Peterson’s right to due process must be sus­pend­ed to ensure that the Vikings Organization and the State of Minnesota be saved embar­rass­ment. Never mind that Peterson has not yet got­ten his day in court.

Where does Politicians get off telling pri­vate com­pa­nies how to run their busi­ness­es any­way? Here’s a word of advise to the good­ly Governor, take your script­ed state­ment back . Re-word it then re-write it . Here’s what you should say ““Yes, Mr. Peterson is enti­tled to due process and should be ‘inno­cent until proven guilty.‘Signed: Mark Dayton.

You see Governor, after that line every­thing you said revealed you to be a med­dling hypocrite.

Governor here is what you should hang your damn head about .This is what’s shame­ful , please remove the hood from your face for a minute and look at what your KKK mem­bers dressed as cops are doing while you med­dle in what does not con­cern you .

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Oh by the way this hap­pened on your watch. So there are no excus­es. You see Governor Dayton the high­er you climb is the more you expose your­self. Look at the abu­sive KKK mem­bers you have on your pay­roll and leave the courts to do it’s job. You are not a King.…

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By the way there are a lot more of these offi­cial abuse by your Thugs. Do your job and leave oth­ers to do theirs.

You hyp­ocrite .….

UPDATE :::::

Since we went to pub­li­ca­tion the Minnesota Vikings have bowed to the pres­sure and once again benched Adrian Peterson for a sec­ond straight Game even though , like we said before, he has not had due process. 

The take-away from this, is just how pow­er­ful the Governor’s pres­sure is. Yet these bas­tards nev­er have a kind word for vic­tims of police abuse. Neither do they ever want to stand up and demand that the thugs on the State’s pay­roll respect the rights of every­one young or old , black or white.


Reggie Bush
Reggie Bush

I most def­i­nite­ly dis­ci­pline my daugh­ter. I have a 1‑year-old daugh­ter and I dis­ci­pline her,” Bush said on WFAN’s “Boomer & Carton” show, via CBS New York. “Obviously every per­son is dif­fer­ent. And I def­i­nite­ly will use my best judg­ment to dis­ci­pline her, depend­ing on the sit­u­a­tion on what hap­pens. I def­i­nite­ly will try to … obvi­ous­ly not leave bruis­es or any­thing like that on her. But I def­i­nite­ly will dis­ci­pline her harsh­ly depend­ing on, again what the sit­u­a­tion is.”


Charles Barkley
Charles Barkley

In a con­ver­sa­tion with Jim Rome for CBS sports.

I’m from the South. Whipping is … we do that all the time,” the for­mer bas­ket­ball star, who was born and raised in Leeds, Alabama, said. “Every black par­ent in the South is gonna be in jail under those cir­cum­stances. I think we have to be care­ful let­ting peo­ple dic­tate how they treat their chil­dren.” When Rome con­tend­ed that it does­n’t mat­ter where some­one is from because “right is right and wrong is wrong,” Barkley dis­agreed. “I don’t believe that because, lis­ten, we spank kids in the South,” he said. “I think the ques­tion about did Adrian Peterson go over­board. … But, lis­ten, Jim, we all grow up in dif­fer­ent envi­ron­ments. Every black par­ent in my neigh­bor­hood in the South would be in trou­ble or in jail under those cir­cum­stances. … As far as being from the South, we all spanked our kids. I got spanked, me and my two brothers.”


Chris Carter
Cris Carter

This goes across all racial lines, eth­nic­i­ties, reli­gious back­grounds. People in dis­ci­plin­ing their chil­dren. People with any sort of Christian back­ground, they real­ly believe in dis­ci­plin­ing their chil­dren,” Carter began. “My mom did the best job she could do rais­ing sev­en kids by her­self. But there are thou­sands of things that I have learned since then that my mom was wrong. This is the 21st cen­tu­ry. My mom was wrong. She did the best she could, but she was wrong about some of that stuff she taught me. And I promised my kids that I won’t teach that mess to them. You can’t beat a kid to make him do what you want to do.”

Hmmmm. Eagles coach Buddy Ryan in 1989 cut Cris Carter fol­low­ing the pre-sea­son. Carter lat­er admit­ted that Ryan released him because of alco­hol and drug abuse, includ­ing large amounts of ecsta­sy, cocaine and mar­i­jua­na, and cred­its his for­mer coach with help­ing him turn his life around as a result. 

This Pharisee was allowed back into the NFL to play and is now in the Hall of Fame now here he is stand­ing in Judgement of oth­ers. Let those with­out sin cast the first stone.