Minister Farrakhan Blast Racist Giuliani And The Demonic Right Wing…

What we do not hear in black church­es is a fac­tu­al rev­e­la­tion of the true his­to­ry of this coun­try we now come to know as America.
What we do not hear is a run­ning his­tor­i­cal com­men­tary which tells the true sto­ry of this country.
That the lying Christopher Columbus and the white suprema­cist nar­ra­tive which evolved from his exploita­tive for­ay into this sec­tion of the Globe was one of lies and deception.
What black pas­tors do not preach is that when this demon land­ed here he saw black man and brown man liv­ing here in peace., side by side.

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You can­not preach it if you do not know it .
Farrakhan knows it , that’s why unabashed­ly and unafraid he tells it.
That is why they hate him.

We can allow our past to be told by our oppres­sors which in turn dic­tate our future , essen­tial­ly acqui­esc­ing to (his-sto­ry).
Or we may edu­cate our­selves about our his­to­ry, and decide our own future.

The American black is cow­ard­ly and feckless . 
His strength is used for bring­ing harm to his sis­ters and brothers.
When it’s time to stand with those who look out for his inter­est he is large­ly absent.
How can you be a racist if you talk about the pogrom, arguably the worst human atroc­i­ty ever to be vis­it­ed on a race of peo­ple by anoth­er race?
Why would you allow your­self to be cowed , or con­trolled by the sons and daugh­ters of those who raped and mur­dered your fore-parents?
People who stand by as their police slaugh­ter your children.
People who go into vot­ing booths and elect reac­tionar­ies who are ded­i­cat­ed to your demise.

Minister Farrakhan
Minister Farrakhan

If the life you live is for your­self it is a wast­ed life.
It is even worse if the life you live is one based on enter­tain­ment and las­civ­i­ous vices, a life which is out of touch with hap­pen­ings around you.
If you do not decide , oth­ers will decide for you.
There are no short­age of self hat­ing blacks who are quite con­tent to be sec­ond class cit­i­zens despite lofty perch­es in American society .
Their perch­es range from the Supreme Court, to the halls of Congress , from Hospital emer­gency rooms to police departments. 
Prized Negros have con­sumed the drug of grad­u­al­ism Dr King spoke about. The drug Malcolm had no patience for.
Go along to get along is a pre­scrip­tion for con­tin­ued sec­ond-class citizenship.
Black peo­ple must rise up and take respon­si­bil­i­ty for their coun­try, this coun­try they call America. 
This coun­try the European American claim as the coun­try their fore-par­ents built.
With no men­tion or appre­ci­a­tion for the blood, sweat and agony of our fore-par­ents, mil­lions of who died so this coun­try could take on life.


Why do you care what your ene­my think about you?
Any non-black opposed to your right to dig­ni­ty, respect and full cit­i­zen­ship is an enemy. 
Therefore he does not count , his opin­ion does not matter.
Why do you sit idly and uni­formed while he sends his chil­dren to good schools.
His chil­dren are not harassed and killed by police.
His is white privilege.
He has priv­i­lege because you don’t, that’s why it’s called privilege.
[Privilege] “a spe­cial right, advan­tage, or immu­ni­ty grant­ed or avail­able only to a par­tic­u­lar per­son or group of people”.
If your white friend do not want you to have it , con­sid­er your choice of friends or your under­stand­ing of friendship.
Throughout the sojourn of this exper­i­ment good peo­ple, black and white have strug­gled and died because of their desire to see all peo­ple live in peace and with dignity.
Not all white peo­ple are ene­mies of our race, of our people.
Let us embrace those who share in our struggle,those who stand with us, even as we con­front those who would do us harm.