Mike Tyson Filmed Punching Man In Face Multiple Times (video)

A video of an inci­dent on a plane on Wednesday appears to show Mike Tyson repeat­ed­ly punch­ing a fel­low pas­sen­ger after he wouldn’t leave the boxer/​actor/​podcaster alone.

TMZ reports that the moment went down on a flight that was sched­uled to fly from San Francisco to Florida. A wit­ness said the pas­sen­ger was over­ly excit­ed upon dis­cov­er­ing he was sit­ting behind Tyson, and he secured a self­ie with him. But as the pas­sen­ger con­tin­ued to try to talk to Tyson, he appar­ent­ly annoyed him enough to be told to relax.

The retired box­er alleged­ly then turned around to punch the man in the face mul­ti­ple times, as seen in the footage on TMZ. Shortly after hit­ting the guy, Tyson walked off the plane. The vic­tim, who could be seen with a blood­ied face, received med­ical atten­tion and has since con­tact­ed the police, although there’s no word on whether an inves­ti­ga­tion has been launched.

The video comes less than a month after Tyson was filmed keep­ing his cool when a man chal­lenged him to a fight and pulled out a gun. That clip was tak­en at a com­e­dy show and shows Tyson sit­ting still while the man appeared to get more and more ani­mat­ed, which prompt­ed the host of the event to tell the man to back off. That’s when a gun was drawn and cocked, send­ing atten­dees into a brief pan­ic. Tyson, how­ev­er, sat there in silence as the man put the gun away.

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