Michigan Woman Describes ‘unimaginable’ Pain After Losing Entire Family To COVID-19

Sandy Brown lost both her hus­band of 35 years and only child to bat­tles with coro­n­avirus just days apart
By Matthew Allen — April 11, 2020

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Freddie Brown III, mid­dle, pos­es for a pic­ture with his father Freddie Brown, Jr., left, and moth­er Sandy Brown, right. (via Facebook)

While coro­n­avirus has brought tragedy to many American house­holds, the virus has an insur­mount­able toll on one Michigan woman after the dis­ease claimed her entire fam­i­ly. Sandy Brown, a res­i­dent of a Flint sub­urb, lost her hus­band, Freddie Lee Brown, Jr., and their only son, Freddie Brown III, to COVID-19 just days apart from one anoth­er, accord­ing to The Detroit News.

The elder Freddie was 59 years old when he suc­cumbed to coro­n­avirus com­pli­ca­tions on March 26. The younger Freddie was only 20 when he passed away on March 29.
“There’s not even a word cre­at­ed to describe my pain. It’s unimag­in­able,” Sandy Brown told the news­pa­per. The father and son both had under­ly­ing con­di­tions that made them vul­ner­a­ble to the virus. The senior Freddie, whose lungs col­lapsed pri­or to his death, had a kid­ney trans­plant in 2012. The younger Freddie had asth­ma. The cou­ple had been mar­ried for 35 years. Freddie Brown, Jr., was a church elder of the Church of God and Christ and retired pro­duce clerk at a gro­cery store. Freddie Brown III was attend­ing Mott Community College and had plans to walk on the Michigan State University foot­ball team.