Michigan Police Officer Detains Man For ‘Making People Nervous’ By Walking With Hands In Pockets In Near Freezing Cold

A video of a man being detained by a Michigan police offi­cer on Thanksgiving Day because he was “mak­ing peo­ple ner­vous” by walk­ing with his hands in his pock­et in near freez­ing tem­per­a­ture has gone viral and stoked afresh pas­sions over racial profiling.

Brandon McKean, the man who was detained not­ed in the video which he post­ed to his Facebook page on Thanksgiving Day, said he record­ed the inci­dent for his pro­tec­tion. It has since been viewed on Facebook more than 3 mil­lion times and shared more than 80,000 times. The Pontiac Tribune report­ed that the inci­dent occurred around 4:30 p.m. in Pontiac while McKean was walk­ing on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Michigan Avenue. The tem­per­a­ture had reached a high of 33 degrees Fahrenheit that day — just one degree shy of the freez­ing point of water. The video, which is just over a minute, begins with the offi­cer telling McKean that he was mak­ing peo­ple ner­vous, and he asks the offi­cer “why?”

And this is how the rest of it went:

YouTube player

You were walk­ing by,” the offi­cer responds.
“Walking by and doing what?” asks McKean.
“Well, you were mak­ing peo­ple nervous.”
“By walk­ing by?”
“Yeah, they said you had your hands in your pockets.”
“Wow. Walking by with your hands in your pock­ets makes peo­ple ner­vous to call the police when it’s snow­ing outside?”
“It is,” respond­ed the offi­cer non­cha­lant­ly before ask­ing McKean “so, are you OK?”
“I’m fine, how about you?” McKean replied.
“What are you up to today?” asked the officer.
“Walking. With my hands in my pock­et, walking.”
“Is it an incon­ve­nience to talk to me right now?”

Hell yeah, just because of the whole police sit­u­a­tion going on across the coun­try. This is out­ra­geous that you would let some­body tell you, ‘Oh there’s some­body walk­ing down the street with their hands in their pock­ets. There’s 10,000 peo­ple in Pontiac right now with their hands in their pock­ets …” not­ed an irri­tat­ed McKean.

You’re right, but we do have a lot of rob­beries, so I’m just check­ing on you,” replied the officer.

The encounter end­ed with the offi­cer offer­ing the miffed McKean a high five who then shared the record­ed inci­dent with the world. http://​www​.chris​tian​post​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​m​i​c​h​i​g​a​n​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​o​f​f​i​c​e​r​-​d​e​t​a​i​n​s​-​m​a​n​-​f​o​r​-​m​a​k​i​n​g​-​p​e​o​p​l​e​-​n​e​r​v​o​u​s​-​b​y​-​w​a​l​k​i​n​g​-​w​i​t​h​-​h​a​n​d​s​-​i​n​-​p​o​c​k​e​t​s​-​i​n​-​n​e​a​r​-​f​r​e​e​z​i​n​g​-​c​o​l​d​-​1​3​0​5​05/


Once again here is a sit­u­a­tion which could have careened out of con­trol real fast with dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for this man, or the officer.
I con­grat­u­late this young man on the way he stood his ground, did not abuse the officer>
I con­grat­u­late the offi­cer on the way he han­dled it to a point , by pulling out a cam­era phone to record the encounter. 
Even though he could have done a far bet­ter job of explain­ing why he had to approach the man who clear­ly was doing noth­ing wrong. 
The man lat­er com­ment­ed on his social media page that he was stopped for walk­ing with his hands in his pockets,ending with police state.
Which leads us to ven­ture that the Police state cre­at­ed by GW Bush is hav­ing dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for Americans, the Patriot Act, and oth­er laws designed sup­pos­ed­ly to pro­tect America , are mak­ing a mock­ery of the American Democracy. Rememberif you see some­thing say some­thing”?
What the hell is some­thing in this context?
Issome­thingas grey as a black man walk­ing with his hands in his pock­ets in near freez­ing temperature?
I am begin­ning to con­clude that there are racial ele­ments which are direct­ly stir­ring up and foment­ing racial hatred. I believe there are peo­ple out there who are direct­ly using the police to tar­get black people.
The police for it’s part is not above using ille­gal tac­tics to sub­vert the process. Just recent­ly they had cops in plain­clothes throw­ing stones at police from the back of a peace­ful Ferguson crowd of demonstrators.

What the hell is mak­ing peo­ple ner­vous? If you are ner­vous of peo­ple in pub­lic spaces with their hands in their pock­ets, then you need to stay in your home.
Some of this is being stirred up by talk radio and more effec­tive­ly FOX’s Fascist-Xenophobic rhetoric has done a lot to stir up racial angst across the country.
What are the chances the same caller/​callers would have called the police and report­ed that a white man was walk­ing along with his hands in his pockets?
We have a very big problem !