Michelle Obama’s Lack Of Head Dress Evoked Criticism From Trump: For His Women’s Lack Of The Same, It’s Okay..

Among the many items in the news regard­ing the Trump admin­is­tra­tion is the lit­tle issue of his hypocrisy as it relates to his hatred for for­mer President Obama and his wife Michelle .
According to CNN ‚President Barack Obama and the first lady vis­it­ed Saudi Arabia in 2015 to pay respects to the late King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and meet the new­ly appoint­ed monarch, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
At the time first lady Michelle Obama attend­ed with­out wear­ing a head­scarf, draw­ing notice from some quar­ters back in the United States.

Of course every­thing the Obamas did were parsed and crit­i­cized by the racist dem­a­gogues who believed that though Barack Obama won the white house twice, he was not a real President and had no right to the office.

Mrs Obama’s deci­sion not to wear a head­scarf was a major heart burn for the dem­a­gog­ic right.
What they nev­er both­ered to learn is that there are no laws or rules which dic­tate that for­eign women vis­it­ing the Kingdom must to wear head gear.
Not that-that knowl­edge would have informed or influ­enced their stupidity.
Saudi women are required to wear head scarves in public.

Chief dem­a­gogue Donald Trump ‚nev­er miss­ing an attempt to show his hatred for the Obamas ‚and in an attempt to lever­age what­ev­er trac­tion he could from the igno­rant racist right, chimed in on twit­ter , Quote:

Many peo­ple are say­ing it was won­der­ful that Mrs. Obama refused to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia, but they were insult­ed. We have enuf enemies.

Melania and Ivanka Trump with­out head scarves in Saudi Arabia

May 19th 2017 Donald Trump is in the white house and head­ing to Saudi Arabia , with his wife Melania and dau­ther Ivanka Trump-Kushner .
Neither Trump’s wife nor daugh­ter wore headscarves!
Neither Trump nor the igno­rant right find it problematic!

According to CNN when asked why the Trumps went with­out head scarves, the White House respond­ed that they were not required to wear them.

The right wing crack pot media is duplic­i­tous in it’s silence as well .
No one has a prob­lem with the Trump women not wear­ing head scarves, (not that any­one should), but nei­ther does the hate machine right wing media have any­thing to say about the hypocrisy.

It’s just one more instance of the ran­cid racism which the Obamas faced from the polit­i­cal right, yet the very same peo­ple are silent in the face of mount­ing evi­dence of law­less­ness and maybe worse as the Russian Investigation begins to take shape.

There is no rea­son­ing with hatred . There is no edu­cat­ing will­ful igno­rance born out of racial ani­mus , yet it is impor­tant that as black peo­ple we doc­u­ment these acts for posterity .
They will be use­ful for his­tor­i­cal correctness.
We should nev­er neglect to record these events.