Michael Vick To Remain As NFL Pro Bowl Captain Despite Petitions To Have Him Removed


The hypocrisy in the peo­ple who vot­ed to remove Michael Vick would be nau­se­at­ing on its own even with­out their sense of enti­tle­ment and deter­mi­na­tion to play unfor­giv­ing venge­ful lit­tle Gods.
There is no need to lay out what Michael Vick was arrest­ed, charged, pros­e­cut­ed and did his time for. 

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Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are pro­lif­ic big-game hunters and dur­ing the 2016 cam­paign, images re-emerged of the pair on a 2011 hunt­ing trip pos­ing with ani­mals they had killed on safari, includ­ing an ele­phant, a buf­fa­lo, and a leopard. 

The arti­cle below does that very well, suf­fic­ing to say that Micahel Vick paid a ter­ri­ble price for some­thing which has been done in the geog­ra­phy in which he grew up with­out any con­se­quence for gen­er­a­tions. People have always engaged in the sport of dog and cock-fighting.

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Simply put Micahel Vick was pros­e­cut­ed for a crime that was as cul­tur­al as mak­ing moon­shine. That is not to say that the ghast­ly prac­tice is not rep­re­hen­si­ble and should be stamped out.
At the same time, the rear­ing and fight­ing of oth­er ani­mals and birds for the sole pur­pose of human plea­sure per­sists to this today.
What both­ers me is the sense of enti­tle­ment cer­tain peo­ple seem to have over the lives of God’s crea­tures and even over the lives of oth­er human beings.
They feel priv­i­leged and enti­tled to do as they please, to kill any amount of ani­mals for sport, or for what­ev­er rea­son they dream up, but any­one else who does any­thing remote­ly close to what they do, has to be severe­ly pun­ished, and for­ev­er wear a scar­let let­ter for their transgression.

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There are pun­ish­ments for com­mit­ting crimes, pun­ish­ment is the con­se­quence of actions.
After an offend­er suf­fers the con­se­quence for offend­ing there is absolute­ly no good rea­son to keep pil­ing on pun­ish­ment which was not a part of the legal­ly con­sti­tut­ed court order.
If the lit­tle earth Gods were to have their way in the con­tin­ued pun­ish­ment of Michael Vick there would be no need for courts, kan­ga­roo courts of racist ide­o­logues would sim­ply mete out pun­ish­ment to those they do not like into perpetuity. 

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While they wor­ry about a man who paid his debt count­less more egre­gious acts are being com­mit­ted to which they close their eyes.
I no longer watch the NFL after it allowed a racist mega­lo­ma­ni­ac and a nar­cis­sist to dic­tate how it should treat its employ­ees. Nevertheless, Commissioner Roger Goodell is cor­rect. No change!


By Blue Telusma

Michael Vick thegrio.com
Former quar­ter­back Michael Vick is fac­ing oppo­si­tion to his rumored par­tic­i­pa­tion in the 2020 NFL Pro Bowl Game. (Photo by Bob Levey/​Getty Images)

Former NFL quar­ter­back Michael Vick will remain an hon­orary cap­tain at the NFL Pro Bowl next month, despite a very con­cen­trat­ed effort to keep that from happening.

According to CNN, last week, NFL com­mis­sion­er Roger Goodell con­firmed the deci­sion despite the over half a mil­lion sig­na­tures col­lect­ed by a Change​.org peti­tion signed by more than 500,000 to bar him from serv­ing as a cap­tain, an hon­or that would allow him to men­tor play­ers and coach from the sidelines.

In 2007 the Vick, who was then quar­ter­back for the Atlanta Falcons, was hit with felony charges for run­ning a dog­fight­ing ring, sub­se­quent­ly spend­ing 18 months in fed­er­al prison and being sus­pend­ed from the NFL. He was sus­pend­ed from the league indef­i­nite­ly until he was picked up by the Philadelphia Eagles in 2009, becom­ing start­ing quar­ter­back with a six-year $100 mil­lion con­tract. He retired in 2017 after mov­ing to the New York Jets and final­ly the Pittsburgh Steelers.

But Goodell not­ed that Vick has turned his life around in the decade since his con­vic­tion and deserves a sec­ond chance.

Over the last, what is it, nine years or so, we have sup­port­ed Michael in his recog­ni­tion of the mis­take he made,” he said at a press con­fer­ence. “He’s paid a heavy price for that. He’s been account­able for it.”

The com­mis­sion­er also point­ed out how the play­er turned Fox Sports ana­lyst has become an ani­mal rights advo­cate since his release from prison and in 2015, even met with Pennsylvania law­mak­ers to cham­pi­on a bill that gives police offi­cers the right to break into cars to free dogs and cats.

The Washington Post also reports that a year pri­or, he also sup­port­ed a bill lat­er signed into law that made it ille­gal to attend an orga­nized ani­mal fight.

I know there are peo­ple out there who will nev­er for­give him,” Goodell con­ced­ed. “He knows that. But I think this is a young man who’s real­ly tak­en his life in a pos­i­tive direc­tion, and we sup­port that, so I don’t antic­i­pate any change, no.”