Merrick Garland Issues Statement, Trump Was Issued Subpoenaed Months Ago To Turn Over Documents…

I don’t believe that despite their flaws and imper­fec­tions, the Department Of Justice(DOJ) and even a Federal Judge would all autho­rize the search of the home of a for­mer President of The United States.
Now, I do not see what the ker­fuf­fle is all about. The for­mer pres­i­dent is not a title; a for­mer pres­i­dent is an aver­age cit­i­zen. Even if the char­ac­ter­i­za­tion ‘for­mer pres­i­dent’ was a title, it should not exclude the hold­er from being treat­ed like any oth­er citizen.
I do not under­stand the notion that a can­di­date run­ning for pres­i­dent should not be inves­ti­gat­ed or indict­ed, a sit­ting pres­i­dent should not be inves­ti­gat­ed or indict­ed, and a for­mer pres­i­dent should not be inves­ti­gat­ed or indictment.
If those things are true, then any crim­i­nal intend­ing to avoid pros­e­cu­tion need only announce a run for the pres­i­den­cy, and they are imme­di­ate­ly shield­ed from accountability.

Pictured above, left to right Donald Trump and his two clowns. Donald Trump degrad­ed and ridiculed the two Hispanic stooges, yet the two are among Trump’s most ardent bootlick­ers. Working over­time to be accept­ed as white men.

These clowns must know that Trump has a copy of the war­rant, yet they placed them­selves out there act­ing like total Jackasses to please Trump. If a Federal judge unseals the war­rant, every­one will know exact­ly what Donald Trump already knows.

The idea of the United States as a free and inde­pen­dent nation was premised on the idea that free peo­ple did not want to answer to an oppres­sive British monarch. The War of Independence was fought because free men decid­ed enough was enough from a tyrant, King George, and would not capit­u­late to tyranny.
How then does the Republican Party explain its embrace of a man who is the equiv­a­lent of a tyran­ni­cal, cor­rupt mod­ern-day King who believes he has the right to rule by decree and not be sub­ject­ed to the rule of law?
I ask this of the Republicans who are express­ing dis­gust and out­rage. Those who are ask­ing ques­tions and demand­ing the DOJ step for­ward, those who are threat­en­ing.…. speak­ing of Kevin McCarthy, who has­n’t even won a major­i­ty in con­gress yet. And those like the peren­ni­al bootlick­ing morons like Marco Rubio and Raphael Cruz, the two Cubans who are des­per­ate to be accept­ed into the American con­struct of whiteness.
Marco Rubio, Raphael Cruz, and oth­ers absolute­ly love to invoke the term ‘banana repub­lic to describe poor devel­op­ing nations. Here is the thing to these two min­strels of the total clown, the def­i­n­i­tion of a banana republic.
Derogatory: A polit­i­cal­ly unsta­ble coun­try with an econ­o­my dom­i­nat­ed by for­eign inter­est, usu­al­ly depen­dent on one export, such as bananas.
Hmmm, I don’t know, Eses, two out of three ain’t that bad; care­ful what you wish for.

Imme­di­ate­ly after the January 6th, 2021, Insurrection by Donald Trump’s white suprema­cist army, this clown declared Trump was total­ly respon­si­ble. Two days lat­er, he was sum­moned to Mara Lago. He has been singing a dif­fer­ent tune since. These are the peo­ple threat­en­ing the DOJ and the Attorney General. That is the essence of a banana repub­lic. He has­n’t even won the Speaker’s gav­el, but Kevin McCarthy is threat­en­ing to use the pow­er of the Government for his own per­son­al vendet­ta. How could any­one trust these morons with power?

The right-wing anti-democ­ra­cy Republican cult fol­low­ing of Donald Trump all know quite well that the actions of the DOJ and FBI are above board and by the book.
They also know that their sup­port­ers are low-infor­ma­tion, FOX-indoc­tri­nat­ed fools, and so the howls of con­dem­na­tion of the legit­i­mate actions of the DOJ are designed not just for an audi­ence of one, Donald Trump, but aimed at those idi­ot­ic low-infor­ma­tion vot­ers who vote their pink skins.
In an unprece­dent­ed response to the blow­back from the law­less repub­li­cans, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a state­ment on Thursday.

  • Attorney General Merrick Garland said The Justice Department asked a judge to unseal a search war­rant used by the FBI to raid the Florida home of for­mer President Donald Trump three days earlier.
  • I per­son­al­ly approved the deci­sion to seek a search war­rant in this mat­ter,” Garland said.
    Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department asked a fed­er­al judge Thursday to unseal a search war­rant that FBI agents used to raid the Florida home of for­mer President Donald Trump three days ear­li­er. 
    The Trump war­rant, which his lawyers already have, will include an affi­davit detail­ing to the judge who signed the war­rant the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the search of his home at the Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach.It also will include details about what crime or crimes fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cials sus­pect were com­mit­ted and have a list of items seized in Monday’s raid.

    The depart­ment does not take such a deci­sion light­ly,” The Attorney General said. “Where pos­si­ble, it is stan­dard prac­tice to seek less intru­sive means as an alter­na­tive to a search and to nar­row­ly scope any search that is undertaken.”

    Garland also con­demned what he called “recent unfound­ed attacks on the pro­fes­sion­al­ism of the FBI and Justice Department agents and pros­e­cu­tors” in con­nec­tion with the search and relat­ed investigation.

    I will not stand by silent­ly when their integri­ty is unfair­ly attacked,



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.